
With the Gryffindor versus Slytherin match coming up,  Camilla and chosen to put all her anger, all her grief, all her sadness into quidditch.

The rivalry between the two houses had been at an all time high. It became personal when their families were suddenly at war.

It was personal to Camilla.

But she didn't fight them in the corridors, didn't argue with them in lessons... she kept her head down.

When the time was right, that would be when she fought. Then she would make it count. Camilla was simply just waiting to fight them.

And not silly little duels in the corridors, she would fight them.

Returning to lessons she could feel people's stares and she made sure to never return them nor make a fuss. To everyone else, it was as though nothing had happened.

But as darkness fell and she was enclosed within the privacy of the dorm, she would let her tears fall and sob in James' embrace until she would drop asleep and James would put her in bed.

It wasn't until one afternoon in Potions that her anger had reached a new level.

Steve Laugahlot had called her name, making her turn around in her seat to face a group of Slytherins whom sat behind her, including Snape. Steve was still utterly pathetic and his ego still bruised from the previous year.

"Shame about your brothers, Prewett" he sneered with a disgusting smirk, "Let it be a lesson to what happens to blood traitors" he continued in a whisper evilly.

Camilla couldn't say anything back without threatening tears and so turned back around and continued to write down her ingredients.

James of course had been witnessing the whole encounter. The quill in his hand snapped under the pressure he was applying to it in pure anger.

"Oi, my quill!" Peter said in a sigh whom had only just lent James his last quill

"They're fucking disgusting" James seethed, "They deserve to be the ones suffering, not Cam, not us, not our families"

Sirius nodded along solemnly in agreement. He hated them just as much as James. Remus felt the same, though was more level headed and Peter was just peeved he needed to get some more quills from hogsmeade this weekend.

To Camilla the days seemed longer than ever and she found herself waiting to hide back in her dorm with James. He and Lily were her only comfort at the minute. James was the only person keeping her going and she appreciated it enormous amounts.

James had not returned to the dorm at his usual time and Camilla hadn't particularly been worried. It wasn't until he arrived with a black eye and broken glasses that she was worried.

"Merlin James!" She gasped, stroking a thumb gently over his bruises on his eye, "What the hell happened?"

She cast a repairing spell over his glasses and placed them back over his eyes so he could finally see properly.

"Laughlot was in the corridors. He started to say some shit about you again. And I heard what he said to you in Potions" he shrugged

"Christ James, you shouldn't have gotten yourself beaten up for it!" she exclaimed, staring at his purple and blue eye

"Beaten up? Cam, Laughlots in the hospital wing currently. If anyone has gotten beaten up, it's him" James replied with an unimpressed face

Camilla smiled gently and kissed his lips softly in a thanks.

"Just be careful James. I don't want you to get hurt for me" She said with sincerity

James just rolled her eyes, "Oh shut up Cam, I love you and you know i'd do anything for you"

All she could do was once again melt into his embrace.

"Do you fancy a trip to the kitchens this evening?" she asked as the pair of them relaxed on James bed whom had the marauders map laid out infront of him, watching people move around the castle as the night continued.

James' faced dropped.

Camilla knew what that meant.

It must be full moon.

"I'm sorry Cam, I can't" he sighed, "I have something to do tonight"

James had disappeared every night, every month on the full moon.

He was spending the full moon with a werewolf.

So were Sirius and Peter.

Camilla had no idea how the hell they were doing it. How could she not be curious?

Camilla had simply waved it off and let James run off out of the dorm and into the hallway.

"James!" she called after him

James turned around to look at her expectantly.

"I know where you're going and know what you're doing. You're a really good friend for it all"

James' default expression was of horror. It turned into one of surprise and then into confusion, then into relief.

How had she figured it out?

James looked as if he wanted to say something back but Camilla held her hand up to stop him.

"It's okay, we'll talk about it all when you're back" she smiled gently, "Just...be careful Potter"

"always am Prewett, don't worry about me" he smirked back

"I find that extremely hard to believe"

"You wound me Cami"
