•Chapter 1.7•

- Finally -

Flowers blooming on the Whomping Willow as it shook the last of the slushy snow off its branches and Gabriella watched it with amazement. She wanted to draw every detail of the crooks and crevasses of the tree, but she couldn't with the problems of her fathers words imprinted in her mind.

'I'm warning you now Gabriella, you're in danger.' The words echoed in her head while she felt a presence sit next to her. She looked up to see Alex smiling at her drawing and looking at the Living Tree.

"I think you need more shading to the right." She said softly causing Gabriella to smile at her.

"Thanks." She whispered and fixed the drawing to make it look ten times better. Alex Young, the spunky Hufflepuff with bright blonde hair, her eyes deep brown, and her skin fairly tan. She was popular for hanging around her best friends, Valentine Jones and Garrett Snow.

But she is very known for befriending everyone, even the Slytherins. She was outgoing and everything that Sirius loved about her since third year, when she pranked him for pranking Valentine.

But that's for another time and another story. She watched her surroundings and looked over Gabriella who's eyes were red and puffy with the thought of her father being a Death Eater. Alex put her hand on Gabriella's back supportingly.

"I'm sorry about everyone in the Great Hall. You shouldn't hear anymore whispers about your family." Alex said carefully, trying not to hurt the girl.

"Thanks Alex." She smiled and looked as the Whomping Willow hung over to the girls almost daringly. Alex gave her Veela smile allowing her teeth to shine brightly and Gabriella smiled.

"Hopefully you'll feel better Gabby." She said and got up and walked into the Castle. "Just so you know, class is about to start in ten minutes." She finished and walked to get to her class.

Gabriella sighed and looked up to the sky. "I forgive you." She whispered feeling the wind blow in her hair and she got up and headed into her class of Transfiguration.


Gabriella's POV

Class was going on as I was trying to get my snail to turn into a button. Marlene as my partner was putting her snails together like they were a couple and making kissing noise while I had the urge to laugh at her.

McGonagall passed us and just shook her head at Marlene while muttering, "That's not how you make buttons Ms. McKinnon."

Marlene rolled her eyes and muttered the spell causing the snails to turn into red buttons and McGonagall nods her head over to her that she got a good grade.

I sighed and waved my wand. The snail turned into a brilliant gold button with soft black designs causing McGonagall to smile at me for my excellent work.

Marlene crossed her arms over her chest with a sigh. "That's not fair." She whispered while I chuckled.

"I think it is, because you made your snails snog first." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"They were going to get married." She tried to argue, but the Professor shushed us and I smiled at Marlene's protests.


When night fell over the castle I got out of my bed and quickly walked over to the door and walked down the stairs to see James, Sirius, Peter, and Remus there with the invisibility cloak in hand.

"Ready?" They asked and I smiled.

"Yeah, I just won't swallow the damn leaf until we get to the Room, because I have a feeling I'm going to vomit." I grimaced and they all chuckled at me.

We put the cloak over us and we were struggling to keep it over all five of us while Sirius kept stepping on my feet. "Ow! Sirius I swear you do that one more time and I'll get Filch on you." I whispered murderously.

He just rolled his eyes. "I would like to see you try." I smirk crawled it way on to my face.

"STUDENTS OUT OF BED!" I yelled and that caused footsteps to be heard in our direction.

"GABBY!" They screamed while I laughed and we ran into the Room of Requirements.


We were breathing heavily as the door disappeared on the other side and I was laughing so hard my face was turning red.

"Not funny Gabby." Remus muttered and I just chuckled.

"You're right it's hilarious." I stated and they groaned at my annoyance.

"Okay, Gabby swallow the leaf." James said while I felt it stuck in my gums. It was sticky and slimy causing my breath to stink every time I would talk and breath out.

I felt it land in my tongue causing my to cringe at the feeling. "Oh gross." I muttered and swallowed the disgusting lump down my throat.

Peter patted my back. "How do you feel?" I shook my head.

"Tipsy." I answered and the world started to spin.

James looked over me. "Well, it's working." He said and I held out my wand.

"Now think and concentrate on your Potronous." Remus said and I tried thinking of the stripes of the tiger and how the paws were big and the ears were pointed with little whiskers poking from its cheeks.

I opened my eyes to see I was slightly smaller than everyone and I looked around for a mirror.

My eyes widened to see I was half way through. But while I wasn't concentrating my body bounced back to human and I fell to the ground feeling my muscles ache.

"Ouch." I mumbled and everyone watched me impressed.

"Amazing Rodgers. One try and you're half way through." I smirked at Sirius.

"Alright. Let's go again." At the end of the night I had it done with a roar causing everyone to wince at the loudness.


Well everyone, that's the end of this chapter. Please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow! Thanks❤️❤️❤️

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