
Camilla was finally home.

Stood at the front of her house with the trunk at her feet, broom under her arm and hands full of presents from James, Sirius and the Potter's she stumbled in to smell the familiar comforting smell of home.

She made a mental note to scold her parents on how easy it was to enter the house.

They would definitely be needing to put up some defensive charms around the house, especially since news of the Bones.

She had bid James, Sirius and the Potters farewell with quite a bit of emotion. The death of some members of the Bones family had shaken her greatly and her parting from James had not particularly helped. Still, it would only be a week until they were back at Hogwarts together.

It was her mother who first rushed towards her, making her drop all her belonging and gathering her into a horrendously tight hug.

"Oh Cami! It's so good to see you" her mother said breathily.

Camilla wasn't sure if she saw tears of relief forming in her mother's eyes. She didn't have long to check as her father appeared around the corner.

"Squirrel!" he beamed, similarly giving her a big hug

Camilla rolled her eyes at the nickname, as she always did when it was used.

"Hi dad" she laughed as the red headed old man finally released her

"Heard you had quite a big bash in quidditch this year kid" he said, "All mended yet?"

"Spick and span" Camilla smiled in response

"It was very unlike you Camilla" Her mother said with a frown, "since you first got on a broom; you've never had any problems avoiding bludgers. What happened?"

Camilla didn't want to bring up the group of Slytherin mocking her family. She didn't want to make them feel worse than they did about their situation.

"Got a bit too arrogant and was rash. Just got distracted" She shrugged, "my own fault really"

"well, as long as you're all better now" Doris smiled, "Poppy knows how to fix a couple of broken bones in no time. A truly miraculous woman really. Now, come on, take your things upstairs and unpack. Molly, Arthur and the kids will be arriving in a couple of hours, and your brothers any minute now"

Camilla nodded and lugged her own trunk and belongings up the stairs. She didn't have the same treatment at home compared to the Potters, and this time actually had to put her things away herself.

Oh the horror.

The Prewett's household never changed and it was comforting to know that things were the same.

In its usual spot in the living room stood a stumpy christmas tree decorated with little lights and decorations with a glowing star at the very top. Underneath were some neatly wrapped presents, curtesy of her mother and the fire was roaring beautifully warming the small room.

Camilla sat with her parents with a glass of butterbeer, waiting for her siblings to arrive.

"How was your time at the Potter's dear?" Her mother asked, a knowing smile on her face

"mumm" Camilla sighed

"What?!" her mother asked innocently, "James is a wonderful boy and I you're very lucky"

Camilla's father's face turned to a scowl.

"I can't believe you've gone and gotten yourself a boyfriend!" he exclaimed

Camilla rolled her eyes and laughed,"dad, you like James"

"Aye, I like the lad. But my little girl, with a boyfriend!" he exclaimed further

Doris laughed and shook her head, "Oh come on Gavin dear, we were younger than Camilla when we first started seeing each other"

"Still" Gavin huffed making Camilla and Doris laugh.

He was a short man, with a round face that was almost cute. He was inoffensive and friendly looking and therefore extremely difficult to take seriously, especially when the colour of his cheeks almost matched that of his hair.

A knock at the door made her mother jump up and rush to open it.

"Doris!" Her father warned quickly, "Don't"

Doris huffed and rolled her eyes, obviously fed up with the whole thing.

"Who's there?!"

"It's only us!" Molly's voice came from the outside of the house

The Prewetts on the inside remained quiet and Camilla could hear Molly huff on the other side of the door.

"u no poo" Molly sighed, slightly mortified.

Camilla could hear the kids laughing on the other side of the door, it was extremely funny to hear their mother say the word poo.

Camilla's dad could see the confused look on her face as her mother opened the door.

"The password" he explained, "Your brothers came up with it. Thought it was absolutely hilarious as it rhymes with You-Know-who"

Although fully grown men, the twins had seemingly never grown out of their childish humour.

Camilla smirked to herself in amusement but was quickly attacked by three small children with identical heads of red hair, whom all hung onto her legs.

She ruffled their hair and pulled Percy, the youngest whom was gesturing to be pick up, up into her arms.

"Hello troubles" she laughed, "are you excited for Santa to come?"

A round of excited yes's and giggles emitted from them.

"Come on boys, let's not suffocate your aunt Camilla" Arthur laughed, prising his sons off her as Molly embraced her sister.

"Merlin I've missed you mol" Camilla sighed as her hugged her sister

"I've missed you too cami" she said with a smile, as gentle and welcoming as ever, "Mothers told me the news" she said knowingly, referring to James.

"Oh merlin, that woman is terrible for gossip" Camilla laughed pulling away from her sister. Doris whom had overheard, sent her a scowl for the comment.

"I'm guessing from your lack of excitement there is one thing that she's failed to tell you..." Molly asked, looking at Camilla with a beaming grin.

Camilla furrowed her eyebrows and scanned over molly closely.

Her look of confusion turned into one of understanding and her mouth dropped open.

"You're pregnant again?!"

Molly laughed and nodded placing a hand over her stomach as Arthur stood beside her, a hand on his wife's shoulder.

"Twins" he beamed proudly

"Merlin" Camilla said breathlessly, partly at the idea of the amount of children running around and partly due to the idea of twins. The twins so far in the family had been absolute nightmares.

"I wanted you to find out in person rather than by post" Molly said, extremely happy

"Congratulations Mol!" Camilla said, wrapping her elder sister in yet another hug, "let's just hope they won't be as bad as Fab and Gid!"

It was almost like speaking their names had summoned them as two apparation pops cracked in Camilla's ear.

"Did you call us?" Gideon joked, raising an eyebrow

"We heard our names" Fabian joined in

Camilla turned to her parents with a sigh.

"Mum...dad, you really need to sort out those defensive spells"
