
Ok I mean KYLEE (I had to capitalize or my phone would autocorrect) but my phone keeps autocorrecting to "kaylee" and I'm not fixing it

Ok so I've seen like 3 tik toks now of ppl being mad at Kaylee that her and Javon might be in a relationship but like??? You guys do realize that he is gonna date someone eventually right?

And In all honesty I ship Kaylee and him🤷‍♀️

I don't think as fans of Javon or even Kaylee that we should be mad that they like each other (if they do) or that their dating (if they are).

Like sooner or later ur gonna get in a relationship too💀 besides as much as I love Javon he literally doesn't even know we exist so what r we gonna do? Get mad?

So all together stan Kaylee☝️😍

Anyways yeah that's all bye
