•Chapter 2.3•

- The Beach -

Everyone in the Potter house was away frantically trying to pack for the week at the beach. James was stressing, because Lily and Gabriella would be there. In their bikinis. His mind was all over the place as he was trying to figure out what to pack while trying to come up with a classic way to break up with Lily and stay away from Gabriella. He couldn't handle having a relationship that he has a chance to cheat on either of them.

He doesn't want to let anyone go through that, so he wouldn't want Lily to. Sirius on the other hand was kind of nervous, because he got to invite Alex who kindly agreed only because of Gabriella. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of her so he tried to get the best clothes he had for the beach.

Gabriella was just trying to find the perfect swim suit as she stressed over her body. To her, her body was too skinny, but she just breathed out and just stuffed her bag with her bikini and just thought about finally being with her girl friends.

Remus and Peter were both invited like always, as there was no full moon for anyways of the week so it should just be a week of relaxing for everyone.

Lily and Marlene were all scattering around their houses trying to look as best as possible in the summer spirit.

Alex was just wondering why she was invited after all. She barely knew the Cancer Surviver and she only helped her once. She didn't think about it too much and started packing her bag anyway.

And last but not least Quinn was invited as well. Marlene thought it would be a good idea to as she was thought to be crazy, but Marlene didn't think that. Quinn was special and she could see the dead. The ones that can't be seen and needed help, she was there.

So when they all had to leave in the afternoon Gabriella looked over James and Sirius with a smile. "Let's have fun." She said and they apparated away to the beach house.


Gabriella's POV

Once we apparated, my eyes looked over the beautiful beach house that caused me to sigh lovingly. That was before I was tackled to the ground with giggling girls. I chuckled and hugged them as Lily, Marlene, Quinn, and Alex were all on top of me.

They all rolled over and helped me up. "Thanks guys for tackling me to the ground." Lily chuckled and grabbed hold of me.

"Sorry boys, but we're taking her." She said while they were all dragging me to our room.

I looked over at the Marauders.  "SORRY GUYS!" They all just looked at all of us with strange looks and shrugged as we giggled all the way to the room.


We were all gathered around in our pajamas has we were all talking about our Summer's so far.

Lily was the first to go. She rolled her eyes and started. "My family and I got to go to Disney World." Alex's eyes lit up at the mention of it.

"Really! I always wanted to go, but my family being pure blood, they don't understand the purpose of going." She mumbled closer towards the end.

Lily grinned at her. "It was amazing. At night you get to go over to the castle and watch a little show with fireworks. I have a picture is you would like to see?" She asked while Alex nods her head eagerly.

Marlene frowned. "My stupid family kept pestering me about my OWLS grades. I got one Poor and they thought it was the end of the world." She gasped out while everyone laughed at her.

"Don't worry Marlene, my parents would do the same." Quinn said quietly and looked over her shoulder. "Right Chris." She mumbled and everyone smiled at her.

"Quinn you can tell us about your ghost friend." I said and she blushed from embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, but Chris is my friend and he's been through everything with me." She said and I looked at the spot she looked at.

"Well Chris welcome to the group." I said and she chuckled at me. I raised my eyebrow. "What?"

She smiled. "He told me that one day someone would believe me while I didn't believe anyone would. Now he's telling me I told you so." I smiled with her and Alex smirked.

"So, Gabby, what's up with Sirius?" She asked while checking her nails. I smiled.

"He has this weird, unhealthy, obsession with you." I said simply while she chuckled.

"You know he won't stop owling me just because I pranked him one time with stupid fireworks." She said and we all laughed.

"Yeah, but it was the best thing ever." I finished for her and she just rolled her eyes.

I then looked at Quinn who was blushing madly. "What's got your face all red?" Lily asked and I nod my head.

Quinn just shook her head. "Nothing. Just Chris trying to be funny." She mumbled while I rolled my eyes.

"Really, so it's not about Remus?" I asked while her eyes shot up.

"How did you know?" She asked loudly and I chuckled.

"Because I see the way you look at him from the Ravenclaw table. He's just kept his head down in a book too much to notice." I said while taking a sip of lemonade.

She looked down at the ground. "Yeah, well I've tried everything." She said and i furrowed my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" I asked and she looked at me.

"I'm sorry Gabby, but your parents are very persistent. They are right behind you." She mumbled causing me to stop breathing.

She continued. "They say that they love you very much Gabby. And your father is thankful for your forgiveness." She said causing tears to flow from my eyes.

"I miss you guys too." I chocked out and Lily came closer to me.

"They're gone now. I think they moved on because of you." She said sadly while I smiled through my tears.

"At least they're happy now."


Aw, Gabriella's parents finally moved on. I think this chapter kinda summed up somethings about Alex and Quinn. So thank you so much for reading. Please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow. ❤️❤️❤️

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