•Chapter 0.6•

- Memories -

James sat on his bed looking over the messy dorm room while playing with his blanket. He sighed and watched Sirius, Remus, and Peter walk into the dorm with stacks of candy from the kitchens.

They were howling in laughter when they waltzed in the room and sat down on the floor. Sirius looked up at his friend with furrowed eyebrows. "Mate, what's wrong?" He asked while Remus looked over at James as well.

James sighed and rubbed his tired eyes. "Did I really laugh at Gabriella's face when she was having a practically dying in front of us?" He asked mostly to himself.

Sirius looked over at him with weird eyes. "Yeah, we kinda did. But I thought you apologized for that I long time ago?"

Remus looked over him. "Or you didn't?" James head snapped his head over him.

"I-I thought she was just faking it..." James said unsure of his answer.

The boys looked at him in disgust. "Really? You saw Lily drag her to the Hospital Wing!" Remus yelled.

James got up in anger. "I thought she was going to just help her best friend from embarrassment!"

Remus shook his head and went over to bed. "What type of person can't tell that someone was dying?" He mumbled, but James heard hit.

"You think I'm not beating myself up from it!" Sirius just shook it off and ignored him.

James got up and walked out of the room, as it felt like the air was suffocating him. And that night he slept on the couch.


Gabriella's POV

I woke up in a cold sweat with my lungs trying to regain air. My eyes wandered to see two sleeping silhouettes of Lily and Marlene. I sighed and tried to lay down and fall asleep again.

Whenever my eyes closed myself dying on the floor flashed between my eyes and they snapped opened only for my to punch my pillow.

"Stupid nightmare..." I mumbled and grabbed my blanket to wrap around my body and made my way down to the Common Room.

I looked around to see the fire place was already started causing my eyebrows to furrow. I looked around the couches and chairs to see no one in sight. "Weird." I muttered and sat down on the couch to be pushed off with a weight on top of me.

I groaned in pain and heard someone as well. I looked up to see James with only his head.

I screamed and pushed him off me while backing away from him. "Where's your body?" I screamed causing him to place his hand on my mouth to keep my quiet.

"Shush! Its just the invisibility cloak." He whispered harshly causing me to flinch slightly.

His eyes softened when he saw my face and he removed his hand. "Sorry." My eyes wandered over to the cloak on the floor as it was sparkling in the fire light.

"It's okay." I said not taking my eyes off it. James waved his hand in my view and I looked over him.

"No, I mean..." He paused with a worried expression, but took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for not believing you that day of the prank I made on you. And I'm sorry for not saying sorry for over 5 years now."

I smiled softly and looked into his blue eyes. "It's fine James. I'm just glad you said it now than never." I whispered and looked back over the cloak.

"How did you get that?" I asked in amazement.

He chuckled and grabbed it off the floor while helping me up off the dusty ground. "Well, my father gave it to me... I don't know how he got it though? Probably his father." He guessed while sitting back over to the couch with a small smile.

I watched him closely while looking over his face. Soon the smile disappeared and turned into a frown. Then tears started to litter his eyes. I sat down next to him. "What's wrong James?" I asked carefully not wanting him to be angry.

He sniffled slightly and wiped the tears. "It's just, Remus, Sirius, and Peter kinda kicked me out of the dorm from my stupid actions..."

I looked over him confused then looked at the fire. "Well, it shouldn't be that bad. I mean, I've done some stupid things as well."

James chuckled humorlessly. "But it was about you, so they took it personally."

I rolled my eyes at how protective everyone is over me. "Ugh, just because I have cancer doesn't mean I can't handle myself." I mumbled and crossed my arms over my chest.

James looked over at me while my eyes set over the fire. "What do you mean? You have everyone bending over backwards for you. To me that's like a super power."

Now it was my turn to laugh sarcastically. "Yeah, well I have had people doing that for my whole life. It gets tiring, people asking 'Are you okay?' 'Do you need anything?' 'You don't even have to do that, I can do it for you.'" I sighed at the end thinking about my past.

"Have you ever wanted to do something so bad, but people get in the way?" I asked with one stray tear falling from my eye.

James sighed and nods his head. "I think everyone has that problem, but yeah I have." He looks down at his hands while I look over him.

"Well, at least we have something in common." I said with a smile. He smiled back and tried to wrap the blanket around me again, but I stopped him.

"What did I tell you? I can do small things for myself Potter, no need." I said while getting up and started making my way back to the room. "But thank you anyway."

He smiled and I just rolled my eyes and went over to my bed and fell asleep with a small grin on my lips.


Aww. Gabriella and James finally made up and became friends. But what will happen to James after his friends kinda kicked him out? Well I guess you jut have to find out in the next chapter. Please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow! ❤️❤️❤️

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