•Chapter 2.1•

- Don't Kiss Him -

The field of grass was blowing slightly as Gabriella's eyes scanned over Sirius and James as they were flying over her head with their broom sticks. She was watching as they were practicing by throwing the quaffle and trying to score on each other.

She looked over the wild flowers next to her to see they were drooping slightly. She pointed her finger out over to it and a bright light appeared to make it grow taller and look alive again.

She smiled and saw something rustle near her. She looked over to see a rabbit with bright brown fur hopping over towards her direction.

She pat its head softly and it watched her with big black eyes. She giggled when it's ears raised up and it started heading back over to the forest edge.

What she didn't see was James watching her with a big smile across his face. He was watching the whole scene play out as she smiled at every little thing at happened.

She finally looked relaxed and at peace with the earth for a short period of time. That was before Sirius threw the quaffle at his head causing him to barely catch it in time.

"Stop staring at her mate, that's creepy." Sirius said with a smirk on his face.

James rolled his eyes at him and watched as she looked at both of them and waved. James waved back and smiled lovingly.

Sirius smirked at him and flew over next to him. "Look mate, I think you chose the wrong girl." He said while Gabriella was laying against the grass.

James sighed and looked over at Sirius. "I don't even know anymore." He mumbled.


Gabriella's POV

I had my eyes closed as I heard footsteps on the soft ground causing my green eyes to open and I smiled at James who was a stag. I chuckled and I looked at Sirius who was a dog panting in the heat of Summer.

I rolled my eyes and felt my eyesight become sharp and colorful as my green eyes became electric blue. My two feet and two hands turned to paws with sharp extended claws. My teeth sharpened as I growled playfully at them.

They both started running, James prancing, while Sirius barked at me causing me to meow softly.

I ran to catch up with him and I carefully tackled Padfoot first while he growled playfully and I roared in his face and carefully pretended to sink my teeth in his neck.

He whimpered and I just rolled my blue eyes. That's when I heard a grunt and I turned to see Prongs shaking his antlers while glaring at me.

I smirked catlike and got down low to the ground in pouncing mode. His eyes then widened and he started prancing away. I grinned and started chasing him as well.

From all my running my heart was beating faster as my muscles moved stronger.

When I was right behind him I jumped on top off him and we both changed into human form with both of us chuckling.

I smiled and looked into James' blues eyes and our eyes locked in the moment. His eyes traveled down to my lips and I knew we were going to kiss.

My head rung with a voice saying don't do it, but my body wanted to so badly. Just one little inch more with his breath close to mine.

Our lips were barely touching feeling a tingle go through my body when Sirius cleared his throat.

I snapped out of it and jumped up in embarrassment while running my fingers in my hair. "Um, I'm going to go inside now. Thanks for the exercise guys." I mumbled and left.

I didn't turn back either not wanting them to see my red cheeks.


I wanted to die right then and there. Why would I want to kiss James Potter? He has a Girlfriend! And that so called Girlfriend is also my Best Friend.

What is the matter with me? Why can't I just like ANYONE else except James? "Please just kill me." I muttered to myself and I looked at my window to see the night sky with stars shining brightly.

I sighed and looked over them with my mind spinning. "I wish this life wasn't so complicated...."


Wow, James and Gabriella almost kissed. How do you think Lily would feel about that? Well maybe she won't even know? Please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow. Thanks!❤️❤️❤️

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