•Chapter 0.7•

- Friends Helping Friends -

Lily, Marlene, and Gabriella were all heading down to the Great Hall while laughing at each other. Neither one of them knew why, but once Marlene started laughing, Lily joined in, then Gabriella.

They laughed all the way down to their seats and giggled while trying to eat breakfast. "Have you heard what happened?" Quinn, a girl in Ravenclaw with bright white hair and clear blue eyes, ghostly almost, asked while sitting next to the Gryffindors.

Gabriella shook her head looking over everyone. Quinn scooted closer. "The Marauders finally broke up. It's the biggest news yet!" She whispered scream causing all the girls to wince at her high voice.

"Sorry, I get a little excited when things like this happen." Lily nods her head at the girl.

"We understand thank you for keeping us in the group." She said while looking over them.

"Welcome." Quinn simply stated and walked back over to the Ravenclaw table with a weird look in her eyes as she was mumbling under her breath to no one.

"She told me she can talk to ghosts." Marlene said while looking at the invisible spot next to her at the table.

"Well, I mean we all can!" Gabriella stated looking at Sir Nicholas.

"Yeah, but she can see the invisible ones as well." Gabriella rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." She mumbled and looked over James as he sat alone while Sirius and Remus were arguing and Peter just looked down at his plate depressed.

It was as if James could sense that she was staring at him when he looked up and locked eyes with her. He grinned softly and she waved at him.

His eyes then landed on Lily and she huffed a breath of air and looked down at her cereal. "Toe rag." She muttered and Gabriella and Marlene laughed.

"You so fancy him." They both sang causing Lily to screech and tackle them to the floor causing everyone around them to laugh.


Gabriella's POV

We walked into Herbology and I sat down letting Marlene and Lily sit together while I waited for someone to sit next to me.

I was putting in the planters gloves when James sat down next to me with a smile. "Hello Rodgers." I just rolled my eyes and looked at the board and started my notes.

"What do you want James?" I asked not looking up from the parchment.

"I was wondering if you know a way Lily would go on a date with me?" I smirked and looked over Lily who was talking with Marlene.

"Well, you could try to be polite and not bully Severus." He nods his head and looks as Professor Sprout started teaching the lesson.

"Okay, and what else, because you and I both know that's not going to happen." I roll my eyes and rub my forehead.

"Be polite while asking her and not like it's a chore for you every time." He smirks and looks her way. "And you should tell your friends that you apologized to me." I finished and he looked over at me.

"What?" He asked a little aggravated that I told him to do that.

"You should tell Remus, Sirius, and Peter that you told me you're sorry. I mean look at them." I pointed over to the group who looked at us weirdly. "They seem really confused that I'm not strangling you right now, and instead talking to you."

He nods his head still in thought then sighs. "Yep, I can't do that without you." I groan in annoyance.

"Why? You're almost a grown man, do it yourself." He chuckled and looked over at his friends.

"Yeah, but I have a feeling that they won't believe me unless you're by my side." He finished with a smirk causing me to roll my eyes.

"Mr. Potter, do you have something to tell the class." Professor Sprout said looking over us.

"No Professor." He said while taking out his notebook.

"Then don't distract Ms. Rodgers." She said and returned back to the lesson.

"Still don't know how you do it." He finished.


Next chapter I can think you'll know what it will be about. Please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow. Thanks!❤️❤️❤️

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