4 (javon)

I was in the end of my 7th hour. Only 5 more minutes and then I'm out of school.

My phone then buzzed. I looked down to see what app it was from. iMessages

I looked from my teacher to my phone and went on it




I'm in science class

Oh yeah mb I forgot u had school today

U forgot I had school...on a Friday?

I mean yeah. I'm online so I do everything on Monday and have the rest of the week off


Anyways have fun.



Remember no phones out rn

My teacher said looking at me

That was weird javon never texts me during school. He knows my school hours. 7:50 to 3:10. Don't get me wrong ofc I talk to him throughout my day.

When I can, so mainly all the time but I never usually talk to him after 8:30am bc "ScHoOl Is ImPoRtAnT fOr YoU" javon tells me that literally everyday.

I had free time to I put one air pod in and started doing work

Finally the bell rang. I put my backpack on and then put my other air pod in and walked through the crowed halls.

After almost crashing into like 80 people I finally got out.

I was looking for my moms car in the car line. That is when I got another message from javon


You look pretty today

Stalker much?

Nvm then🙄

I'm jk. Thank you<33

Ur not gonna ask me how Ik ?

I assumed it was bc yk I'm pretty and so u just know I look pretty today

Yes but no

Im about to get in my moms care I'll talk to you when I get home love you

Love you too


I was walking to my moms car and I saw my older brother in the passenger seat. Wtf I don't wanna sit in the back😟

Whatever. I opened the door and took my backpack off and got in the car in a hurry.

The car line is scary asf , I got my phone out to text javon back when someone snatched my phone

Me: bro give i-

Javon: ur really gonna ignore that ur handsome loving beautiful boyfriend is in the car?

Me: no actually I was going to text him. But nOoOoO

Javon just laughed. On the way back to my house we kinda just talked abt random stuff when we got back

His older sister, his twin brother and little brother were there ofc with their mom and dad.

We all kinda just hung out as one really big family. We watched a movie, ate, then they stayed the night.

Javon spent Saturday with me while his parents were out with mine, and Sunday he had to leave to go back home.

End of the story long distance sucks.
