Pt. 3 (ashtray)

After me and Lexi left, all she did was talk abt fez

Lexi: I mean fez blah blah blah blah

Lexi: fez is so blah blah blah blah

Lexi: bro fez blah

She wouldn't go see him though. It's was 11pm when i opened my window and hoped on to my roof to the tress to the ground.

I was walking when I heard my name

Lexi: y/n what r u doing!

She whispered yelled

Me: I'm going to see your lover boy.

Lexi: whatever

Me: I'm jk i just gonna walk around the block

Lexi: be safe.

Me: I'll text u if anything

I walked to the gas station. I saw fez at the cash register and ash was sitting on a random counter thing.

I've been sneaking out to see him for the past week. If anyone and I mean anyone found out what I was doing I would be dead.

Except Lexi she wouldn't tell anyone bc I've caught her here with fez once.

Ashtray: Your here

He said hopping down

Me: always am.

Fez: yo I uh gotta go rq

Ashtray: bet

After fez left we were just chillin

He was sitting on the counter and my head was on his lap.

He was playing with my hair

Ashtray: what are we gonna do if u get caught?

Me: idk sneak around to see each other ig

Ashtray: Ik but I kinda wish like I could come over to your house

Me: you can

Ashtray: I can?

Me: yeah but you gotta sneak in.

Ashtray: that's fine with me

He said smiling.

We grabbed our favorite chips and 2 drinks and we were on our way to my house.

When we got there, there was a gray truck in my drive way. Whatever

I climbed the tree to get up there I then had to go back down and help ashtray clime the tree.

We got in my room and we heard cassie talking. They slowly got closer to my room

Then there was a knock at my door

Me: go in my closet

Ashtray: what? No

Me: do u wanna die?

Ash: not really

Me: ok then go!

He then got in my closet and the knocks became louder and louder

Me: omg what

I said opening the door to see cassie, nate, fez, and Lexi

Cassie: where were u?

Me: what r u talking abt

Cassie: U left. Where'd u go?

Me: why, also why is Nate AND fez here?

Nate: I wanna know how you knew abt me and Cassie

Me: I'm not stupid that's how

Nate: say a word and your dead

Fez: yo bro chill with all that

Cassie: stfu fez

Lexi: what is ur problem!?

Mom: girls?

We all looked at each other and looked around

Cassie: nate fez in her closet

Me: NO

Me: I mean fez can but not nate

Cassie: why

Me: bc I don't like him.  He can go under my bed

Cassie: fine idc go go hide

Fez then walked into my closet I heard him do a small laugh before shutting the door.

Mom: girl? What r u guys doing up? And what's with the yelling?

Me: uhhh lexi is mad cause cassie won't let her borrow a shirt tmrr

Mom: deal with it tomorrow go to bed for now.

After she went to bed nate and cassie left and fez and lexi stayed in their bed room while be a ashtray fell asleep on my bed staring at the roof
