8 (javon)

Requested by: @itszee22

Going to one of his fight

Today I woke up at 4:30am on a fucking Saturday just for javon

He had a boxing match and so ofc I'm going to go, he said his family would pick me up "sense I'm on the way" I'm definitely not on the way I looked it up.

But whatever. Is match starts at 7:30 but it's an hour away and he isn't getting here till 5:30 plus we have to be early bc his dad is his couch or whatever

I got dressed into jeans and javons black hoodie and white Air Forces my hair was wavy today bc I put it on braids last night.

I grabbed my phone, a portable charger, my AirPods, my wallet,and I also got a granola bar to eat for breakfast

Javon told me I should probably bring a water so I did bc why not.

He texted me he was here and I left a note for my mom that I'll be back before 9pm- to be fair that is what javon told me

I walked outside in the fucking cold. I opened the door to see I was in the way back with javon

Jayal: morning y/n

Me: good morning

I said On my way to the back once I got back there I whispered yelled at javon

Me: I'm gonna kill u

Javon: what why

Me: "ur on the way anyways" my ass

Javon: uh well sorry ma'am

Me: yeah u best be

Javon: wooow

Jaden; it's to early for u guys to argue

Javon: we aren't arguing

He said stealing Jaden neck pillow

Jaden: istg javon give it back

Javon: no

Jaden: y/n wanna know javons old musically account?

Javon: no no she does

He said throwing the neck pillow at Jaden

Javon: wanna listen to our playlist?

Ofc I said yes

Javon was supposably "extremely bored at 3am" so he made us a playlist and sent it to me.

I took both AirPods out and gave him one and we listened to it on our way there

I ofc fell asleep.

Once we got there Jaden threw the neck pillow at me

Me: I'm literally gonna run u over

Jaden: yeah yeah whatever

He said rolling his eyes getting out of the car

Javon and his dad went one way, me jayal, jaden, Daelo, and their mom all went and sat down.

We got there am hr early so we sat in the front in the mean time me and Jaden played iMessage games.


Me: bc I'm good at it

I said shrugging

Finally his fight was starting.

Idek how to explain what happened. Javon his someone we clapped and yelled, jayla filmed me once or twice I filmed javon bc I need to mea supportive gf or whatever🤞🙄

Idk how u tell who wins what but all Ik javon won.




After that we all met up again and javon tried to give me a hug

Me: ur sweating.....

Javon: girl idc

He said he then took my water that I took 2 sips from and chugged it

Me: ur welcome

Javon: thanks

Daelo: lets goooo

He said opening the doors to leave

Me and javon went in the same spot we were in and we went on our phones when I realized jayla mentioned me on her story on Instagram

I looked at it and it was me cheering for javon and me staring at him.

Javon must have got tagged too bc he teased me abt it the whole was back abt it

But we listened to our playlist and we both fell asleep this time.
