•Chapter 1.2•

- New Family -

Motionless. That's how time felt, like time wouldn't move whenever Gabriella opened her eyes. Everything was blurred and colorless around her as she watched her parents caskets go down into the wet ground.

She just tried not to cry in front of everyone around her giving her pitiful looks that just made her feel worse. She waited until everyone left saying how sorry they were and just left her to wallow.

Once they covered the caskets she kneeled down to the wet grass and laid a white rose near the headstones and just waited. Hoping the longer she waited she would wake up and it would just be a nightmare. A horrible, not real, nightmare.

James watched her as she started sobbing uncontrollably at her parents headstones. He carefully walked over to her and placed his warm hand on her cold bare shoulder. She just kept crying and pleading in her mind that her parents would be right in front of her with smiles on their faces.

James kneeled with her and grabbed her fragile body into his muscular arms as she started hitting him begging him that it wasn't real. His eyes shined with sadness while he tried to calm her down.

And that day they just sat there, Gabriella crying out to her family and James trying to help his best friend in her time of need.


Gabriella's POV

I woke up in a soft bed wrapping the sheets into my fists while I tried not to think about my parents. I got up and walked into the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror.

I didn't see anything wrong with my face on the outside, but you could tell by the look of my dark green eyes that I've been through too much; that I wouldn't last through another major loss. Just broken.

I stripped out of my pajamas and turned the shower on stepping in without a care if it was cold or hot as I let the water cascade down my back.

Every time my eyes closed I would see my parents mangled bodies in my mind causing me to wince everything I blinked.

After the shower I got ready to see Mr. and Mrs. Potter with James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter.

I just opened the door slowly and started heading down the stairs seeing everyone down at the Christmas tree smiling and laughing. James and Sirius were wrestling around causing James parents to scold them and Peter was trying to stuff chocolate frogs into his mouth while Remus was counting for him.

A smile made its way on my face making me feel the depression slowly fade away. This is my family, sorta. I thought as I went down the stairs causing everyone to look at me carefully.

"Ready to start opening presents everyone?" Mr. Potter asked while holding his wife close.

James quickly went to grab one while Remus slapped his hand away. "Ow! Moony, that's mean!" I chuckled and Remus pointed over to me.

"Ladies first." My eyes widened and I looked over the presents that glowed in the sunlight. I quickly took my presents that I gave everyone and handed it to them and got one that Peter gave me.

"How about we all open them at the same time?" Everyone chuckled and Sirius patted my back.

"I love you already." He teased while I rolled my eyes.

We all opened them and everyone awed at them while I saw that Peter gave me a box of candy. I chuckled and thanked him. Sirius gave me a charmed quill that will write everything I say. And Remus gave me a muggle book 'Hunger Games' I slightly thanked him and he just laughed at me.

I then turned my head to see James holding a small box for me. I smiled and grabbed it while tearing the paper carefully and I opened the box to show a bracelet with a stag, a dog, a rat, and a moon on it. I chuckled at it and saw it had a blank space. "It's missing something." I stated while he rolled his eyes.

"That's a spot for you when we find out what you'll be." He whispered while his parents laughed at Sirius face from a jelly bean.

I nodded solemnly and saw a leaf in the box. "And I leaf?" He smiled.

"After you cast your Protronous you have to keep that in your mouth for a month." My mouth opens wide.

"What!" I gasped out while he laughed.

"Yep, have fun with it." He said while dragging me over to everyone. "Come on we have to take a picture."

I just smiled and hugged both James and Sirius while I waited. "Everyone say Mistletoe!"

I laughed and yelled with everyone else. "MISTLETOE!"

I finally realized that everyone here would soon be apart of my new family, because it would fill my empty heart.


Aww, poor Gabriella. But soon she'll get better... I think. So hopefully you all will please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow! Thank you all so much!❤️❤️❤️

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