
lol ok as writing this I get extreme summer vibes so just like pretend their school day was their last day of school ok? Ok😘 I also recommend u listen to a playlist that reminds u of summer days bc it makes this chapter ever better
ALSO this isn't proof read at all

I ran in my house and grabbed my stuff, everyone must have left already bc no one was home. I then ran to my freezer, and grabbed 6 popsicles one for jayla, javon, jaden, me and the Daelo

I ran out the door and locked it. I was hit with the hot air. I ran and jumped in the car and gave everyone their popsicles

We ate them on our way to the house when we got there I was the first one out. I walked in and went and put my bag in the extra "play"
Room type thing they have

I usually sleep in there and everyone else with too we make like one really big bed with all their mattresses and a bunch of blankets.

I walked back downstairs to see everyone in the kitchen

(Btw javons moms name is Jessica and his dads name is DJ)

Jessica: hi y/n!

Me: hi

Dj: ok so Jaden, javon, jayla, and y/n these are our friends kids maddie, paul, annabelle and hope

Jaden: hey

Javon: hi

Me and jayla didn't say anything

Me: oh! Mom?

My mom: Yes?

Me: it's okay if I stay the night right?

My mom: yeah I don't see why not

Jaden: mom, dad it's okay if she stays the night right?

Jessica: yeah ofc always

Dj: ok well do whatever now

Us 5 went upstairs and went into jaylas room

Javon: why do they have to be hereeeee

Me: idk but make the best out of it

Their dad then knocked on the door

Dj: here make a playlist u guys wanna listen to.

Jayla: lets go

We then added a bunch of random ass songs we all like

Dj: also! Change into bathing suits-

Javon: do we get to use the pool too?

Dj: no that's off limit- obviously

He said laughing

Jaden: lets goooo

We all then went separate ways

Jayla changed in her room javon changed in his and so did Jaden, I changed in the bathroom

I walked out to here javon and Jaden arguing

Javon: idk what ur talking abt

Jaden: those are my shorts??

Javon: they literally aren't tho...?

Jaden: yes they are-

Jayla: leave it alone let's go. Also find a good spot to go watch the sun set

She said whispering the last part

We all then went downstairs and went outback and handed Dj the phone with the playlist

The other kids were sitting down we all just went straight to the water house thingy (idk wtf to call it😍)

U could smell the food cooking and hear the adults talking and laughing.

We alr knew they were taking pictures for their Facebook. They have to stunt on them hoes

I got pushed down the slide by javon istg I got whiplash.

That became a game we started pushing each other when we got to the top.

My main goal was to just push the boys. It was fun until the other kids joined and when one of them got pushed they got all mad and told

Dj: I mean we already knew what they were doing from down here so why'd u go up there if u didn't wanna get pushed? and Daelo is up there having fun and he is 6 so if a 6 year old can handle it a 11 year old can

That's why we Stan him.

I was trying to push javon when I saw his mom recording, then Jaden pushed both of us and istg I was Superman or some shit bc I went flying.

Javon: bruh we're gonna have to many bruises tomorrow-

He got cut off my jayla sliding and knocking us down my our feet

Jaden: MY BAD

Jessica just laughed

We spent hours doing this. The other kids who I don't wanna learn their names just swam until we were done.


We then started pushing each other to get down first someone- I think Jaden pushed my down the fucking stairs

Which is fine bc I was the first one down but damn it hurt like a bitch

We then grabbed a towel and made our food.

I got a burger and out *whatever u want on it* and grabbed a sprite and a bag of chips and went and sat down

Soon I was joined by the rest of them.

(Sorry to interrupt but I love summer days/nights like this and I can't wait for summer omg)

We started talking abt what just happened and couldn't stop laughing. When we got done we all agreed we should go watch the sunset now. I just through on jadens shorts I stole from him like a month ago

We all got in the car and we all had this playlist we made together for when in the car jayla started driving this was the spots everyone was in

Driver: jayla
Passenger: Jaden
Behind driver: empty car seat
Middle: y/n
Behind passenger: javon

in the car seat we put the snacks to be fair we asked Daelo if he wanted to come and he said no it sounded boring

We then stopped at 7-11 and got slushys

The whole way there everytime I sang I would push javon and use his hand at a microphone he would do the same to me

We finally got there and turned up the radio and opened all the doors so we could listen to the music as we all danced until we all calmed down to actually watch the sun set and we took turns of pictures.

We did the exact same thing we did when we got back to their house but in the dark

This time me and Daelo went for jayla

Me: lets gooo

I said as jayla fell

Jayla: nah imma get u back

Me: no she isn't

I said looking at javon to see him recording.

He then started laughing

Please don't go by Mike posner started playing

We all sang as we tried to kill each other.

My mom: y/n!! We are leaving

She said coming up to the water slide we all then slide down at the same time causing a big splash

My mom: yeah and the doors are gonna be locked tmrr have fun trying to get it

I just laughed and hugged her bye then Dj and Jessica came up to the water house?? (Again what do I call it)


He was then thrown down


Dj then picked me up


I got cut off by getting thrown I stood up to see Jaden recording me while laughing his ass off

Me: ohh ur sooo funny-

Jayla then got thrown on top of me causing Jaden and javon to laugh even more


We then pushed Jessica and Dj down like 8 times

Jessica: Okok lets go inside before we get eatin up by mosquitoes

We all then slowly went inside, grabbing our phones, towels and whatever else on the way in

We all grabbed a handful of snacks and ran upstairs

And fucking javon fell into me causing both to us to go rolling down the stairs
(From experience and that shit hurts)

I saw jayla recording

When is someone not recording tbh

I then got up after like 20 minutes of laughting grabbed the snacks and took them to the room we are sleeping in.

I then helped jayla bring her mattress in, the boys helped each other my job was to grab the blankets while Jaden grabbed the pillows I walked into his room to grab his blanket

Me: hi

Jaden: hi I'm out of breath-

Me: yeah i can tell

I said laughing

Jaden: I- I just saw Daelo fall down the stairs and look around to make sure no one saw

He said In between laughing

Me: what

I said busting out laughing

We then calmed down and we happen to look into each other eyes as we calmed down.

We slowly moved closer and closer and we dropped the pillows and blankets

His lips finally met mine we then pulled apart and looked at each other going in for another kiss.

After the second kiss we both started smiling picking our stuff up and walking out


I said walking into the room with Jaden behind me


We then went and changed, and found spots on the big bed type thing

It went Jayla next to her was javon and I was next to him and Jaden. Daelo would come and jump on top of us once or twice but other then that he had to go to his room

I then went on my phone to see everything I was tagged on. I was on javons story, jaylas, jadens and Jessica's

I had them send me everything

I then decided to post on insta


Caption: first day of summer was a success w some bruises

Onwardwanna: can't wait to do this for 3 months straight

Onwardjdub: ❤️

Jaylawaltonoffical: forever my favorite best friend <3
Y/n.l/n: <33


User2: my dream summer🥲

User9: cant wait for the content tbh

Tribe6strong: I expect u not to leave my house this summer
Y/n.l/n: yk it

Onwardnation: ur my favorite friend of theirs (also u guys cheated when throwing us down)
Tribe6strong: yeah they 100% cheated
Onwardwanna: no
OnwardJdub: nah
Jaylawaltonoffical: u literally wish
Y/n.l/n: yeah you guys are just jealous
User56: LIVE THIS!!
Onwardwanna: u live this??
User56: love*
Onwardwanna: Ohhh

