12 (javon)

So or this one ur gonna have to pretend ur a dancer😋 (not like a stripper💀) ok anyways


So I have a dance show type thing today, basically me and my dance partner have to do a bunch of different dances for fun basically🤞

Jk it's a hobby type thing so everyone that can go in ur family, and the public so literally anyone. It started at 12:00pm

So we left at 10am so I had time to stretch and practice.

Javon is supposed to come with his family (his mom, dad, sister, and brothers,) and ofc my family is here along w my dance partners family and then other ppl we knew from school and even ppl we didn't know.

Sooner or later we had to start

We first did our dance called "false confidence"


*everyone cheered*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

We then quickly had to go into our other positions

We did our dance called  "brother"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then "happier then ever"
(Skip to 5:15)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

That took like 45 minutes just to do those three
(Not right but pretend🤞🤞)

After we got done we went to the back stage got changed I changed into javons black sweatpants Nike shorts that I stole from him and a white crop top

I then went out to find them and my family once I found them I gave hugs to all of them

Javon gave me flowers like the great bf he is

Then my mom forced me to take pictures with everyone for her Facebook later😒

Javons mom took some too

I took a picture with javon and Jaden then my older brother and little sister.

Then jayla and I also took a picture w javons mom and dad and then I took a picture w my mom and last but not least Daelo ofc my bestie

We then all went to dinner tg

Jaden; I 100% thought u were gonna fall when u jumped on that one guys back on the last dance

Jayla: oh yeah no fs

Javon: i can barley remember how to do math idk how u memorize those dances

Me: I barely do

His mom: you did so good!!

Daelo: ur like professional

Me: one day

We then ate and I went to Javon's house and spent the night


Enjoy this filler chapter😟
