Pt.2 (ashtray)

I was called down stairs by my mom like 1000 times

Me: omg what

I said walking downstairs to see Nate's dad

Me: what's going on

Him: take a seat y/n.

I took a seat in between lexi and Cassie

Him: u all three were at that party last night correct?

Cassie: mhm

Him: so who beat my son up?

Fez. But I mean come on he had it coming.

Me: idk

Lexi: not sure I was with y/n on the couch

Cassie: idk

Him: come on I'm having trouble that no one saw it

Me: well we said we don't know who did it. So you can leave.

Him: Cassie who did it?

Cassie: I'm not sure. I don't talk to Nate.

Him: I can have the police involved


Me: mom can't u make him leave? Ask McKay or someone or maybe Maddy? Have u tried her? Probably not. So leave.

Him; they can trace text messages. Find out everything

Cassie: fez, fez did it.

What. The. Fuck.

Is three were now in Cassie and lexis bedroom

Lexi: come on Cassie




me: idk why do u care sm that they are going to go through ur phone? Don't want them to see u and Nate's conversations? I mean Maddy is gonna find out one way another

Lexi: what r u talking abt?

Cassie: how do yk?

Me: it's obvious I'm sure Maddy is just playing dumb.

Cassie just slammed the door shut and went in the bathroom.

Lexi: lets go to fezs?

Me: both of us?

Lexi: I saw u talking to ashtray.

She said smiling

Me: shut up. Yes let's go

On the way there I explained everything.

Me: so basically yk how her and u got in a fight? Idk where she was or whom. But her and nate got here together. Then he said smth and they went to the bathroom together. And if u walked up to the door u capful simply hear them. Then Maddy went up to the door and idk what happened after that. But Then her and McKay went into a bedroom together I'm not sure if they fucked or not, but nate got all in McKay personal space. Then yk what happened with fez. Oh yeah and Nate's dad fucked jules. And other ppl

Lexi: and yk ALL of this how?

Me: being quite,young, and observing also maybe a little stalking.

Lexi: that's why ur my favorite sister.

She said as we walked in the store

Fez: Lexi Howard.

Lexi: hi

Faya: hi im Faya

Me: what's up w ur lip-

I got cut off my Lexi hitting my shoulder

Lexi: hi im Lexi. Are u two like....

Fez: oh yeah no she is just staying with me for a few she is cool tho.


Me: where is ashtray?

Fez: back there

He said pointing to the back.

Me: thank u

I said opening it.

Ashtray: who tf- oh hi y/n

Me: hi

Ashtray: what brings u down here?

Me: Lexi wanted to talk to fez

Ashtray: oh 

he said standing up and pushing me behind him.

Ashtray: y/n be quite and grab me that Cereal box.

I did as I was told He then took it from me while I looked where he was looking.

Fuck. Nate's dad

I quickly looked between him, fez and ash.

He put his hand in his pockets.

And pulled out a $20 and left.

Again wtf

Fez then went out and watched his truck leave.

Ashtray looked behind him to see me in the corner a little and looking at him.

Ashtray: you good?

Me: ye- yeah sorry.

Ashtray: tf u didn't do shit.

Me: I didn't but cassie did.

Ashtray: tf u mean

I then explained everything to him then he had me explain it to fez

Fez: fuck, ight

Me and ash then went back to where we were.

Ashtray: wanna help me count this?

He said pointing to all the money

Me: sure

While doing that we talked and our childhoods, everything going on, and how he is mad at fez.

Me and Lexi then went home and ignored cassie as we should tbh🤞😍
