•Chapter 4.5•

- Together -

After the evening with people dancing and partying, Gabriella was with James her head on his chest and his arms wrapped around her waist. Her eyes were fluttered close with James looking down at her with a grand ole smile.

"Don't tell me your tired..." He whispered in her eyes causing her to sigh in happiness.

"I'm not really tired, just drained." She mumbled and opened her bright eyes while James kissed her forehead.

"Do you wanna head over to our Honeymoon?" He asked and she smiled sweetly.

"Right now? When it's the middle of the night?" She looked around with all the people who were watching the couple in awe.

McGonagall was smiling and wiping a tear from her eye. Dumbledore came over to get with a chuckle. "They were meant to be together." He said while smiling at McGonagall with a knowing look.

She smiled and watched as James twirled Gabriella making her laugh with a smile reaching her eyes. "Yes they were. But what about the Dark Lord searching for her?" She asked while Dumbledore sighed.

"I don't know Minerva. I don't know." He sighed out while shaking his head and Gabriella was at her happiest point after her parents and Lily's death.

She forgot everything that was negative in her life and just focused on this moment. James chuckled and twirled her one last time. "How about you go grab your bags and we can get ready to head over to the house?" He said and she grinned at him.

"Okay, I just need to say good bye to everyone." She said while wiping her hands on her dress.

James smiled and kissed her cheek. "Don't wait too long, Mrs. Potter." He said and left to go find Sirius and Remus.

She chuckled and went over to Alex as she was grabbing a drink. "Hey, we're about to leave." She stated and Alex smirked.

"Already trying for a kid, I see." Gabriella rolled her eyes and hugged Alex.

"I just wanted to thank you." She mumbled and Alex smiled.

"You're welcome." She whispered and then Quinn came over with tears in her eyes.

"Don't forget about me." She said and Gabriella smiled.

"Your so emotional Quinn." She chuckled and Quinn sobbed and laughed.

"I- I know." She said and Remus came up to her side.

"Bye Gabby, don't have too much fun now." He said and she smacked his shoulder.

Then Marlene came over and sighed at her best friend. "You're just going to leave then." She mumbled and Gabriella smiled.

"Yeah, but I wanted to say good bye first." She drag out and hugged her for dear life.

"I'll see you in a month." She whispered in her shoulder as Marlene cried.

"Yeah. A month." Gabriella smiled sadly as James took her hand.

"Ready, love." He said and she smiled.

"Yeah, come on." She said and then Sirius came bursting through the crowd.

"You almost forgot me!" He yelled and Gabriella rolled her eyes.

"Come here Siri." She said and he smirked while giving her a hug.

"You better come back with a God baby for me." He whispered and she gasped.

"Who said you would be a the god father?" She said while he pointed over to James.

"Your husband." He said with a smirk still on his face.

She rolled her eyes and went over to James. "Let's go." She said and James smiled while taking her hand.

"Already on it."


Gabriella's POV

We apparated to a beautiful cottage, surrounded by trees covering the area and giving us some privacy and fireflies were presents to make it look even more magical.

I sighed and James walked me over to the little cottage. Just before we got to the door and quickly went behind me and picked my up with some of the dress covering his face.

I yelped and he laughed while he kicked the door open and I wrapped my arms around his neck, smiling. "James!" I yelled and he laughed at me while placing me on a bed.

"You do look lovely in your dress, but I think you would look better with it off." He whispered and started kissing my neck.

I laughed at him and pushed him off slightly. "James, you forgot two things." I said raising two fingers. "The door is still open, and you forgot the bags on the ground." I said while he rolled his eyes.

"There's no one for miles." He said and tried to lean into a kiss while I placed my finger on his lips.

"I would like for those things to be done first." I whispered and leaned over to his ear. "Then we can take this stupid dress off."

He grinned and got up while I sat up slightly. "Okay, princess." He mumbled and started to go get the bags.

I shook my head and smiled into my hand. I rubbed my face slightly and all the sudden my stomach turned. I burped slightly and looked to see James hasn't returned yet and ran over to the bathroom.

Everything that I had that night, went up my throat as I gagged at it. My face was stuck in the toilet as I threw up and my stomach clenching every time.

I took a deep breath when I finished and felt a hand on my back. "We should get you to bed." James mumbled and I chuckled while wiping the tears out of my eyes.

"Maybe it was the drinks." I stated a little fuzzy when I felt James pull the zipper down of my dress. I sighed when I felt his fingers grazing my bare back and he chuckled.

"Maybe..." He said while the dress fell to the floor.

I smiled and he picked me up again while I laughed at him. "James, I'm fine." I said and he just rolled his eyes.

"My wife is sick and I can't take care of her? What kind of husband would I be?" He joked and placed me on the bed.

"Just sleep, because I have something planned for tomorrow." He mumbled while kissing my forehead.

"Okay." I mumbled and turned my head to the right and fell to sleep instantly.


If you guys haven't guessed, yes she's pregnant. Please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow! Thanks❤️❤️❤️

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