•Chapter 2.4•

- Water Fight -

The waves rushed onto the beach as the family group walked onto the private beach and got ready for the day. Gabriella and Quinn were setting the towels and giggling how Sirius was trying to hit on Alex. Only he got a kick where the sun doesn't shine while she told him off.

"Poor Alex..." Gabriella said while Sirius was walking towards them.

He stopped and glared at her. "Poor Alex! What about me?" He asked while Gabriella laughed in his face.

"Sirius you deserved it." She said causing her to be lifted in the air and hanging upside down. "NO! DON'T YOU DARE BLACK!" She screamed as Sirius was dragging her to the water.

He grinned like a mad man when she was struggling, but she couldn't move. "Oh come on Gabby. I think you just need a dip." He said sweetly and she pounded her fists into his back, which didn't do anything.

When her body collided with the water she froze at how cold it was and Sirius was laughing like a maniac. "That was priceless." He said while sipping an imaginary tear.

She got up from the water and started shivering. "T-that's it Black. Y-y-you're dead!" She screeched and started chasing him while James and Lily were watching them.

James was trying really hard not to stare too long at Gabriella in her swimsuit, but his boyish mind couldn't help it. "They're so gonna kill each other one day."  Lily muttered causing James to snap his eyes over at her.

He gulped and nods his head. "Yeah. Um... Lily?" He asked while rubbing his neck.

Lily looked over him and smiled. "You can date Gabby." She said simply and started heading over to the game of Volleyball.

James' eyebrows furrowed trying to process her words. "W-wait? What!" He yelled while Lily looked over at him and laughed.

"I can tell James. Now I'm breaking up with you to be with her. But, if you break her heart I will end you." She threatened and glared at him before going all sweet and innocent again scaring James slightly.

"O-ok-okay." He mumbled while watching her as she rolled her eyes with a playful smile.

"Go!" She encouraged him and he jumped up and headed over to the water while Gabriella was drowning Sirius as she tackled him to the water.

Lily smiled sweetly. "Young love."


Gabriella's POV

I let Sirius breathe in a breath of air as I splashed the salt water in his face. "You're an arse you know that!" I yelled as he just splashed water on me.

"Same to you Rodgers!" I growled and got out of the water feeling cold and wet as I sat next to Quinn who was reading a book about Mythical Creatures and Where to Find Them.

I sat down and let my body soak up the sun to warm up. "You know he just like to mess with you because you're like a sister to him right?" She said not taking her eyes off the book.

I grumbled under my breath. "I don't care. He can suck Alex's arse and leave me alone." I muttered while she laughed at that. My eyes wondered over to Remus as he was watching me and Quinn, but mostly Quinn as a Volleyball came to his head.

I chuckled while Quinn looked over at me. "What?" She asked and I pointed at Remus.

"Just your boyfriend staring at you." I said while she blushed.

"Shut up Chris." She muttered and I laughed.

"I love Chris already." I said and James came up to us.

"Who's Chris?" He asked while looking around. I rolled my eyes.

"Imaginary friend." I stated while he stared at me weirdly.

"Okay then." He dragged out and sat down next to us.

"I was wondering if you want to go swimming?" He asked while I looked at the water with Sirius and Alex in it, as Alex was laughing at something he said.

I smiled and looked up at his blue eyes. "Sure, but I'm gonna beat you to it!" I yelled as I sprinted into the water as James sighed.

"Not fair!" He yelled and I laughed.

"I don't care. As long as I win it is fair." I said causing him to splash the water in my face while I glared at him.

"I'll drown you." I threatened and he started backing up.

"It was just a joke Gab." That caused me to smirk.

"Okay. Then this is also a joke." I said as I grabbed a handful of wet sand and threw it at him causing him to shriek.

"Ew! It's slimy!" He squealed as I laughed so hard I fell in the water.

He glared at me and grinned. "You're not going to get away easily Rodgers."


The day was ending as we sat along the campfire with some people holding marshmallows over the fire with a stick and talking amongst each other.

Sirius was talking to Alex about his pure blood family and the horrors of it while Alex could agree with him and how they treat her for being a Hufflepuff.

Quinn was leaning against Remus who was slightly flustered, but told her about him wanting to be a teacher.

And Lily was asking Peter how his Chocolate Frog collection was going.

I was with James while looking over him and Lily. "So what's up with you and Lily?" I asked sadly hoping nothing is wrong.

He shrugged. "She broke up with me." My eyes widened.

"She, broke up with, you?" I asked as I pointed with my finger.

He chuckled and put my finger down. "Yes. But I'm okay with it. It felt right." He said quietly and I saw Lily get up and she smiled.

"I'm going to get dressed in something warmer okay?" She said while I nodded and got closer to the fire.

"I might do the same." I mumbled and then I heard an ear splitting scream causing me to jump.



Sorry for ending in a cliff hanger, but I had to! Please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow. Thanks so much!❤️❤️❤️

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