

Me, fez, and ash were chillin in the living room while faye went to go take the trash out

Rn ash isn't talking to her and I get that,

Faye then comes in the house

Faye: hey uhh the guy that was at the store that one time that one girl was there is outside

Fez: omfg

Ashtray: I'll be back

He said grabbing a gun. I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed my tea off the counter

Bae gotta do what he gotta do🤷‍♀️

Sooner or later ash brings him back in And sits him in the chair while I sit in some in between fez and faye

Fez: so first you come to my fuckin job asking all these weird ass questions like the feds and then I find you out front of my house? Wtf are u doin man?

Cal: your free to call the cops

Fez: why tf would I do that?

Cal: well it's either call the cops, let me go or kill me

He said looking at ashtray whom was holding a gun to his head

Fez: wtf man What's with ur family are you all just a bunch of fuckin assholes ?

Cal: u beat up my son

Fez: yeah well he deserved it man he is a fuckin bitch

Cal: ohh ok tuff guy

Ash then hit him with the back of the gun

Look at bae go

Cal: ow ffffuck why did u do that?

He said looking at ashtray

Ashtray: bc ur in no possession to talk shit

Cal: I'm warning you hit me one more time-

He got cut off my ash hitting him again

Cal: fuck

Ash: why don't u call the cops?

Cal: the chief of police Will greenwood-

Ash: mhmm

Ash said before hitting him 6 more times

Fez: alright ash, chill out, man

He said while faye handed me the blunt

I looked at her like she was stupid before handing it back to her

Cal: fuck!

Ashtray: this guy don't want the fuckin' cops involved watch

He said taking his phone out and setting on the table in front of cal

Ash: call the cops

Cal: I will

Ashtray: Dial bitch

He said hitting cal again

Ashtray: if you got nothin to hide call the fuckin' cops

He said before hitting him again

Cal: stop,stop, stop

Ashtray: im not fuckin stopping

Cal: stop

Ashtray: I'm not stopping. Call the cops.

Ashtray: I told you

He said looking at fez before hitting cal again

Fez: alright man I get it

Cal: ik you and your drug addict friend that girl. You're trying to extort my son

Fez: what?

Me: tf does extort mean?

Cal: bc of what I did to her friend

Fez: tf u talkin abt man?

Cal: yk the blond

Fez: who? Jules?

Cal: look man I didn't know she was 17

Fez: you tellin me you had sex with Jules


Faye: who's Jules?

Fez: wtf man

Faye: do Ik Jules?

Fez: wtf are we even talking abt rn bro?

Faye: Jules. Jules, Jules...Jules

Cal: I just want the disc...

Fez: what disc?!?

Me: no fuckin way did u-

Cal: of Jules and I

Fez: yo, you recorded that shit?!

Cal: I didn't know

Fez: you didn't know u were recording?

Cal: I fucked up

Me: no shit

Fez: obviously, man, yo who tf even told u I gave a shit abt this anyway?

Cal: my son

Me: HA!

Cal: your son? The one that's in love with Jules?

Faye: aw that's cute

Me: shut yo bitchass up

Fez: that's not cute man, wtf

Cal: what?

Fez: what type of weird-ass father-son shit is goin' on around here bro?

Cal: I'm extremely confused

Fez: you're confused. I'm fuckin confused bro

Faye: me too

Me: I'm not yall just slow ig

Fez: I don't even know what tf you're doin' here

Cal: do u mind if I just leave? I'm not gonna say a word abt anything istg let's pretend..like none of this ever happened

Me: how tf am I supposed to just forget- ykw nvm

Fez looked at ashtray who shook his head no

Fez: yo ash let me talk to u rq

Faye: hi what's ur name

She said looking at cal

Cal: cal

Faye: do u and ur son like.....do you like, fuck ppl together?

Me: ur weird asf not even gonna lie

Cal: who

Me: both of u

Cal: who tf are you callin weird

He said standing up

Ashtray: nah sit yo ass down what ur not finna do is touch her, now her idc

He said pointing at me then faye

Fez: yo check it out man imma let u walk up outta here on one condition

He said as ashtray put the gun up to his head again

Cal: anything

Fez: you'll keep your bitch-ass son out of my fuckin life and rules and Jules till the end of fucking time you understand?

Cal: I promise

Fez: now, idk shit abt no fuckin disc, man. That's not my problem

Cal just shook his head yes

Fez: now get this motherfucker up outta here, ash

Ashtray soon came back in the house looked at fez then faye and started walking to his room on his way he grabbed my hand tho

We got into his room

Ashtray: were u counting how many times I hit him?

Me: ofc it was 11 times

Ashtray: felt good to let some anger out

Me: that is good

I said smiling before kissing him and then leaving



He then walked to where I was and snaked his arms around my stomach and rested his chin on my shoulder
