4 (ashtray)

"We are just gonna smoke with them and Gia. Come get us when u wanna leave"

Yeah I've went over there 8 times and it's always "give me 5" I hate having siblings that are so self absorbed

I was walking  around not being interested in anything I saw a pretzel stand wish a bench right next to it.

I plopped down on it and put my head back looking at the stars.

Ashtray: yo y/n?

Me: hm?

I said looking up

Ashtray; yoo wassup

Me: oh hi.

Ashtray: what are u doin out here?

Me: nothing. Quit literally nothing

Ashtray: where is your brother and sister?

Me: smoking with Gia and the twins

Fez: yo ash close up for the night

Ashtray: bet, uh y/n wanna come w ?

Me: sure

We walked in I sat on a counter while he did whatever. He gave me a pretzel and some cheese
(Ykw I'm taking abt??)

I sat there and ate it while he did whatever

Ashtray: alr let's head out.

Me: mkay

We then walked out of the stand

Ashtray: what u wanna do?

Me: oooo come look at the stars with me

Ashtray: no, nope, not happening

Me: come onnnnn

I said dragging him to a grass area

Ashtray: whatever man

He said as he laid down with me. I was laying on his stomach while I was on my back so we both could see the stars

Ashtray: why u like the stars sm?

Me: they make me happy, same with the moon and sunsets

We made small talk until we both fell asleep

Fez: yo wake up

Ash: hm?

Fez: it's been an hr everyone is like gone

Me: shit

I said standing up

Ashtray: what?

Me; my siblings they fucking left me.

Fez: damn fr?

Me: no I'm joking- yes I'm fr

Ashtray: stay at ours for the night we can take u home after

Fez: yeah

Me: I don't have clothes and I'm not sleeping in my jeans

Ashtray: I have a hoodie and shorts or sweats you can wear

Me: ok then yea

We then started walking to the car

Fez: ay no godamn funny business tho ok?

Ashtray: shut yo dumbass up
