Jaden pt.2

We all got into Jaylas car and headed to Alex's house.

We pulled up to his house and saw someone's car

I laughed and rolled my eyes, I knocked on his door or like banged on it on till he opened it

Alex: y/n- uhhh

He said looking back at his room

Me: hey! Uhm tell Samantha I said hi! Or are u cheating on her too? Anyways we are over Incase you didn't catch that part, uh I expect my shit I still have here at my house tmrr by 12pm

I said Turing around walking back to Jaylas car


She said getting out of the car slamming the door.

I got back into the car confused

Jaden: anyways-

Jayla: wanna go home?

Javon; yeah

Jaden: y/n wanna come over?

Me: mhm

I said doing a small smile

We then headed to their house and jayla went to her room and javon went to his and Jaden and I were in his.

Jaden explained to me that kylee and javon broke up bc of his fans or smth like that idrk

We were just laying on his bed staring at the ceiling

Jaden: y/n

Me: hm?

Jaden: I have to tell you something

Me: yea?

Jaden: I- uh- I uh like have a crush on you or something like that and I didn't tell u bc of Alex

Me: oh

I said still staring at the ceiling

Jaden: oh?

Me: I- uh I don't feel the same....sorry

Jaden: yeah no it's okay

He said laying back down

Jaden: you should uh probably get going-

Me: no yeah uh see you around

I said as I was grabbing my stuff and leaving

Me: so that is why me and my friend group broke up. I promise you, it will all get better

I said to my crying 13 yr old daughter. Her friend group split up bc of drama My son was listening in the door way

Him: mom

Me: hm?

Him: but you and dad had us...

Me: ur dad and I worked things out and eventually I had feelings for him to. Now hurry and get ready to you guys can go see aunt Jayla and uncle javon and uncle Daelo

Him: ok

Her: ok, I love you mom

Him: yeah love you mom

Me: love you guys too - don't forget we are taking pictures grandpa and grandma will be there too

I said kissing the top of their heads and going back into my room

Jaden: I love you as well

Me: I love you too

I said kissing him on the lips

Jaden: I can't wait to see Jayla, javon and Daelo I haven't seen them in forever

Me: I can't wait to see everyone and our kids seeing their cousins again

I said grabbing the keys and walking downstairs
