•Chapter 1.5•

- Darkness -

Gabriella was packing her luggage bag again before everyone has to leave for Hogwarts. She was placing her robes and in the bag with her books and presents she received for Christmas that she wants for the rest of her fifth school year.

When she was folding one of her jeans, a piece of yellowed paper fell to the floor and she didn't notice while she closed her luggage and started to go downstairs to set it in place before she left.

James was looking for Gabriella before they left and walked into her room to find it completely empty. He sat on her bed while waiting for her and his eyes wondered over to the old piece of paper.

His eyebrows furrowed and he picked it up while looking at the messy handwriting. 'To My Daughter' was written and James looked around to see if anyone would walk in.

He knew it was wrong to read the letter for Gabriella from her dead parents, but he didn't want to see her hurt again.

He carefully unfolded and his eyes scanned the parchment as he started reading. 'My dearest Gabriella, if you have received this letter, that means that I'm dead. I'm sorry for not being able to protect you and your mother anymore, but hopefully you'll be able to live life without me.

My life has been kept a secret from you and your mother to protect you from the Dark Magic in my world. But now I'm warning you. If you are not careful my past will haunt you as well. I'm sorry for not telling you, and it's okay if your upset at me forever, but beware of the Dark Lord.

My family is involved with the Dark Lord and has been since the beginning. I was the only one who thought it was wrong to kill Muggleborns, and Muggles for that matter who were innocent.

Please Gabriella, I beg for you to watch yourself and your mother. I love you very much and hope you could forgive me for my actions. Tell your mother everything or keep it from her, it's your decision.

Love your father, Michael Rodgers'

James head was spinning with questions that couldn't be answered. Was her father a death eater? Why would the Dark Lord be angry enough to kill him? And does Gabriella know?

He quickly took the parchment in his pocket when he heard footsteps nearing the room. Gabriella popped her head in to see James sitting in her bed with a fake smile. She looked over him.

"Are you okay James?" She asked while he tried to relax.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Ready to get going?" He asked hoping she would forget about him.

She nods her head. "Yes! I can't wait to finally be alone and with girls again." She said over dramatically.

James chuckled and started heading to the chimney. "Yeah, I would too." He mumbled his mind heading back over to the letter.

"Hey, Gabs, do you know anything about the Dark Lord?" He asked carefully.

She furrowed her eyebrows at the weird question. "No... Only that he's trying to get rid of Muggleborns. Why?" She looked up into his relaxed eyes.

"No reason, just something the Daily Prophet kept talking about." He said which technically was true. The Daily Prophet kept the news on the Death eaters and the Dark Lord.

"Okay, just don't talk about it to Lily, she gets scared talking about him." Gabby said slowly. He nods his head.

"I won't." He whispered and they flooed to the train.


Gabriella's POV

I rushed into the wall while I said goodbye to James' parents and rushed into the train. The leaf was still bitter in my mouth, but I had to keep it. For Remus and for myself. Yep that's the only reason. Not because stupid Sirius and Peter made a bet that I would accidentally swallow it or spit it out.

Nope not at all. I got on the train and looked around for Lily and Marlene while I bumped into a hard chest. I fell to the floor and grumbled to the person just looking down at me.

I saw black curly hair and grey eyes and looked down again. "Really Sirius! You couldn't even watch where you're going now." I mumbled and the person sneered at me.

I looked at him more carefully when I got up and gasped. "Sorry Regulus." I apologized and he hit his shoulder into mine causing me to wince.

"That's what I thought Rodgers." He sneered. He's always hated me for no reason. But he never called me Mudblood which was a plus.

I sighed and went over to the compartment with the Marauders. I sat down next to Remus and placed my hand on my chin.

"I can't find Lily or Marlene..." I said sadly and Remus patted my back.

"You'll find them Gabby, don't worry." Sirius said and continued stuffing his face with candy.

I sighed again and looked out the widow. "Hopefully."


Yay! Another chapter! So now you know the backstory of Gabriella's Dad. Please leave a Comment, Like and Vote. Thanks!❤️❤️❤️

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