

I was will jules and Elliot when they told rues mom

Ik she was gonna get mad, I knew she was gonna starting hitting fighting and kicking things.

Leslie: I want you to know that I'm not angry with you

Rue: angry?

Leslie: yes, I'm not angry with you. I love you

Me and Gia overheard I was in here w her while Elliot and jules were in the kitchen and living room

Rue: what are you talking about?

Leslie: ik ur doing drug again

Rue: what? Did gia say something about this?!

Gia fucking knew and she didn't tell anyone?

Gia quickly put her head phones in as rue was walking towards her room

Rue: really?!? Ur gonna rat me out to fuckin mom? Over smoking a little bit of weed? Is what tf we're doing now?

Gia: what're you talking about? I didn't rat you out!

Rue: ik I never should've fuckin true you!

Gia: I didn't say anything!

Rue: then what is she talking about?!?

Leslie: wait wait wait were you doing drugs with Gia?

Rue: No!

Gia: what!? I- Rue, I didn't say anything

Rue: then how tf does she know? What is she talking about!

Leslie: Gia, you knew this? You knew she was doing drugs?

Holy shit

Gia: it's not like that!

Rue: ok you know what! If you wanna fuckin  consider smoking some weed to help with my fuckin panic attacks doing drugs then, yeah, sure, whatever. I was doin fuckin drugs gimme a fuckin break

Leslie: you knew?

She said looking at Gia when rue slammed a door

Leslie: Don't slam my door!

Gia: mom! Please tell her I didn't say anything-

Rue: can you guys chill the fuck out? It's just some weed

She said as we walked into her room

Leslie: I'm not talking about weed rue. I'm talking about pills

Rue: what?

This bitch

Leslie: I'm talking about opiates.

Rue: I'm not taking opiates mom

She said yawing

Gia: when did you start doing pills- y/n you knew abt the pills?! YOU DIDNT SAY ANYTHING TO ME-

Leslie: Gia!

Rue: I fuckin didn't I told you-

Leslie: Gia!

Gia: I told you I thought this wasn't a good idea-

Leslie: Gia! Please! Let me handle this go to your room!

Gia: fuck it

Leslie: yeah fuck it!

I started following Gia out of the room

Gia: nah fuck you y/n stay out of my room

she said slamming her door

I then went back to rues room

Rue: if you wanna drug test me, let's just do it

Leslie: I don't wanna drug test you

Rue: okay, so then, what? You just wanna fuckin accuse me of shit

Leslie: I'm not accusing you baby, okay? But I know-

Rue: if you're so fuckin sure, let's do it! Come on, let's go, let's fuckin drug test me!

Leslie: I don't need to. Jules told me everything

She stopped in her tracks and turned back to her room and started searching for something

Rue: The fuck did you do, mom? Fuck! What did you do, mom?

Leslie: baby, please, baby, please listen to me, okay?

Rue: fuck. What did you do with the fuckin suitcase?!?

Leslie: please, it's gonna be okay!

Rue: where is the suit case?

Leslie: it's gonna be okay

Rue: where is it?

Leslie: baby, it's gonna be okay!

Rue: no, it's not gonna be fuckin okay! You don't know- FUCK it wasn't mine!

Leslie: then whose is it? Huh?!

Rue: fuck! Fuck!

Leslie: okay, look, look. We can go to the hospital okay?

Rue: I'm not goin' to the fuckin hospital! If you call- if you call!- mom, mom

Leslie: we can do the withdrawal thing again, baby it's okay

Rue: don't call....the fuckin hospital, if you try and put me in a fuckin hospital, istg we are gonna have a problem.

Leslie: rue, no, you're out of control

Rue: put the phone down, put the fucking phone down!

She said trying to snatch Leslie's phone

Rue: where did you put it? Where'd you put my pills, mom? Where did you put it?!?

Leslie: you're in my way.

She said pushing rue to the side

Leslie: get outta my way. I'm callin the police

Well shit

Rue: mom! No, you can't. You can't do that

Leslie: Yes! You will not attack me in my own home-

She said as they walked into the hallway

Rue: I'll do whatever the fuck I want in your own home!

My parents would beat the shit out of me tbh

Leslie: I raised you! I did, okay?! And you do not fuckin scare me!

They just stared at each other

Leslie: ur not a good person rue

Rue just chuckled and smiled

Leslie: u smilin'?

Y/n: rue ur this close from me beating ur ass

Rue: oh shut up y/n!

Leslie: really? Your proud of that? She is only one who as been here for Me! Gia! Shit even you!

Rue: you know what's a shame mom? My dads dead. Kinda keeps you from admitting what a shit fuckin mother you are  "oh poor Leslie her daughters and addict, but, yk her dad did die"

She said in a preppy type of voice

Rue: you hear that Gia?!? You hear that?

She said walking to Gias room

Rue: I don't wanna put to much pressure on you, but your probably gonna have to be a fuckin neurosurgeon or maybe an astronaut because if not, then mom is 0 for fuckin 2,! And that means that it might, actually, just be her fuckin fault

Gia: rue!, stop!

Me; rue u fucked yourself up, no one made u take those pills no one asked u to. You did, wanna know why? Bc ur a shitty ass person

Rue: yeah that means maybe she actually fucked up!

Leslie: okay that's enough rue

Rue: to be fuckin honest- don't fuckin touch me

She said shoving her mom

Rue: don't fuckin touch me, you wanna hit me?


Rue: do it. Hit me.

Gia: your fuckin-

Rue: ik u wanna- don't fuckin touch me

She said hitting Gia

Leslie: don't u fuckin touch her!

She said hitting rue

Leslie: get out! Get the fuck outta here!

She said shoving rue out of the room

Rue: get off of me!

Rue started kicking the door and screaming for her pills blah blah she trashed the house once again

Rue: what did you do with them?

Jules: we flushed them down the toilet

I looked a rue and walked out to the living room and sat next to Elliot

Leslie: you look embarrassed rue, you embarrassed bc Jules just heard everything you said? Don't cry. Own that shit. Own what you said.

Rue: fuck you

I heard rue coming down the hallway

She then came in the kitchen and looked at all three of us

Rue: well first things first, Elliot here, is a fuckin addict so if he tells you anything fuckin different he's a lair and a fuckin snake FUCK U

She said hitting him

Rue: OH and y/n, mom wanna hear great news? Y/n is dating my drug dealers little partner in crime. So she knew, honestly fuck you y/n. Ashtray is gonna leave u, just like ur fuckin dad did

Jules: RUE!

Rue: oh and fucking bitch this doesn't concern u

I didn't hear the rest I looked at Elliot and left.

Idk why tf she would say that shit. That shit hurt me obviously. As I was walking to fezs I was crying

Once I got there I knocked on the door

Fez answered it

Fez: wassup y- are you crying?

Ashtray: who- y/n are you okay

I shook my head no and hugged them both letting out a sob

Ashtray: hey it's okay. What happened?

Me: fuckin rue- she threw trauma in my fuckin face abt my dad

I said in between sobs

Fez: why tf would she do that

Me: I don't even wanna talk abt it

I said we all just sat on the couch and watched a show. Ash checking up on me here and there

2:32am rolled around and we heard banging on the door

Fez went and answered it

Fez: hey kid

Fez: uh yeah right there- you okay? Ok

Once he got back he sat down

Fez: so what all happened with rue

I then explained it to him when we then heard a creek and then a pill bottle

Fez: Fuckin rue!

Ashtray: bro why'd u let her in the house

They did whatever back there and we heard something hit a wall we both got up and looked at fez getting rue out of the door

Rue: Oh look who it is y/n..yk I meant every word I said to you- and oh ashtray can deny it but he is going to Fucking leave you..fuck u deserve it to

Fez then through her out of the house

Me and ash then went a laid in his bed

Ashtray: I'm never leaving you y/n. Ok?

I just hummed in a response

Ashtray: if I ever do it's to protect u- which breaking up w u would be the last thing I would do. I really am in love with you

Me: I love you too

I said. He then kissed me. Sooner after that we fell asleep


This took me so fuckin long bruh
