•Chapter 3.7•

- Last Year -

7th year

First years were traveling down the lake to visit the Hogwarts Castle. Excitement filled the air as they traveled to the Great Hall and Gabriella was there with Sirius to her left and James to her right. Remus was in front of her with Peter on his right and Marlene to his left.

Gabriella looked at all the first years and sighed. Her first year she had her parents, her best friend by her side, and she had Cancer.

Only one thing is good about loosing those things. Her eyes were darker, like she's seen too much and her hair was a little duller, but one thing would help her.

James. He stayed by her side through her tantrums, and her screams. When ever she would wake up screaming from her nightmares, James would be by her and give her a shoulder to cry on. He tried to understand what she was going through.

But Sirius did. His family disowned him and left him for himself. He was all alone and had friends to help him. His eyes were following Alex as she was a Prefect for the Hufflepuff's.

He sighed and looked over Gabriella and James who were both Prefects. "So unfair." He mumbled causing Gabriella to look at him and giggle in his face.

"Maybe you should have stopped pranking for a while." She said and James rolled his eyes.

"No, its that he doesn't study." James said, making Sirius throw some peas at him.

"Shut up." Alex looked over him and smiled silently.

'See you later.' She mouthed and he smiled and nods his head.

Remus chuckled and saw Quinn who was walking over to Remus and talking to the invisible space that was Chris. "I don't want you to leave though Chris!" She exclaimed and tears in her eyes.

Remus sighed and looked at his group of friends. "I'll be right back." He mumbled and excused himself from everyone.

Gabriella looked at everyone and sighed. "I hope this year will be okay." She said and James smiled.

"It will be, trust me." And James for once was wrong about the school year.


Gabriella's POV

I walked down the corridors to the Gryffindor Tower with the first years right behind me and James. "Alright, everyone follow me." I yelled behind my shoulder and looked to see a little boy who had tears in his eyes.

I bit my lip and I looked over at James as the boy started running to the restrooms. "I'm going to go get the little boy, you got everyone, right?" I asked and he nods his head and kissed the top of it.

"Go ahead." He whispered and I smiled.

"Okay. I'll be back in ten. Tops." I said and he smiled while I walked around the crowd of people.

I walked into the boys restroom and heard whimpering. I slowly went in and looked around to only see someone at the sinks. I frowned and went over to the first year.

"Are you alright?" I asked and he jumped while looking up at me. His eyes were bright hazel and his black hair was all over the place.

"Yes." He said with a sniffle while wiping his eyes.

I smiled and went down to my knees. "Don't lie to me. Now what's wrong?" I asked and his eyes started to get watery again.

"M-my family." He whispered and my eyebrows furrowed.

"What about your family?" I questions cautiously.

"They wanted me in Slytherin, like the rest of them. They're going to disown me." He mumbled and in an instant he wrapped his arms around me.

I gasped at the sudden contact, but wrapped my arms around his waist and I lifted him up. "Let's get you to the Common Room..." I waited for him to give me his name.

"Liam. Liam Malfoy." I sighed. No wonder why he was nervous for his family. Malfoy's were pure bloods in Slytherin.

"Well, I'm Gabriella Rodgers, but you can call me Gabby." I said and opened the Portrait door.

"Okay, Gabby." He mumbled in my neck and James saw me carrying the little eleven year old as I set him down carefully.

"Why don't you go to your room and make some friends?" I asked and he looked down.

"What if they don't like me?" He asked and I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"They'll love you when they see your personality. And if they don't, tell them to talk to me." I said and he smiled showing his missing tooth.

"Okay! Thanks Gabby!" I chuckled and watched him rush up the stairs and I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"You would make a good mother." He mumbled in my back and kissing it softly.

I sighed and leaned to him. "Yeah, well, I would want to be a mother one day; but not anytime soon." I said and flipped myself so I was facing him.

"But you would like a kid or two?" He asked with his eyes gleaming brightly.

I chuckled and kissed his lips. "Yes. And I hope it would be a girl." I said while James scowled.

"Why not a boy?" He yelled as I stepped away from him to my room.

"Because... Boys are icky." I said in a girly voice while he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you say darling."


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