•Chapter 1.3•

- Power and Courage -

Frustration. That's what Gabriella was feeling at this point because of her stupid protronous not taking full form. She would get wisps and shields and an almost image, but then it would stop and puff out smoke.

She grumbled under her breath while Sirius kept laughing at her and Remus tried to shut him up, but Sirius would just keep going on and on. She finally snapped and pointed her wand over to him. "Petrificus Totalus!" She yelled over at Sirius causing him to freeze.

His eyes were squinted and his nose was in the middle of a snort while his mouth hung open. Gabriella looked at everyone while they started at her looked over at Sirius then back at her. After a minute of silence she bursted it laughing at his face.

Soon everyone followed and Gabriella had tears streaming down face as Remus gave him the counter spell on Sirius and he glared at me. "You better watch your back Rodgers." He threatened causing her to roll her green eyes.

"Really? Try me Black." He got up causing her to follow and step up to him and they were one step away from each other.

"Guys come on..." Peter said with desperation. Gabriella smirked and jumped on Sirius while they wrestled. Remus and James went over to them watching as they started screwing around with each other.

"Well, this is something that I didn't think would happen." Remus said while Gabriella just grabbed Sirius' hair causing him to scream at her.

"I knew it would happen." James said while Peter gave James 10 galleons. Remus rolled his eyes.



Gabriella's POV

I was slumped down walking over to my room with Sirius holding his face. "I can't believe you actually hit me." He mumbled while showing me his red cheek.

I rolled my eyes. "I just slapped you because you dared me to." He gasped dramatically.

"I didn't expect you to do it!" I laughed at his expression and I looked down the hall to see my room.

"Well since you're being a baby I'm going to bed." I said in a baby voice while pinching his cheek.

He slapped it away and growled at me. "Down doggy." He was about to jump on me again, but Peter stopped him.

"Not worth another slap Padfoot." He mumbled and Sirius just walked away with Peter by his side.

James laughed at this and came up to me. "We'll try again tomorrow okay Gab." I nod my head and smile at him.

"Goodnight." I said and closed the door on him.

What I didn't hear on the other side was James mumbling. "What is wrong with me?"


I was laying in bed with my wand in hand trying to rack my brain for my happiest memory. I tried thinking of people or places or just an item that would make me happy and laugh.

But the only thing I could think of were my parents, who had died and and is gone from my life. I felt unwanted tears start to drip down my face.

But I took a deep breath and thought about how James was always there for me. He helped me get passed the pain and torture of the thought of loosing them.

The memory of Christmas where I was surrounded by love and hope again. A smile made its way across my face and I waved my wand. "Expecto Patronum."

My wand glowed brightly to show a tiger. It's stripes dark blue, and they would fade to light blue then white. It's eyes were dark in the pupil, but lightened around it. As I got excited and watched it, it roared at my excitement causing someone to bust my door open and James had his jaw dropped while he watched my tiger pounce at him and fade into blue dust.

"Oh my Gods." He mumbled while I jumped on him in excitement.

"I did it! And it's a freaking tiger!" I yelled and he just laughed at my excitement.

"I know it's great!" He said while holding something in his eyes. They shined in an emotion I couldn't process as Sirius opened his door.

"Will you two shut up! People are actually trying to sleep." He said while his hair covered his face.

I chuckled at him and looked over at James. "I'm going to be a tiger." I whispered excitedly.

He chuckled and got me off. "We should get to bed." He said with a cough.

I smiled and nod my head. "Yeah, but I'm going to do the Mandrake leaf." He rolled his eyes.

"You can't wait until the morning?" He asked with a smile.

I shook my head. "No! You know I can't!" We were shushed again and I smiled at everyone.

James just smirked and left. "Good morning Gab." I rolled my eyes.

"Good morning Jamesy." When I shut the door I opened the box with the mandrake leaf a spooked it in my mouth.

The bitter taste made me gag. "EWW!" I screamed and I swear I could hear James laughing at me.


Awe you guys! James and Gabriella fluff. Only he's with Lily? What do you think will happen? We'll find out in the next chapter. Please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow! Thank you all!❤️❤️❤️

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