
As the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw teams lined up under the stands to be introduced in the commentary, Camilla and James stood side by side, at the front of the Gryffindor queue. Their shoulders touched comfortingly and James gave her hand a squeeze discreetly.

"And finally! The match you all have been waiting for! Please welcome, The Gryffindor and Ravenclaw team!"

Camilla took a deep breath and put on a brave face, walking alongside James to guide their team out onto the pitch for the last time in their sixth year.

"It's going to be an absolutely electric match tonight Folks! Being the last one of the season, Gryffindor need at-least fifty points over Ravenclaw to secure their title as the 1977 Hogwarts quidditch champions! Can Gryffindor get their cup in the bag or will Ravenclaw prevail and force the Slytherin team into the lead and secure themselves third place?!. It's all to play for ladies and gentlemen!"

James and Camilla had shaken hands with the Ravenclaw captain out of respect and taken their positions on the pitch. Marlene had shot Camilla a comforting thumbs up. It was a relief to have one of her girl friends on the pitch with her.

"Now, I want a nice fair game, all of you... Mount your brooms, please" madam hooch said, releasing the snitch and bludgers into the air, the quaffle in her hands, ready to toss up on the count of three, "three, two, one!"

The quaffed had been tossed ups and the match was on.

Whilst Ravenclaw did not play as dirty as the Slytherins, they played smarter. They had intricate tactics and formations of which James and Camilla had spent weeks trying to formulate ideas to counter against. There must have been around fifty pages in James' notebook assigned to just this match alone.

Camilla had to give it to them, they were good.

But James had been the one of observe them closely. Figuring out their preferences and flying techniques. He had been impressed by what he had seen but he was pretty confident that the Gryffindor teams hard-work, Brauns and pure talent with some of the players they had on the team would secure them a win. Not without a few set backs of course.

So far, James' prediction had been nearly identical to the actual play of the match.

Ravenclaw had been putting forward some very unexpected tactics and formations in which they had struggled to counteract but they had managed to hold their own.

Multiple times during the match, James would have to realign his focus.

Camilla was easily the star of the match.

She looked as if she was flying at the speed of light and she managed to force apart any attack on the Gryffindor goal post instantly. Her athleticism and agility was evidently extremely more advanced compared to that of any other on the pitch and she made it look easy. Her turns were sharp and her dives sudden and her shots at the Ravenclaw goal posts were ruthless.

James wondered what damaged it would cause someone by being hit by one of Camilla's quaffle passes. He suspected several broken bones.

In their younger years, James remembered feeling threatened. Quidditch was supposed to be his thing. So why was this annoying blonde girl so bloody good at quidditch?!
As he had grown up, he found himself more and more glad to share a team with Camilla Prewett, because truth be told, he wasn't sure how he would hold up against her if it came to a one on one against her.

James had been lucky enough to grow up alongside Camilla on the quidditch pitch and he had learnt a fair few tips and tricks from her, though he would never admit it.

He continued to watch her as she scored goal after goal after goal.

Though James and Camilla would often interchange between being the two top goal scorers from match to match, James had decided to take a back foot on this occasion, supporting Camilla on her attacks rather than leading them himself.

He knew how much it meant to her.

Quidditch was both of their lives but he had decided to let Camilla shine in that very moment.

If anyone deserved it, it was her.

He glanced to the score board.

130- 90.

One more goal and McLaggen could catch the snitch.

But James' confidence slowly faltered as from the corner of his eye, he watched the Ravenclaw seeker speed off after what he could only assume, was the snitch.

McLaggen didn't take long to kick into gear, hot on his trail, similarly with locked eyes on the snitch.

Camilla had noticed from the other side of the pitch and held her breath whilst backing up Marlene who was in possession of the quaffle, storming towards the Ravenclaw goal posts.

Camilla went to shout as she watched the Ravenclaw seeker extend his arm, ready to wrap his hand around the snitch. It died in her throat and nothing came out, her voice slightly hoarse, when...


A bludger had completely taken out the Ravenclaw seeker, sending them spiralling down to the ground.

Jonathon looked particularly proud of himself for the excellently timed shot, before turning his attention to Marlene who remained in possession of the quaffle, getting nearer and nearer to the goal post.

McLaggen jolted out of the way of the Ravenclaw seeker who whirled below him uncontrollably and charged off in pursuit of the snitch.

Camilla wasn't sure where to look.

To watch Marlene take her shot or see if McLaggen caught the snitch.

But she didn't need to decide.

Marlene lunged forwards, sending the quaffle straight past the keeper giving him no chance to react, eliciting a large cheer from the Gryffindor stands as it sailed through the central hoop.

Though it was a quiet cheer compared to the one that ensued.

It was like Camilla was watching it in slow motion.

McLaggen's arm extended, his fingers grazing the small golden ball.

His hand enveloped the snitch, it's tiny wings fluttering in-between his fingers furiously.

The stadium errupted in a deafening cheer as the Gryffindors in the stands went completely wild.

She could hardly believe it.

They'd done it... they'd actually done It!

"Blimey folks! what a match! Gryffindor win 190-90! Give it up to our 1977 Hogwarts quidditch champions...HOUSE GRYFFINDOR!"

Camilla could hear a buzzing in her ears and looked around the stands, not quite believing what had just happened.

She could see Lily, Alice, Mary, Sirius, Remus and Peter going absolutely insane within the crowd and she even caught Professor McGonagall stood up in her seat cheering.

They'd done it, they'd actually done it!

A wave of relief rushed over her and all over a sudden she felt ecstatic.

Landing back down onto the ground, she instantly found James.

When their eyes met, the two of the beamed at each-other in pure delight.

Camilla couldn't help herself and ran at James who's arms were already open for her to jump into.

They collided and James spun Camilla around in pure elation.

"We did it!" she exclaimed into his shoulder, holding him tightly, "We did it!" she repeated, hoping to finally process what was happening.

"You were fucking amazing Prewett!" James exclaimed into her hair, "They had no chance!"

Camilla pulled away from their hug as James put her down and her feet touched back down on the floor.

Their faces were inches apart and the pair of them just looked at each-other ridiculously, too overcome with pure joy to know how to function.

They were forced out of the moment as the rest of the team came barreling over, shoving into them and embracing in a big hug.

Camilla squeezed Marlene so tightly Marlene thought she may have cracked a rib.

"we've won Cam!" she shouted ecstatically, shaking Camilla by the shoulders who just grinned like an idiot back at her.

From the moment Camilla collected the trophy alongside James, from the minute they walked off the pitch and to the moment they were back in the common room celebrating their house victory; a beaming grin had been etched onto her face.

She still wasn't sure if she was dreaming or not.

Things this good could only happen in a dream.

But no, she wasn't dreaming... she'd done it.

They'd done it!

Her and James had led their team to victory!


Published 2 as there will be no update tmw as i'm away for the weekend xxxxx

p.s. accident posted this chapter before the previous one so make sure you reader chapter 54 xx
