
It was Friday and the bell just rang. I walked out of my class with my friend Wyatt

Wyatt: wait so do I just turn the paper into the councilor

Me: I think but idk I just turned mine into the office

We were talking abt our schedules for next year .

Wyatt: ok...wanna sit next to me on the bus?

Me: sure

We walking in comfortable silence. Wyatt and I have been friends sense 7th grade, we have got distant tho, but I made new friends anyways.

Wyatt: oh shit I forgot my mom is picking me up in the car line. Sorry I have to go

Me: dumbass and nah ur good

He then ran to the door that is closer to the car line instead of the door closer to the busses

I turned the corner seeing the door just ahead of me when someone started walking next to me

Jaden: hi y/n

Me: hello Jaden

Jaden: wanna sit w me on the bus? Or are u sitting with Wyatt?

Me: nah he had to get picked up from his mom

Jaden: oh...sooo yeah?

Me: yeah

He just shook his head yes

We got on the bus and this fuckin bus driver is also mad for no reason

Me: don't u have to sit w ur brother and sister..?

Jaden: no jayla is sitting with Kylee and javon is up there by his friend

Me: aww jaden am I ur only friend

Jaden: no

He said while scoffing

His stop was the first one so he got off before me...obviously

Finally we got to my stop. I got out and started walking to my house, I don't really have friends...I mean I have some but not like a lot yk?

I got home and alr knew I was home alone. I grabbed a snack and went upstairs to my bedroom.

I threw my bag on the floor and jumped on my bed opening my phone.

An hr passed and I got a message from jaden he put me in a gc
(Everyone is bold ur normal)

Plans 😫

Jaden⚾️: y/n wanna come over? Kylee will also be there
?: plzzzz

?: "I don't even talk to her that often"
?: doesn't mean I don't want her to come over???

?: awww u like herrr???

?: kylee shut the fuck up
?: k

Me: sounds fun but idk who these ppl r

?: Jayla
*? Changed to jayjay😙*

?: kylee
*Changed to Kyky😉*

?: javon
*J changed to jj🥊*

Me: ohh ok thanks

Jaden⚾️: anyways..wanna come over

Jayjay😙: noo wanna have a sleepover instead? The whole weekend..and Sunday bc we have Monday off bc of conferences

JJ🥊: "wanna"🤤

Jayjay😙: shut up so she can answer
Me: yeah I would..when?

JJ🥊: whenever, oh but is it okay with ur parents if we are home alone? My dad is on some vacation type thing and my mom is at Kylees moms house

Me: uh let me ask

Hey mom..can I stay the night at Jaylas?

Yeah sure I don't have a way to get u there tho

Oh no I have a way there...but is it okay if we are home alone?

Who is all gonna be there?

Kylee, Jayla, me and maybe her brothers idk

Yeah sure idc

Ok thanks




She said she didn't care

Kyky😉; let's go

Jaden⚾️: u need a ride or anything?

Me: no thank you :) when should I come over?

JJ🥊: whenever *their address *

Kyky😉: I'm 2 minutes away

Me: I'm On my way I'll let u know when I get there.


*skip time*

I texted them I was there and javon came and answered the door.

Javon: hi y/n

He said hugging me

Me: hi J

Javon: j?

Me: mhm made it up

Javon: imma come up w a nick name for u

Me: ok

I said laughing

Javon: ok so we are live btw so don't say anything you don't want anyone to hear or know

To be continue
^ I promise I'll finish tn
