26 (ashtray)

I woke up in ashes bed. He wasn't in his bed. I got up and walked out of his room and went into the kitchen and grabbed a pop tart

Ash then came from the bathroom looking irritated

Ash: fucking bitch I fucking hate her godamn

He said under his breath bending over looking into the fridge

Me: dang who hurt ur feelings this morning?

Ash: oh...When did u get out of bed

He said coming up to me and giving me a quick kiss

Me: like 2 minutes ago but what happened

Ashtray: fucking faye bro I hate her

Me: why- like I get she is a stranger and all but like why

Ashtray: idk ig I'm just- I'll tell u later

He said as fez walked in

Fez: nah don't let me interrupt you two

He said grabbing his water and walking back out

Me: u still mad at him?

Ashtray: eh a lil less now but still

We didn't really talk after that

It then became around 1-2ish I decided I'm gonna go to ashs room, that is where he is rn anyways

I walked in to see him on his bed laying down on his phone

I just laid next to him

He then shut his phone off and looked at me

Me: so why don't u like faye that much?

Ashtray: it's stupid but like idk ig in a way I'm scared she is going to take fez from me like she's gonna the reason we get distant or something like that

Aww bae is gonna miss his brother

Me: I get that but literally nothing can come between you two. Plus faye is way to slow to try anything

Ashtray: I guess ur right but still scared-

Me: no yeah I get that but also not talking to him is going to distance you guys too...you do know that right?

Ashtray: I mean I've never thought abt it that way

Me: yeah plus just let him know, fez wouldn't pick anyone over u The man has probably said it himself

We both just did a small chuckle

Ashtray: I love you y/n

Me: I love you too

He then kissed the top of my head and we just laid there being thankful for each others company
