
Lily and Camilla had returned to Camilla's dorm for them both to change out of the clothes they had been wearing all day in exchange for some nicer clothes for Camilla's 'surprise' birthday party.

Upon reaching the door of the common room lily turned around to Camilla before pushing it open.

"At least try and act surprised" Lily laughed, "He's been working on it all endlessly"

Camilla laughed and nodded in agreement as Lily pushed the portrait door open.


The Gryffindor common room, as Camilla had expected, had been decorated from floor to ceiling with multicoloured streamers and banner which read, Happy Birthday Camilla!

The room was packed with students and Camilla was surprised by the amount of people who attended. Still, it was just an excuse for teenagers to get drunk and have fun, so of course they'd come. The whole of the Gryffindor seventh years were present along with all the sixth year, fifth years and even a couple of fourth years whom seemed particularly happy to be able to attend the Gryffindor common room parties now they were (somewhat) only enough. Definitely not legally old enough, but in the eyes of teenagers, old enough to get absolutely pissed for the first time. The whole quidditch team was present along with a few Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs who had caught word.

Camilla despised such surprises which involved her being centre of attention but she couldn't help but smile to herself as Marlene, Mary, Alice and Lily pulled her into the crowd to get her first legal drink.

The drink and snack tables were piled high with treats. There was all sorts from sandwiches and sweets to chocolate and crisps to pile upon pile and piles of alcohol. It seemed the marauders had been quite busy over the past week. Camilla wondered how many secret trips to Hogsmeade and the kitchens it had taken for this much food and drink to be collected.

She had spotted Remus talking to Peter by the wall near the stairs and Camilla wondered over.

"Thank you for all the stuff" she smiled gesturing to the table of which students were happily gathering around to help themselves, "It's been a really great birthday. It must have taken you ages"

Remus waved her off. He looked slightly tired and drowsy and camilla assumed the full moon was coming up.

"Don't thank us" he smiled, "It was all James"

"Yeah" Peter nodded, "had us going back and forth for weeks to collect all of this!"

Camilla laughed and gave both boys appreciative hugs, squeezing them tightly, "well thank you, nonetheless"

On the matter of James, Camilla hadn't seen him for quite some time.

"speaking of Potter, I haven't seen him around" she said, peering around the room in search for a messy head of hair, "have either of you seen him?"

Remus shook his head and Peter just shrugged.

"Last I saw him, he was in our dorm with Sirius" Remus replied

Camilla had pushed her curiosity about James out of her mind and let her friends distract her with an amazing time. Her favourite music was playing and Marlene had been supplying her drink after drink (as always) and Camilla was truly having the time of her life, dancing with her best friends.

James had finally managed to finish making his present for Camilla and put on the finishing touches. He'd been trying to perfect it all morning and even woke up early to apply a couple more charms to it. He really hoped she'd like it, he wasn't too sure. James had been hiding it in the marauders dorm, in an attempt to prevent Camilla coming across it one day in their own dorm.

Upon the stairs he searched for her in the crowd of students below. She was easy to identify. Her blonde hair shone like melted gold in the low light. James couldn't help but be in awe of her. She seemed so carefree and happy as she laughed and danced with Alice. She was wearing a cherry red mini skirt along with the top she had received from her birthday from Alice.

James seemed to pause for a minute, gobsmacked and left speechless by the sight of her.

It wasn't very often James was left speechless.

As if camilla knew he was looking at her, her eyes met his and they light up in recognition. James watched her bid farewell to Alice and pushed through the many body towards him.

"There you are!" Camilla exclaimed, "I was wondering where you were. Thank you for all this" she gestured around.

James just laughed and looked down at her with a smile on his face and revealed a present he had been hiding behind his back.

"Happy Birthday Cam"

Camilla smiled at him gratefully, "You didn't have to get me anything Potter"

"Well, I didn't, not really" he replied sheepishly

Camilla looked at him in confusion.

"Just open it and see" he insisted.

Camilla tore off the red paper and opened the box and a gasp passed her lips.

It was beautiful.

"James, it's gorgeous" she sighed

The wind chime was intricately decorated with all sorts of shells which seemed to shimmer and glisten in the low light as the lights flickered towards the centre of the common room.

"You made this?" Camilla asked impressed, still admiring the present. It was definitely the favourite thing she owned. Even more an her broom.

James nodded, "Yeah. I asked you mum if she could collect some shells off the beach near your house and send them over to me. They only came a few days ago and Ive had a nightmare trying to amend the sticking charm to suit them" he smiled, "but I know you miss home when you're at Hogwarts, so I guess it's your little bit of home to bring with you. Plus I thought it would be a nice decoration for when you moved into your 'Shell Cottage'" he joked

Camilla couldn't get the words out to say how much she loved it and so instead placed the chime gently back into its box threw herself into James, her arms wrapped around his neck tightly.

"Thank you so much James" she said into his neck, "That's the most thoughtful thing anyone had ever done for me before"

James couldn't help but grin and wrapped his arms around her waist hugging her back. She was warm and smelt of fire whiskey. Camilla felt just right to have in his arms.

As she pulled out of his embrace and James begrudgingly let her go, Camilla looked up to James with so much warmth in her eyes James wanted nothing more than to just gather her in his arms and run away from everyone else together, to kiss her senseless until they couldn't even remember their own names.

James could see camilla challenging him to do it, to just forget everything and kiss her.

Camilla wanted him to kiss her.

Who was James Potter to not obey?

Seemingly overcoming the debate ensuing in his brain, James let out deep groan of defeat as he grasped the back of Camilla's head and pushed his lips against hers.

Camilla let out a gasp as his lips touched hers.

It was like they melted together.

James' arms had once again settled at camilla's hips and her hand had travelled around James neck and up to his hair, running her fingers through his unruly curls. Their lips seemed to fit perfectly together and worked together in time as if it was what they were meant to do all along.

When the pair of them finally pulled apart to catch their breath, their foreheads resting together, Camilla let out a quiet laugh. James couldn't help himself but laugh with her.

It was all so stupid.

All this time they had evidently liked each other. It was so obvious to everyone but themselves.

"come on" he said taking her by the hand, "I think I see Sirius and Marlene by the drinks table"

The rest of the evening had probably been the best one of Camilla's life and she hadn't wanted it to end. Neither James nor camilla had left the others side and they couldn't help the subtle little glances, or the small smiles and slight touches they would give each other when around their friends.

Unfortunately, everything had come to end at some point and the pair of them stumbled back to their dorm, hand in hand, both completely drunk and both completely obsessed with the other.

Feeling tiredness overcome her, James had made sure that Camilla was safely in bed before returning to his own room. He gave her a light kiss on the cheek before attempting to move away from her and towards this own bed. Camilla caught his hand.

"James, stay with me?" she asked, "Please? It's my birthday"

James chuckled lightly at her tired yet hopeful expression.

"Only because it is your birthday" he teased

Camilla felt James' warm body slide into her bed beside her and she curled into his side, sleep falling upon her.


luna lovegood: [looking at landscape of shell cottage] It's beautiful here

Bill: It was our aunt's. we used to come here as kids. The order uses it now as a safe house. What's left of us at least

Luna: [looking at wind-chime] Muggles think these keep away evil, but they're wrong

Harry: I need to see the goblin

This is a little bit from the movie and had NOTHING to do with the plot moving forwards. I love when things match to cannon 🤍🤍
