
Camilla's eyes fluttered open as the light streamed in through the windows of the hospital wing.

It had taken her a few moments to realise what had happened.

What had happened to the match?!

Camilla bolted up and a jolt of searing pain shot across her midriff.

She had definitely broken a couple of bones. Her theory was proved correct by the potion on the side of her bed, skelegrow.

It was lily whom was looking at her with relief from beside her bed.

"Camilla!" she said in relief, throwing her body over Camilla's and hugging her tight, "I'm so glad you're awake!"

Camilla winced in pain and Lily pulled away sheepishly, with a small sorry.

"Lily, what happened with to the match?" Camilla asked quickly, after waving off Lily's worry about her health.

Lily's face dropped.

"Cam, no one think's it's your fault" She said softly

They'd lost.

It was the first match they had actually lost whilst James and Camilla had been in charge.

"The Ravenclaw caught the snitch whilst McLaggen was distracted by watching you fall" She explained

Camilla closed her eyes in frustration. It was most definitely her fault. She shouldn't have let the chanting get her attention. She was captain and she would take responsibility for it.

"James is absolutely furious of course" Lily said with a shake of her head, "I've never seen him fly so quickly when you started falling. He managed to catch you right before you hit the ground" Lily looked to the floor  and her face dropped at the thought of Camilla hitting the ground. "He's been here all day. Madam pomfrey has only just kicked him out to go and shower and change out of his quidditch robes"

Camilla sighed. She felt awfully guilty.

"But don't worry about it" Lily said, noticing the guilt painted across her best friends face, "James is trying to get them banned at all Gryffindor matches. He was so angry. I've never seen him like that before" Lily said with eyes wide, "he was even shouting at the professors to do something about it all"

Camilla smiled slightly to herself. She was glad she had people such as James and Lily who stuck by her side and had her back in every situation. She had no idea how she managed to get so lucky.

"Mr Potter!" the shrill voice of madam pomfrey rang from the far side of the hospital wing, "What have I said about one person at a time" she warned

"I'm just checking to see if she is awake now" James replied, his voice getting closer

"Mr Potter! I am very much aware that you care so greatly about Miss Prewett but she will not be awake like the many other hundreds of times you have checked!"

Just as Camilla was about to call out to the school nurse to announce that she was in fact awake, James Potters head popped around the privacy curtain.

His face, which seemed distraught, instantly sagged in relief as he saw her awake.

James, similar to Lily, pulled her into a bone crushing hug and Camilla winced from the pain one more, wheezing to catch her breath.

"ow" was all camilla could get out and James realeased her quickly

Madams pomfreys head popped around the curtain along after James.

"Ah, Miss Prewett , glad you're awake. You've had a pretty heavy knock there. Three broken ribs! How are you feeling dear?"

And Camilla felt it. The pain was still almost unbearable but she smiled tightly.

"I'm fine" she replied weakly

Lily, James and Madam pomfrey all looked at her with unsure faces.

"With three broken ribs dear, forgive me for saying you are not fine" The nurse smiled gently, "But i'm glad you're awake. I would like to keep you here for the rest of the evening and then will prescribe you with a couple of days rest in bed. I presume that Mr Potter will ensures that this takes place. Strictly no quidditch!"

James nodded gravely, taking his role seriously.

Camilla opened her mouth to argue but the stern look which the nurse gave her made her shut her mouth instantly.

"now" the nurse said turning to James and Lily, "what have I said about one visitor at a time"

Lily sighed and turned to Camilla, "I'll go and tell the others you're awake. See you later cam"

Lily had left the hospital wing and left Camilla and James alone.

James took a seat on a wooden stool beside her bed and reached over to push a stand of hair behind her ear.

"How are you feeling?" He asked gently, scanning her face carefully, as if double checking she was fine

"A bit sore but okay" she replied, "I just feel guilty. The team worked so hard and we was in the lead and-"

"Don't you dare say it was your fault cam" James said firmly, his eyes darkening with anger. "None of it was your fault. It was those fucking Slytherins. They're a nasty lot and what they have coming for them they deserve"

Camilla reached out and took his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Don't retaliate James" she said gently, "I shouldn't have looked over. Rule number one, never take your eyes off the bludgers"

James shook his head, unable to agree.

"I'm speaking to professor McGonagall about getting them banned from matches. It's ridiculous and so dangerous. You could have-"

James voice had gotten caught in his throat and he was unable to carry on to what he was going to say.

"But i'm alright" Camilla smiled at him, "I'm fine"

James smiled back at her tentatively, still trying to fight off his terror which had been ranging in his body for the last few hours.

"Don't worry about the match Cam" he repeated, "You're so much more important than the match"

Madam pomfrey had discharged Camilla from the wing and James had helped her hobble all the way back to the door.

Camilla was glad to slide into her own warm bed away from the busyness of the hospital wing. She had asked James to stay with her. She hadn't wanted to be alone.

James was secretly glad. He hadn't wanted to leave her.

James Potter was never the kind of person who was scared easily. But watching Camilla slowly drop off her broom and plummet to the ground was one of the scariest moments in his life.

Merlin he didn't know what he would have done if he didn't make it there on time.

The thought made him stick to his stomach.

James gathered her in his arms, carefully to not hurt her, and breathed in her scent. Camilla was alive and well and going to get better. She was in his arms and safe; and that was all that mattered to James.

"I bet the scouts weren't very impressed" Camilla said with amusement in her tone

"Fuck the scouts" James replied, "I'm just glad you're okay"

Camilla muttered a mhm, in exhaustion and nestled into James chest.

James placed a kiss to her forehead and the pair of them fell off into a deep sleep.
