•Chapter 3.3•

- Morphine -

Gabriella was in the Hospital Wing as Madam Pomfrey was healing her head from Bellatrix bashing her head into the wall and tugging in her hair ripping it out. She didn't look the same. Her skin was paler, and dark circles were around her eyes.

James came bolting in and when his eyes landed on her, he felt his heart lurch for her. Her form was almost dead looking. James carefully walked over to her and she jumped when he placed his hand in hers.

James smiled sympathetically. "I'm so sorry, Gabby." He said lowly and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why? It wasn't your fault that they tortured me James." She said softly feeling sleep come over her quickly.

He flinched when she said tortured and ran his thumb over her hand as she sighed in content. "I won't leave you again." He said and she chuckled sleepily.

"I swear to god, Potter, if you stalk me, you're dead." She said carefully and he chuckled at her attempt to threaten him.

She sighed and she patted the spot next to her. "Can you sleep with me?" She asked with her eyes fluttering and James blushed slightly.

"I don't know Gab, there's not a lot of room." He said and she grabbed his wrist and pulled him over.

"Then we'll make some." She said and soon enough her body was half way on him as she nuzzled her head in his neck.

He sighed and wrapped his arms around her, almost like he was trying to protect her from everything evil.

"Goodnight Gabby." He whispered in her ear, but she was already passed out.


Gabriella was all over the place as Madam Pomfrey made her use a medication for her headaches that made her very loopy. She was laughing at nothing as James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter walked in and her eyes were wide.

Her eyes were dilated and very wide with excitement when she saw them causing Sirius to laugh at her. "What did Madam give you?" He asked and Gabriella put her hand on her chin like she was thinking.

"M-more Fear?" She looked puzzled as she tried to sound the word. "Mortar? Mozart? Nymph?" She got farther away from the word as she thought about it too much.

Then Madam Pomfrey came in with a small smile on her face. "Morphine. She's fine. Could you lads give her a lift to the Common Room since today's a weekend for you all?" She asked as Gabriella laughed as she looked at her hands.

"Oh my gods I have twelve fingers!" She said astound at herself as James chuckled at her.

"Of course Madam Pomfrey." Remus said and they went over to her as Madam left.

Sirius went over to her first and she glared at him. "What you glaring at?" He asked as she grumbled.

"You stepped on Mr. Cuddles." She said sadly as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"I didn't step-" James caught him off as he was about to get Gabriella mad.

"Don't make her mad." He hissed as Gabriella's frown deepened and she looked like she was about to cry.

He sighed and out his hand on her shoulder. "Okay. I'm sorry for stepping on Mr. Fluffy." He said and she started crying.

"HIS NAME WAS MR. CUDDLES!" She screamed as he put his hands over his ears and Remus went over to her.

"Mr. Cuddles we got it." He said and Gabriella went back to normal in a second with a smile while looking at him.

She started laughing as they helped her up. "Remmy, you turn into a furry pet." She said all giggly and everyone couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Does he now, Gabby?" Peter asked and she nods her head enthusiastically.

"Yes! We all do! I turn into a tiger even and I help keep him under control when he goes off into the Forbidden Forest, and-and James there turns into Bambi, while Sirius turns into Snuffles, and you turn into a whittle mousy. Can I call you Gus?" She asked as she went on and James stopped her when they reached the Gryffindor Portrait.

The door swung open as she continued her stories. "W-we should be called Transformers!" She yelled as Sirius laughed at her and placed her on the couch.

"Really? Why not the Marauders?" He asks and she thinks about it.

"Because I like Transformers better." She whined and James sat down next to her as she smiled loving at him.

"Jamesy! Can you please play with my hair?" She asked as she laid her head down on his lap as he rolled his eyes.

"No..." He said slowly as she started crying again.

"S-so you don't love me anymore..." She mumbled as she started sobbing as his eyes widen.

"No-no that's n-not it." He stammered and Remus laughed at him as Gabriella kept crying.

"Mate, she's so high right now." He said and Sirius agreed with him.

Peter looked at her as she started hugging a pillow and talking to it. "I don't know guys, maybe she's just crazy." He said and James held her.

"Okay, I'll play with your hair." He said and she yelped in glee.

"Really! Oh you love me again!" She said and hugged him as he chuckled while taking a deep breath.

"Yep." He said shortly and she laid in his lap again.

"Well, good, because I love you too." She said without thinking as his breath got caught in his throat.

"R-really?" He asked and she nods as his fingers tangled themselves in her hair.

"Yeah, every time I saw you kissing or hugging Lily, my heart hurt really bad. So I count that as love. B-but now I miss Lily." She said with a frown.

James sighed as did everyone else. "Yeah. We all miss her Gabs." He said sadly and she sniffled.

"Do you think that we will ever see her again?" She asked in a baby voice.

James looked at her. "Of course we will Gabby, but not anytime soon."


High Gabriella's for you guys, but she still misses Lily. Please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow! Thanks so much❤️❤️❤️

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