
I was packing my stuff up waiting for the bell to ring, after a minute or two it finally rang.

I was walking home today so that kinda sucked bc it was kinda hot out but whatever.

I was walking down the hallway when Jaden started walking next to me

We started walking home together when I walked home but we weren't that close.

Jaden: hey hru?

Me: good you?

Jaden: good.

We started walking in comfortable silence

Me: you know what's funny?

Jaden: hm?

Me: I'd barely seen you when you asked me if I hated you, wasn't surprised but still had nothing I could say to you, I'm sorry if I ever made you feel the way you do

Jaden: nah ur chill beside I know you better than your parents- I heard abt them u don't gotta be embarrassed.

Me: what do yk then?

Jaden: you go online cause thats where you can be the saddest You've been acting careless.... Now you put on a happy face you need someone who's gonna stay, I know you're crushed under the weight, you keep things bottled up inside, I wish you'd, give someone a try, before my heart gives out

Me: okay? You're losing track of all the friends Ik you used to half. Don't know what happened but the old you wasn't half as bad

Jaden: I'm sorry no one sees what's going on inside your head.

Me: shutup

I said doing a slight smile. I hate when he figures me out.

Jaden: I know that you hate when I figure you out you get so distant just so you can hear a sound swear that you've been gone but yet your body's still around.

Me: ok Jaden I get it

Jaden: wanna hangout?

Me: we are just gonna ignore what happened? I'm so confused

Jaden: sooo? Yes? No?

Me: Um yeah sure

Jaden: bet

We walked to his house we didn't really talk abt anything unless it was abt school.

Jadens phone went off and he looked at it

Jaden: Yo!

To be continued
