
Camilla was glad to know that patrolling partners had been switched after Christmas. It meant she no longer had to walk the corridors with Steve. Instead she was partnered with a fifth year Hufflepuff who seemed nice enough. He was quite a lot better than Steve, all things considering.

As she returned to the common room she checked the time and saw that she had around an hour before she had to head down to the quidditch pitch to once again supervise the first and second year sessions.  Rushing up to her dorm room she changed into some old jeans and her Gryffindor jumper, grabbing her broom, ready to head down to the pitch.

On her way down she joined the others who were all lounged around the common room chatting next to the fire.

"heading down to the pitch?" Marlene asked, nodding to her broom which was tucked under Camilla's arm

"As always" Camilla answered, "I have a little bit of time though"

Alice was sat on a cushion on the floor, sighing as she crossed a line out on her parchment which rested on the small wooden coffee table.

"is that the potions essay?" Camilla asked watching her become slightly frustrated

"Yeah" Alice said crumpling up the parchment in defeat, dropping it onto the floor

"Don't ask us for help" Sirius said, leaning on the back of the sofa, "Our potions yesterday were horrendous"

"It was a complete waste of time really" Remus said, similarly thinking back to his potion the previous day

"I think Evans was the only one who got it right" James hummed in agreement

"It's really wasn't that difficult" Lily smiled making everyone else huff and puff, "You just had to follow the instructions"

Camilla had started to head off down to the quidditch pitch and James had decided to join her claiming that he wanted to get in some extra training before tea.

As the two of them walked down to the pitch side by side they passed several first and second years on their way down to the pitch.

"Speaking of potions" Camilla said, referring to their conversation in the common room,"what did you end up smelling in the Amortentia?"

Her question wasn't one of deep intrigue but rather to make casual conversation.

Well... perhaps she was slightly interested. Only slightly though.

James raised an eyebrow, "What a very personal question Prewett" he smirked

camilla just shrugged, "I'll tell you what I smelt?"

James looked at her expectedly, wanting her to continue, as they carried on walking.

"I smelt my broom polish and the showers in the quidditch changing rooms that smell of Lime"

To Camilla, that didn't really mean much to her. Quidditch was a thing she loved, so why wouldn't she smell that?

"It's funny you should say that" James laughed, "I smelt the broom polish as well. But the showers? That's a strange one Prewett" he laughed, "I think I smelt sugar quills and fizzing whizzbees, which is strange really, I don't even like them"

Camilla's mouth dropped open.

"You don't like fizzing whizzbees?!" she gasped, "But they're the best!"

James already knew that, he remembered a packet being taken off her in charms in their third year, when she kept popping them into her mouth whilst Professor Flitwick had been teaching them the seize and pull charm. That's why he had bought them her on the train before Christmas. The memory always made him chuckle.

He shook his head, "far too sugary for me"

"You have awful taste Potter"

As the pair of them reached the pitch James had decided to do a couple of laps of the pitch and Camilla had spotted Rachel sat in the stands, slightly early.

camilla took a seat beside her and gave her a run down of what she would be required to do. Truthfully, their roles didn't require an awful lot to do. At the beginnings of the sessions Camilla would have to teach a couple of students how to mount and land a broom and showed them a couple of games to play but now that it was later on in the year she mostly left them to their own devices. Though she still had to make sure no first years strayed too far. There were now far too many to keep her eyes on and so was glad to have Rachels help.

"If I knew it would have been this easy, I would have volunteered ages ago" She laughed from Camilla's side and they supervised

"Trust me, It hasn't always been this easy" Camilla replied, "Try having to round up twenty first years on an old training broom"

"I bet you were glad to get rid of that old broom" She commended, "Your Cleensweep five is amazing. I heard some Slytherins speaking about your and James' brooms after the match, complaining how it's unfair how fast they are. Serves them right if you ask me"

Camilla agreed and Rachel's eyes moved to land on James who continued his laps around the pitch.

"He's a brilliant flyer isn't he" She said observingly

Camilla was inclined to agree, "Who Potter?"

"Yeah. I can imagine next year there will be a queue of scouts ready to pick him up for professional teams" she hummed

Camilla hadn't really thought about how there was a possibility of being scouted next year. Rachels comment had made her realise that she really needed to think about her plans for outside of Hogwarts. Her NEWT's were next year and she knew she had to get certain grades for certain jobs.

Playing for a Professional quidditch team was her dream.

"He's so attractive, isn't he?" Rachel said dreamily, watching James continue to fly around the pitch at ease.

"Who?" Camilla asked, being snapped out of her own thoughts

"James, obviously" Rachel said as if Camilla was dim.

"Oh!" Camilla said in shock, not sure what to say back to Rachel who was looking at her expectedly for her answer. "I dunno, I've not really thought about it before"

Rachel gave her a strange look which said, how have you not noticed ?

"If you don't mind me asking" she said tentatively, "What's going on between the two of you. Are you a thing or what?"

Camilla raised an eyebrow at the girl.

"A thing? with James? Oh no" she laughed as if it was ridiculous, "No, nothing like that at all"

Rachel looked surprised but similarly relieved.

"Oh perfect! I didn't want to stand on your toes whatsoever, being captain and everything. Especially if you and James already had a thing together. I was thinking of asking him to Hogsmeade. Usually I don't ask boys out like that, I prefer to be asked out by them, but with a boy like James Potter, I can make an acceptation to my rule". Rachel must have seen the look on Camilla's face as she started to try to back peddle. "But obviously I understand if you don't want us to date, because if the team dynamic and all", she laughed lightly.

Camilla forced herself to laugh along, though she wasn't in the slightest amused.

"Oh no, don't worry about me!" She smiled tightly, "James and I are just friends. There's nothing there, so go ahead"

Rachel beamed and took her hand giving it a squeeze, "Thanks Cam, I owe you"

Camilla wasn't particularly sure what Rachel could possibly give her but nodded politely anyway .
