•Chapter 2.9•

- First Kiss -

Gabriella was walking down the stairs to see James waiting for her there twiddling his thumbs. You could tell he tried to fix his wild hair, but it was no use as his black messy hair covered his head. His eyes were bright blue and scattering all over the place. He looked almost nervous.

Gabriella was trying really hard not to laugh at the sight when she was down the stairs and placed her small hand on his tense shoulder and he jumped slightly.

She chuckled and looked at him. "Why are you so jumpy?" She asked amused slightly that just a date could make him this nervous.

He chuckled and ran a hand through his wild hair making it stick up in some places. "Just waiting for you. Ready for some breakfast?" He asked while trying to play it off.

She smiled and grabbed his hand and swinging it slightly as they walked. "Of course. Just want you to know that you don't have to be nervous. It's just me." She said as students watched them with smiles on their faces.

James sighed and opened the Great Hall doors. "I know that, but I want this to be perfect, because you're perfect." He said not think big a second about it causing Gabriella to laugh slightly and blush.

"You think I'm perfect?" She asked while James' face felt like it was set on fire as red covered his cheeks and she smirked.

"N-n- yes. Of course!" He yelled and she smiled at him and grabbed his hand causing him to sit in front of her.

"James, it's okay. This is just a little date. You don't have to be nervous." Gabriella said as she ran her thumbs over the back of his hand and he sighed.

"Yep. Just a little date. Not like I would ask you to be my girlfriend or anything." He mumbled while Gabriella laughed.

"It's breakfast. How about you ask me to be your girlfriend when you buy me dinner?" She teased while he blushed again.

"This is going to be a long breakfast date." He muttered and Gabriella had the time of her life teasing him.


Gabriella's POV

After breakfast, James and I walked over to the Black Lake to see no one around and I got an idea in my head. I raised my wand and muttered a spell to cause my clothes to be replaced to a swimsuit.

James' eyes widened when he saw. "Gabby what are you doing?" He said and I laughed.

"I want to go for a swim. Want to join me?" I asked teasingly and tugging on his robes.

He rolled his eyes and started changing. "Only you would want to go swimming in the Black lake." He mumbled and while he was too busy I jumped in and he heard the splash, but didn't see me when I popped up under the dock.

He waited patiently, but soon it turned into terror. "Gabby!" He yelled kneeled down to see if he could see me.

I went under and popped up in front of him and grabbed him causing him to fall in face first. I laughed so hard my face started to hurt.

"Oh my gods. That was great." I said as I saw James' face with seaweed stuck in his glasses. I chuckled and swam over to him getting the seaweed out.

He laughed with me and grabbed my body causing me to scream in surprise. "James! No!" I said as he went under and pulled me with him.

I opened my eyes to see he did the same and the light hit the water perfectly making it look beautiful.

I puffed out my cheeks and he rolled his eyes. That's when I took my chance and carefully placed my lips on his. My first kiss underwater. Who would have known.

When we both got up for air. James smirked and I could feel his breath of my face. "I knew you liked me too." He whispered and I smiled.

"Why don't you shut up and kiss me?" I said and he is placed his hand on my cheek and leaned in to press his lips on mine.

I could tell that this was perfect. The water and sunlight that was hitting it made it glow. My arms wrapped round him and pulled away resting my forehead on his.

"I'm not the rebound right?" I asked slightly scared of his answer.

He smiled and placed his thumb on my bottom lip. "Why would you be? You're the one who stole my heart." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

We both got out and a placed a drying spell on both of us and got dressed in my robes. He smiled and pulled me close. "How about another kiss?" He asked and I smiled.

"How about you chase me for it?" I suffered as I got out of his hold and quickly made my way to the castle as he chuckled and shook his head.

The wind blew slightly in my hair and I heard a light happy voice. "Young love."


Yay! Another chapter to where James and Gabriella finally kiss! Hope you all like it. Please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow. Thanks!❤️❤️❤️

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