
Today Me, Jaden, Javon, Jayla and Kylee (stan her💪) were all hanging out

Which is gonna be interesting because well everything that is happening with Javon and Kylee

Javons fans are finding out abt them and they are getting mad? And literally banned her account but not my business.

All I gotta worry abt it me and my bf🤷‍♀️

Whom is mad bc I'm going to hangout w Javon and Jaden

But bro is acting like he doesn't talk to 80 different girls.

I put on:

(Whatever one u want)

I grabbed my phone and went downstairs waiting for jayla to text me she is here or something when my bf texted me


When r u hanging out w them again?

When jayla gets here why?

What r u wearing

Clothes...? Your being weird bro

Right says the one hanging out w 2 other dudes🤣

Ur bsf list is literally all girls goodbye💀

Do I hangout w them tho?


Bruh it's different

Ur being mad dumb rn so bye

Keep playin ur gonna catch urself single
*read at 12:03pm*
If I say that shit I mean it

Ok G-Eazy.


I rolled my eyes and shut my phone off and walked into the kitchen

My mom: what r u wearing?

Me: why is everyone worried abt what I'm wearing today Jesus

My mom: ur not gonna go out with Alex looking like that

Me: I'm going to hangout w Jayla and them? I literally told you that

My mom: oh yeah I forgot

She said as I got a notification Jayla was here.

I told my mom bye and walked to the car seeing Jayla driving Kylee in the front seat and the boys in the back

I sat next to Jaden

Kylee: y/n

Me: hello

Jaden: how's Alex

Me: he thinks he G-Eazy today

Javon: wtf

Jayla: wym?

Me: mf really said "if I say that shit I mean it"

Kylee just started laughing

Jaden: damn what'd he mean?

Me: ion even know bruh he got mad I was hanging out w u You and Javon and then I brought up his bsf list and he was like "keep playin ur gonna catch urself single" like I gaf?

Jayla: yeah ain't no one like him idk why ur dating him

Me: mhm bro

I said as she pulled up to this place we were gonna eat

We all got out and I saw Alex's friends but no Alex

Thank god I was walking next to Jaden when this mf pushed me so I pushed him back

And now we were pushing each other.

We kept pushing each other even when we were ordering

We got our food and sat outside

Derek: yo! Y/n I thought u and Alex were together?

Me: dating? Yes, hanging out? No

Abby: shut up remember what Alex said

Honestly I stopped listening bc I didn't care

Kylee: ur not worried??

Me: abt?

Jayla: uh yk Alex cheating on u

Me: he alr did but he doesn't know Ik

Jaden: ur gonna stay w him?

Me: nah just wanna break up in person ykw I mean

Jayla: so...let's go to his house and u break up w him....?..
She said looking at us

To be continued..
