
I was at home right now. I was just scrolling through social media when I can across a edit of Jayla and Kylee.

In all honesty even tho everyone knows I'm dating Jayla and Kylee is straight I'm still jealous.

Bc maybe Jayla has a crush on her? Or maybe Kylee has a crush on Jayla but won't tell anyone. I then got a notice that jayla went live so I joined.

Ofc she was with Kylee

Jayla: where y/n? Mhm probably at home- oh she joined hi baby

Kylee: hi y/n!!

Kylee: no Jayla is dating y/n and I'm straight

I then commented "hi jayjay hope ur having fun!!"

Jayla then read my comment

Jayla: aww I am with bestie kylee

She said hugging her. I left the live when I got a message from Kylee


This is jayla is everything okay?

Yeah! Why?

Just sensed something was off. Are you sure?

Well im not in the best mood but it'll pass!

aww why?

Idk just jealous ig

Of what?



Idk just seems like ur always with her and blowing me off for her. It's fine tho I get it she is your best friend

Lmfao why would u feel like that? I don't mean to blow you off but she lives 45min away and you live walking distance so I see u more often

But you don't u see her more then me. But like I said I get it. It's fine

Ur always doing this bro. Istg I don't mean to blow u off.

Jayla I literally said I get it meaning I underused and I'm not mad or sad lol



Did I not say I get it? I swear we argue over the dumbest shit

I then joined her live again to see javon and Jaden were there

Javon: y/n or Kylee? Y/n 100%

Kylee: wooooww

Jaden: yeah y/n. She is nicer

Jayla: anyways.

Kylee: someone seems jealous of y/n.

She read out loud

Kylee: no. I'm not jealous of her.

Jayla just laughed.

I rolled my eyes and left the live again.

I hate thinking the way I think.
