
I started to walk home from school, god I fucking hate that place

Me and this kid javon walk together. We live 3 houses down from each other so it works.

He is really popular at school bc of his acting career? Idk I've heard he plays in euphoria and the adams family and I think the umbrella Academy as well.

I literally have barley started watching euphoria 1 bc javon told me to and 2 bc it's all over my fyp

I waited at the spot we normally wait for each other at when he came walking out. Sometimes his brother jaden would walk with his friends behind us or ahead of us but today he has practice I think.

Javon then started fast walking towards me. Once he got to where I was we started walking normally.

Javon is the most sweetest guys you'll probably ever met.

Javon: hey y/n

Me: hi

We started walking

Me: how was your day?

Javon: it was......eh? Idrk it was an okay day but boring and slow. How about you?

Me: good my day was good and I'm sorry to hear that.

Javons povs:

Y/n is known to be probably the nicest girl at school. Like she had literally never said anything mean abt anyone. That anyone has heard at least.

And she listens to peoples problems, feelings or anything abt them.

She doesn't really like to talk about hers- I mean that is what she told me a few days ago so I just leave it at that.

May I add she is super attractive and funny.

I've told all my siblings and my parents abt her even Daelo.

Y/ms pov:

Javon: hey wanna uh come over?

Me: sure! Are your parents ok with it?

Javon: yeah they said they don't mind. What abt urs?

Me: oh yeah they don't care what I do as long as I don't die

I said laughing a lil

Once we go to his house. We walked in through the front door

Me: Do I have to take my shoes off?

Javon: oh no you don't have to but u can if u want

He said as he was taking his off. So I took mine off too

Javon: Mom, Dad we are here!

He said going up the stairs, we went into his room and I sat in a chair that was in his room and he sat on his bed.

Javon and I were just talking abt anything- until there was a knock on his door

Javon: the door is literally open

His sister then appeared. She must be jayla he talks abt her and all his siblings u can tell how much he loves them

Jayla: u must be y/n

Me: yep u must be jayla

Jayla: hm so he talks abt us both when we aren't there

Me: I guess so

Jayla: anyways do u guys wanna go get ice cream?

Javon: yeah...y/n?

Me: yeah let me go grab my money.

Jayla: ok, I'll be in the car

Javon: let me change bc it's super hot outside

I walked downstairs with jayla

His dad: hey jayla....anddd y/n?

Me: yep it's nice to meet you

His dad: you too....where r u guys going?

Jayla: oh we are going to get ice cream..javon is upstairs changing

His dad: oh ok, on ur way back can u pick up Daelo?

Jayla: yep

We then walked outside and I got my money and went back to his house.

As I was walking up their drive way he walked out of his house we both then went to get in the back seat

Jayla: javon sit up here w me

Javon: no

Jayla: y/n wanna sit up here w me?

Me: yeah


I just laughed and got in the front seat he then took a pic of us and captioned it "thanks for picking my sister over me y/n!"

*skip time*

We just got back from getting Daelo and getting ice cream me and Javon were now in his room

Me: I'm tired

Javon: same- wanna stay the night?

Me: yeah sure

We then ate dinner with his family. Jaden is really funny and jayla is super pretty but Daelo is my favorite.

After we went upstairs and javon gave me clothes to change into.

We then laid down.

Javon: y/n...?

Me: hm?

Javon: I have to tell u something and it's probably gonna make this really awkward

Me: uhh what?

Javon: so basically- I like you

Me: aw I like u too

Javon: thank you- but like I like like you- like I want us to date-?

Me: is that ur way of asking me out?

Javon: uhhh yeah?

Me: then yes I would love to go out with u

Javon: wait really?

Me: yes

We then went under the covers and went to bed

I was facing where is window was and he had his arms rapped around me and his chin on my shoulder.

Like this:
