•Chapter 0.1•

- Magical Wand -

People running, screaming, and chattering away down the walk ways of Diagon Alley while Gabriella and her parents were trying to find what she needed for school. Well, wizarding school for that matter.

"Gabby! Please- please slow down!" Her mother, Vanessa, protested while trying to find the Book store. Her father, Michael, was just as jittery and excited as Gabriella running around with her.

"Michael you're not helping..." The stressed mother muttered while looking around the busy area. She sighed and went over to ask for help while the rest of her family were giggling and talking about getting a wand.

Michael laughed loudly as his daughter made a funny face eating what he called Berty and Botts every flavored bean. Gabriella spit it out on her hand and gagged. "That tasted like soap." She gagged out trying to get the chunks out of her teeth.

Her father just laughed in her face while shedding a tear and wiping it. "Well, that's why I always stick with the red ones." He laughed out and stuck a red jelly bean in his mouth.

He then chocked and spat it on the side walk while coughing. "Hot pepper." He breathed out while Gabriella laughed.

Soon her mother came around towards her and glared at them teasingly. "Well, while you two just eat candy, I got you some books." She said in a proud tone and placed the heavy books in Gabriella's hands.

She groaned in annoyance. "These are super heavy." She breathed out and looked over at her father for help.

Michael chuckled and carried half of them for her. "Why don't you go and get your wand sweetheart? Your mom and I are going to get the rest of your school supplies." He said while wrapping his arm around his wife's waist and kissing the top of her head.

Gabriella's eyes was full of wonder as she looked around the area for the Wand shop. "Where is it?" She asked while looking around.

"It's called Ollivander's, just go straight and it's an old shop, collecting dust probably." Vanessa elbowed his ribs causing him to wince in pain.

"Michael, stop..." She hissed. "Gab, just go and have fun alright." She wrapped her arms around her tiny daughter and smiled.

When she let go Gabriella smiled widely and went on her way to get her wand.


Gabrielle's POV

I rushed over to Ollivander's letting the wind flow through my dark, wavy hair. While I was too excited to not care where I was going, I rushed into someone causing me to gasp in pain and fall to the ground.

I groaned while looking at the person I ran into. "I'm sorry. I was just trying to get my wand." I said slowly trying to get over the pain.

I looked over at the person to see he had bright, brown hair, his face was cut slightly with scars, and big brown eyes looked over me. "It's okay, I wasn't looking either."

He got up and dusted his jeans off while I grabbed a book off the ground. "Here you go..." I said while getting up myself and passing him the book.

He chuckled and grabbed it while I smiled sweetly. "I'm Gabriella Rogers." I said with my smile while I tried to get to know his name.

"I'm Remus Lupin." He looked down at the ground with a smile grin.

I looked around and my eyes landed on the Wand store. "Well, I really need to go and get my wand, I hope to see you at Hogwarts though." I said and quickly ran off.

I walked over to the antique store and heard the bell ring on the door causing me to look around in wonder.

"Hello Ms. Rodgers." I jumped in the air and looked at an old man with dusty glasses and messed up grey hair.

I smiled shyly and waved my hand. "Hello." I squeaked.

He chuckled and waved me over to him. "Come this way, I think I know the right wand for you." I cautiously went over to him and waited patiently for him to return with a wand in hand.

He smiled and handed me the box. "Here you go, Thorn wood 13in with Dragon heart string core." He waited for me to pick it up.

I touched it and looked at him. "Well, give it a flick." I looked over at a flower vase and flicked my wrist causing it to shatter.

I yelped and quickly put it back in the box. "No, no, no." He mumbled and took it away and got another.

"Ah, Silver wood 10in with Unicorn hair core." He handed it over with a soft smile and I took it hesitantly and felt warmth go through my body and light hit me.

"My goodness that's the one." He said with a giggle. "That wand is perfect for Defense Against the Dark Arts Ms. Rodgers."

I smiled at the delicate design of feathers traced around it. I looked at him and grinned. "Thank you." He just chuckled and waved me off while I went to go see my parents.


I went over to my parents with a big smile on my face. "Mom! Dad! Look!" I yelled while showing them my wand.

My mother smiled, while my father looked at me proudly. "Oh, Gabby, it's beautiful." My mother said with tears showing in her eyes.

My father chuckled and hugged me to his side. "It's lovely Gabriella." I smiled and looked over them.

"I think we're ready for September, don't you." My mother rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"Yes. I think you are."


How was that? At least Gabby met Remus, briefly. Please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow!❤️❤️❤️

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