•Chapter 2.2•

- Love Sickness -

Rain pelted down on the window with a lightning bolt striking close to the house. A crash of thunder sounded causing the ground the shake. The scene showed how James Potter felt.

He was angry with himself. He wanted to kiss Gabriella, but the love of his life was finally his girlfriend. But something still wanted him to kiss Gabriella, to hold her.

Sirius saw the confused expression on his best friends face. He didn't know how to help him, but he knew that if Lily found out about this, she'd have his head on a platter.

"Mate, what are you thinking?" Sirius asked while watching James closely.

James sighed and kept looking outside as the rain poured down. "I don't know. I just have a feeling that something bad's going to happen." He whispered as another crack of lightning hit the ground.

Sirius sighed and watched Gabriella as she walked out in the storm with her drawing pad. He rolled his eyes at her as she climbed a tree and began drawing.

"Prongs, you should just listen to your heart." He said.

James smirked. "How cheesy can you be?" He joked while Sirius grumbled under his breath.

"Stupid Alex and her Disney movies." Sirius said and Janes looked back over at Gabriella as she was looking at her drawing.

"Why do I have feelings for you?" He mumbled.


Gabriella's POV

Storms. One thing that helps me calm down and think if I'm having a problem. So James almost kissing me and me wanting him to, is a problem.

I walked out of the house and quickly sprinted over to a tree and climbed up on the lowest branch to sit down and begin drawing.

My pencil was digging into the paper as the lines etched out my feelings. My mind was processing the cold rain running down my face and my hand just continued drawing.

When lightning flashed that's when my eyes scanned over my drawing to show James' face smiling at me. I sighed and touched the drawing slowly.

"Why do I have feelings for you?" I mumbled and I looked up at the raining sky. It reminded my as if the sky was crying with dark grey clouds that swirled above me.

I sighed and carefully walked inside and sneezed loudly with me shivering. My eyebrows furrowed. "I-i never get sick." I muttered and sneezed again.

I struggled up to my room and took a hot shower. Then I just laid in my bed trying to sleep this cold off.


I knock on my door caused me to wince as the sound made my head feel like it was splitting in two. "Go away." I mumbled and the knocking continued.

I sighed and took the cover off my head. "Come in." My hoarse voice rumbled causing me to cringe. The door squeaked open and my eyes looked over James.

I smiled awkwardly. "Um... I just have a little cold." I mumbled and he shook his head.

"Why do you always go out in storms if you know that you're going to get sick?" He asked and placed a bowl of soup next to my bed.

I smiled up at him. "I usually don't get sick. But I guess after my parents died things have changed." I said sadly and I looked down at the soup.

James sat down at the end of my bed and I smiled sleepily at him. "I'm sorry, that I tried to..." He couldn't finish his sentence so I did for him.

"Kiss me?" I asked and looked down. "I think that we were just caught up in the moment. The lighting and how close we were right?" I said trying to make the situation better, but all I did was hurt my heart.

"Y-yeah, caught up in the moment." He said almost like he was... Sad. He looked down and the got back up.

"Hope you feel better Kitty." I chuckled at my nickname and rolled my eyes.

"Thanks for the soup Prancer." He rolled his blue eyes and closed my door while I ate my soup in peace.

But I really wanted to have James here as company.


Yay! Filler chapter. The big beginning for the next year is almost here! Almost! So please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow! Thanks so much❤️❤️❤️

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