•Chapter 4.1•

- Death By Night -

Gabriella and everyone else walked onto the train to head home. She sighed and held on to James hand as he smiled. "Gabby, we are going to be fine." He tried to make her less tense, but she but her lip and looked down.

"I just don't feel good, that's all." She lied between her teeth and James furrowed his eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" He asked while she sat down in an empty compartment and saw Sirius and Remus join them.

"I just have a gut feeling that the attack on Hogwarts was only the start of something bigger." She mumbled while Sirius looked at her.

"Gab, we're seventeen now, everything should be better for us." He tried to cheer her up, but she just sighed and leaned her head on James shoulder.

"We can only hope." She mumbled and James kissed her forehead while she fluttered her eyes closed.


Gabriella's POV

I felt a light kiss on my temple and James started whispering in my ear. "Time to get up, Gabriella." My green eyes fluttered opened and sighed into the crook of his neck causing him to shudder.

"No." I moaned and he chuckled.

"Alright, I'll just leave you here then." He teased and I sighed while getting up.

"Fine, but you owe me." I said while pointing my finger at him.

He rolled his blue eyes while walking out of the train. "How do I owe you anything?" He asked and I laughed at him.

"Because you woke me up. So now I get to sleep in for a day." I announced and he laughed at me.

"Whatever you say Love." He said and I smiled at him.

"I love you." I said looking up into his eyes.

He smiled and kissed my lips sweetly. "Love you too."


James, Sirius, and I walked into the Potter Mansion and it made my spine shiver. James looked around for his parents. "Mum! Dad!" He yelled waiting for a reply.

I grabbed his hand and he looked at me. "James, I'd don't think-" he cuts me off by running towards the living room while I had tears in my eyes and looked over at Sirius.

"Why is it us?" I asked and he hugged me to his chest.

"I don't know Gabby." He mumbled and that's when I heard James yelling for his parents to wake up.

My eyes scrunched closed as I sobbed heavily. I pulled away from Sirius and walked over to the living room to see Mrs. Potter on the ground with her hand intertwined with Mr. Potter's.

James was sobbing in front of his parents and I looked towards the scorched wall. 'Join Us.' It wrote and I shook my head while falling to the floor with James.

"James..." I mumbled and he sniffled while wiping his eyes.

"Now I know what pain your talking about." He whimpered while I held him.

Now it was my turn to make sure he wouldn't break.


We called Dumbledore to help us and he did. But James didn't want a funeral for his parents, the sight of them just made him cry even more.

I left him in his room while I stayed with Sirius in the dining room. I kept a cup of tea in my hands trying to keep them warm.

Sirius sighed at how silent the house was.  "How is he?" He asked and I sighed as well.

"Worse than me." I mumbled and he shook his head while running a hand through his hair.

"How worse?" He asked and I bit my bottom lip.

"He kinda, ruined his bedroom by throwing fire spells and destroying everything." I said while rubbing my face.

Sirius looked out the window. "I just don't understand why the Death Eaters would go after Pure Bloods." He mumbled to himself while I looked at him.

"Because they were probably going to turn them into Death Eaters and they said no." James said suddenly causing me to jump.

"James, I thought you were asleep." I said while holding my chest.

He rubbed his eyes while yawning. "I can't. Can you join me?" He asked in the most innocent voice that I looked at Sirius.

He gave him a sad smile. "Yeah, Gabby go help out your lover." He laughed out while I looked at James.

"Come on." I said and wrapped my arm around his waist. "Let's go to sleep." I said while emphasizing the word sleep.

Sirius chuckled and I pulled James to my bedroom. James sat on the bed while I smiled sadly on him.

"James?" I questioned and he looked at me with sad eyes. He kissed my lips hungrily and I gasped at the sudden contact.

I pulled away taking a deep breath. "What are you doing?" I asked while he pulled me into his lap.

"Please make me forget." He mumbled as he started kissing my neck. I closed my eyes for a second and returned my lips on his.

"Okay." I muttered into the kiss.


Poor James, he has no one left now. Please leave a Comment, Vote, and Follow. Thanks!❤️❤️❤️

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