
Camilla was having a crisis.

A full on crisis.

She didn't fancy James Potter. She just didn't.

In fact, what she smelt in the amortentia had nothing to do with James Potter at all.

Or at-least she tired to convince herself so.

Just because it was his body wash she smelt, didn't mean she associated it with him. She simply associated it with quidditch.

And she knew for a fact, that she loved Quidditch.

That was why she smelt her broom polish. It was all quidditch related.

There was a perfectly reasonable explanation for it all, so why should she panic?

She definitely could not speak to lily and the other girls about it. She could already hear what they was going to say, and it was most definitely, incorrect.

Sure, James wasn't too bad.

She guessed he was nice... and smart... and funny...and amazing at quidditch... and like really attractive... and he made her feel like she was home.

But still! She did not fancy James.

Whilst enduring this existential crisis in the library, the worst thing that could happen, happened.

"Alright Prewett?" James smiled from behind his glasses, sitting down across from her casually

Camilla was slightly panicked but managed to force a smile on her face in return.

"James Potter? In the library?" She joked, "I thought I would never see the day"

James rolled his eyes in amusement and leaned back in his chair casually, spinning the book Camilla was supposed to be reading around, to read himself.

"Defence against the dark arts" he deducted as Camilla nodded.

"I didn't know we had any homework" he said

"we don't" she replied, "I'm doing extra reading"

James scanned the page quickly.

"Ahh, Patronuses" he smirked, as if it amused him

Camilla raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

"What are you doing here Potter?" she asked, looking at him closely, then glancing around the room, expecting to see the other marauders somewhat near by.

"I thought I'd spend the afternoon with you. Sirius, Remus and Peter are up to scheming. Well... more specifically Sirius" he laughed

"And that means you are here because..."

"...because my pranking days are over. Got to make sure I'm quidditch captain next year, right?" he winked cheekily.

Camilla felt a small blush rise up her neck and took back her book, looking down to continue reading.
She felt extremely awkward given her previous thoughts before James arrived but she was doing her best to try and keep her composure calm and unbothered.

James tilted his head, trying to catch her eye as Camilla looked down and read her book.

"Have you managed to cast one yet then?"

"I haven't tried yet" Camilla admitted, "Just reading up on it"

James' face pulled up into a massive grin, "Perfect"

Camilla pulled a confused face at him which made him chuckle.

"I know exactly what we can do this afternoon"

James had guided  Camilla through the castle excitedly and she had no idea where on earth they were going. James had refused to tell her after her begging multiple times. But finally, they had come to a stop outside a brick wall.

"You've taken me to a wall? We're going to stare at a wall all afternoon?" she asked, looking to James blankly and unimpressed

"No you idiot" James beamed, "Watch!"

Camilla's eyes widened as within the light stone, beautiful carvings had started to appear, and before them, was an outline of a door.

James walked forwards and pushed the heavy door open with a loud crack.

"ladies first" he smirked as camilla stepped inside, mouth slightly open in surprise as James held the door for her.

"What is this place?" she asked, looking around the room which was fairly empty except for a fireplace which was lit on the far side of the room.

"Welcome to the room of requirement Prewett, or, as some may say, the come and go room!"

"How is this here?" Camilla asked, continuing to look around as if she couldn't quite believe it, "I've never seen it before"

"That's because it's usually not. It only reveals itself when the user is of need of it" James explained, "Today, were in need of a place to practise"

"is it on your map?" camilla asked interestedly

James shook his head, "Impossible to plot unfortunately and whoever is inside it, their names similarly impossible to see. It's amazing!"

"How did you find it?" she asked slightly stunned

"I didn't. Peter did in fourth year. Merlins knows why it showed itself for him"

Camilla chuckled slightly and looked to James in confusion, "Wait, what are we practising?"

"Your patronus of course" James sung

"My patronus?" Camilla said doubtfully

"yes" James nodded, "I'm going to teach you"

"You have your corporeal patronus?!" she said, once again slightly impressed

James nodded smugly, "Of course I do"

"I don't believe you" Camilla criticised.

That was a slight lie. James Potter could say that he could carry out the most advanced spell there was and camilla wouldn't be surprised if he actually could.

James just smirked and raised his wand.

"Expecto Patronum!"

A jet of white light shot out from James wand and filled the room.

The light condensed and a majestic stag took a form in the dim light of the room, like it was a beam of moonlight in the dark.

Camilla was speechless and just watched it in awe.

It was beautiful. Bold and mighty as it trotted around the room for a few moments before fading slowly and disintegrating away swiftly.

"I told you I could do it" James said, the first one to break the silence.

"You have got to teach me how to do that!" camilla gushed, an excited smile on her face that James couldn't help but find absolutely adorable.

"It would be my pleasure Prewett"

James had assured Camilla that she would get it eventually and that it had even taken him a few weeks to get a good fully corporeal patronus. He promised that in a few weeks time she would be able to conjure one. James wasn't too worried about it, Camilla was one of the strongest in their class at Defence against the dark arts, the same level as himself, and she had already managed to conjure a non-corporeal one.

Plus it was a bonus.

It was an excuse to spend more time with her.
