24 (javon)

The bell rang which meant that I could finally go fucking home.

I walked over to Jaden and we both walked to our bus

I would go with javon but he does schooling from home🙄

We both go on the bus and we went to where we sit everyday. In the back I sit by the window while he sits on the edge with his friends/teammates

Alex: hi y/n how's javon?

Me: hey and he is good

I said sliding into our seat. No one likes Alex he is weird like squawking at you weird and like he fucking meowed at me while I was walking to class once

He will also chase you across the school for fun.

Jaden: Alex stop asking her abt Javon

Alex: no- your actually not even in the conversation

Jaden: it's abt my brother? And his gf? I think I get to have say abt it especially if he isn't here.

Alex: ur annoying

I rolled my eyes and shook my head and put my headphones in.

I was just having a bad day today, everyone and everything was getting annoying I mean Ik it's Friday but still.

The seniors then got on the bus. Their nice to me and Jaden probably bc we know Javon. I mean it's not like they bully everyone yk they just pick on ppl and roast some people

But as long as I'm not getting roasted idc, I could hear Jaden and his friends laughing over my music.

One of the seniors then grabbed my water bottle, I looked at him and then back out of the window

I'm just not in the mood today. I saw Jaden trying to get it back. No luck. He then asked if I was okay

I just shook my head yes. I then took my AirPods out

To see some sophomore jump over the seat
The bus driver then stomped on his brakes


his friends just laughed at him, this is the 3rd day in a row.

Finally we came to my jadens stop, while walking out the senior handed me my water bottle. Empty

Fucking great whatever bro

Jaden: u sure ur ok?

Me: yeah just a bad day

Jaden: oh....u coming over to see javon?

Me: uhhh yeah

I said deciding if I should or not. My house is across the fucking neighborhood and it's a 20 minute walk.

I honestly think they should put two stops in my neighborhood but whatever

We walked the rest of the way silent until he broke it

Jaden: do u have the math hw answers?

Me: yeah..u have science?

Jaden: yeah

Me: kk

We then walked up his driveway and into his house

Jayla: hey javon is in a interview so be quite

We both shook our heads and went into the living room and have each other the answers.

After we just went on our phones

Jaden: so why'd u have a bad day?

Javon: hey guys

He said walking downstairs

Me: hii

Javon: bro they just asked if I was single like I don't post y/n

Jayla: weird

She said sitting down

Me: I'll brb I have to pee

Jaylas pov;

Y/n always has to pee

Jaden: javon

Javon: what

Jaden: 1 Alex talked to y/n td abt u and 2 she is having a bad day today

I swear they lowkey treat her like a chart like a hospital chart.

Jaden will report what type of day y/n is having and what boys talked to her

Which is weird but nice in a way

I kinda feel bad tho

Javon: why and why

Jaden: mhm

Javon: did anyone talk to her?

Jaden: Chris, anothny-

Javon: ew why him

Jaden: idk looked like they were arguing

Me: u guys should probably stop treating her like u are sending a report on her also Jaden u sound like a stalker and javon just ask how she is

Javon: it's not that easy

Me: it really is

Javon: she won't tell me sometimes

Me: not to sound like she doesn't like u but it's bc she doesn't want to, if she wanted to she would.

Javon: then I can't help her

Me: maybe she doesn't want ur help

I said going back upstairs

Y/ns pov;

I walked out of the bathroom to see javon with and irritated look on his face

Javon: wanna go upstairs y/n?

Me: yeah

I said doing a small smile. We then went into his room, I laid on his bed and he laid next to me

Javon: whyd u have a bad day?

Fuck Jaden

Me: mhm nothin really just not in the best mood ig.

Javon: oh.

I mean I wasn't lying I literally wasn't in a good mood. I was feeling extra insecure abt everything lately. Bc silly ol y/n decided to go through javons following last night

On everything and I regret it.

Javon: why'd u talked to Chris today?

Me: bc we're friends? Why do u have Jaden tell u all of this

I said laughing a lil

Javon: bc I care abt u

He said getting defensive

Me: oh- I meant it to come out as a joke not like a-

Javon: idrc it sounded like u were irritated

Me: oh nope I'm not

Javon: oh ok....sooo why'd u argue with Anthony today?

Me: omg javon

I said doing a small laugh

Javon: what? It's a serious question

Me: it was nothing

Javon: mhm

I'm not in the mood to deal with his fucking mood swings

I got up and grabbed my bag and went to leave

Javon: where r u going?

Me: home- it's a 20 minute walk and I'm not in a good mood

Javon: is this bc I asked why u were talking to ppl today?

Me: no not everything abt u

Javon: whatever I'll never ask again

Me: mhm u literally ask me everyday it's getting old

Javon: yk what's getting old?

He said as I was walking out of his door

Me: what tell me I'm begging u tell me

Javon: getting told u talk to all these boys during school

Me: omg u literally talk to girls

Javon: it's different

Me: why? Why is it different?

Javon: bc I tell u abt them

Me: sorry I don't tell u abt boring conversations I've had

Javon: right bc if it was so boring you'd be ARGUING

Me: javon....he literally told me that me and him would make a better couple and I sat and argued with him on how that isn't true so yeah-

Javon: OH so that conversation wad boring?

Me: no OMG I didn't fucking tell u bc then ur gonna tell Jaden whom is gonna talk to him abt it and then it's gonna be a big thing. Like it was last time.

Javon: it is not my fault that u had to go talk to the school counselor abt it

Me: ok javon right it's not bc if u didn't make Jaden give u a report abt me and MY day instead of literally just ASKING ME u wouldn't have known so u wouldn't have told Jaden to talk to him and then they wouldn't haven't literally  FOUGHT over it javon...u LITERALLY GOT UR OWN BROTHER SUSPENDED FOR 3 DAYS- I'm done fighting I'm not in a good mood. I'll come over later and we can talk abt it later

Javon: no- u don't get to just do that blame it on me and then leave

Me: I'm coming back to talk abt it-

Javon: no, do not come back to talk abt it. Ur gonna blame it all on me and it's gonna fall back on me.

Me: Bc u have Jaden give a report on me-


Me: THEN TELL ME NOT JADEN- u need to work on ur communication skills-


Me: no no ur not javon I love u but-

Javon: no u don't u wouldn't be caring like this if u loved me

Me: whatever bro I'll be back later

Javon: no, I'm done, we are done. I'm so sick and tired of you and this fucking relationship-

Jayla: told u it wasn't a good idea for u to have Jaden give reports on her

Javon: fuck u jayla

Jayla: ur acting a bit toxic rn

Javon: y/n leave, I'm breaking up w u, jayla leave me tf alone.

I rolled my eyes and slammed his door shut and left his house. Not saying bye to his parents or little brother who was walking in from the garage

Third person

Y/n went home that day and cried. Javon regretted breaking up with her but another part felt a relief

Months and even a year later and javon still asks abt y/n, and y/n still asks abt javon

Maybe right person wrong time? Maybe it was a one sided relationship? Maybe it wasn't gonna work out from the beginning? Maybe it was toxic? Maybe their to young? Maybe they'll date again? Maybe it was emotional draining?who fucking knows

Javon still loves her

Y/n still loves him
