5 (javon)

This was a request from: 1-800-idontevenknow

I was hanging out with Jaden rn while javon does idek what. Jaden wanted me to film a tik tok with him so I did.

It was the sound that goes "that's fine I'm not going to keep barkin at a bitch who abt to do none"

After filming 20083739 times we finally got it. He posted it and tagged me. I spent like an hour or so more with him and decided to go hangout with javon.

He was on his bed laying down on his phone.

I then laid down next to him and gave him a side hug type things.

Javon: can u not rn

Me: uh yeah sorry mb

Javon: why aren't you hanging out with Jaden?

Me: because I miss my bf

I said smiling

Javon: mhm

My smile faded

Me: what's wrong

I said sitting up

Javon: nothin

Me: u sure?

Javon: yeah go back to hanging out with Jaden

Me: is this abt Jaden?

Javon: idk? U make everything else abt him

Me: huh no I don't

Javon: u got here 3ish hours ago and you've spent and hour with me and u spent an hour and 45 minutes with him

Me: were u timing me?

Javon: no it's simple math y/n

Me: well I'm with u not him so

Javon: u sure?

Me: yeah wtf

Javon: whatever, go hangout with him sense you like him more

Me: you think I like jaden? Ew no never

Javon: really? Bc that isn't what it seems

Jadens pov:

I mean y/n is cool but I don't like her like THAT yk? And I hate that the fans think I do, and Ik javon does too.

After she left I was walking into my sisters room when I heard her and javon talking really loud

Me: bro I think y/n are arguing

Jayla: fr? Abt what?

Me: I'm literally in here w u idk

Jayla: go

She said and we walked towards his door and put our ears up to it

Y/n: is this abt jaden?

Me and jayla both made a face at each other

Javon: idk? U make everything else abt him

Y/n: huh no I don't

Javon: u got here 3ish hours ago and you've spent and hour with me and u spent an hour and 45 minutes with him

Jaden: stalker much ?

I said whispering to jayla she just shook her head yes

Y/n: we're u timing me?

Javon: no it's simple math y/n

Jayla: this mf sucks at math

Y/n: well I'm with u not him so

Javon: u sure?

Y/n: yeah wtf

Javon: whatever, go hangout with him sense you like him more

Y/n: you think I like jaden? Ew no never

Javon: really? Bc that isn't what it seems

We got caught off by hearing our mom walk up the stairs. We booked it to Jaylas room

Y/n pov

Me: bro are u jealous?

Javon: no

Me: really bc this seems like u r.

Javon: I mean maybe a lil- but like u would to if I was hang-

Me: woah woah u don't have to explain urself, ur emotions and feelings are valid and I'm sorry if I came off as I was invaliding them, I promise I only like you javon

Javon: pinky promise?

Me: pinky, and I will spend more time with you from now own I swear

Javon: I love you

I just sat there staring at him? Did he just say he loved me?

Javon: helloo???

Me: I love you too
