
Camilla had never imagined that the head girl and boy dorms would be so luxurious, well.. compared to their previous dorms.

Opening the heavy wooden door there was a small corridor with three doors on each side of the wall. Upon them plaques that read, Head girl and Head boy.  The third door led to a shared bathroom

Towards the end of the short corridor, it led into a cosy common room area with a small circular wooden table with two chairs. Towards the centre of the room was a cushy worn sofa and a grand arm chair which faced the open fire, in-front of it, a small rectangle coffee table with a couple of homey candles on top. A great window provided a beautiful view of the Hogwarts grounds and of the quidditch pitch which Camilla was particularly happy about.

She definitely would not be spying on the other houses training sessions, that would an abuse of her head girl responsibility...

Who was she kidding? She was definitely going to do that.

On the wall to the left of the fire, a tapestry recalling all of the previous head boys and girls hug and she saw her name written into the fabric alongside James' name at the bottom.

"Not bad aye Prewett?" James said wondering over to meet her in-front of the windowsill which Camilla was perched on, admiring the view.

"Not bad at all Potter" Camilla nodded, a satisfied smile on her face. 

Her bedroom similarly did not disappoint. A double bed sat in the middle of the room, a luxury to the single one she had in her previous dorm, and a wooden desk met the wall opposite. Once again it had a large window, this time, overlooking the courtyard.

Her trunk had been placed at the bottom of her bed and her broom was propped up against the wall.

"Why do you get the bigger room?" James huffed, leaning against the door frame, looking around Camilla's dorm

"Must know I'm the better one in this partnership" she said smirking, shrugging her shoulders.

James rolled his eyes and entered, flopping down on her bed.

Camilla raised her eyebrow at him as James shuffled to become comfy ontop of the mattress, his arms behind his head.

"I could get used to this" he said lazily with a grin

"Well, unfortunately" Camilla replied, "Your room is across the hall, so scram Potter"

James just seemed amused and Camilla had to force her eyes away from how his t-shirt strained against his biceps.

"I think I might claim this room as my own. You can have mine if you'd like" he said, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes

Camilla tutted and whipped the pillow out from his head and hit him across his head with it, "get out of my bed you idiot"

She laughed as James looked shocked from the impact, his glasses wonky on his nose.

"My face!" he gasped, "Not my beautiful face!"

Camilla laughed and dragged him up, pushing him out of the room.

"Relax, it's only a pillow. Go and unpack, we need to organise quidditch try-outs this evening" she said as James stood in the corridor looking in. He was about to reply when Camilla shut the door in his face with sweet smile.

James laughed to himself, looking at the door which was in the position Camilla had been seconds before and shook his head in amusement.

This was definitely going to be fun.

Camilla had unpacked all of her belongings into the wooden wardrobe and chest of draws in her room and changed into more some comfortable clothes and waited for James to join her on the sofa.

A new year meant a new quidditch team and new faces.

Frank Longbottom had graduated leaving a spot for keeper open and the rest of the positions were once again up for grabs.

James had joined her and brought his notebook with him along with some parchment, a quill and a large book.

"I think we should do trial's as early as possible" he said, getting to down to business.

When it came down to quidditch, both James and Camilla turned serious. It was far too important to not take it all serious.

They were almost business-like.

"I agree" Camilla nodded, "I can managed tomorrow evening after classes?" she suggested as James wrote out the notice to put up in Gryffindor common room

"Sounds good to me. I doubt anyone will have booked the pitch that early but I will double check with hooch to make sure" he said, finishing his notice, signing it with their names.

As the reigning quidditch champions they had to make sure their team was as strong as the previous year. They had to defend their title.

One their notice was finished and James had put the notebook away he pulled out a thick book and placed it on Camilla's lap.

"I got this for Christmas" James said as Camilla studied the front cover.

Puddlemere United entire collection of tactics and formations

"Theres some really great plays inside" James said as Camilla flicked through the pages, "I thought we could use it for some inspiration this year. Especially in the Ravenclaw match. They're always really good with tactics. I thought we could share it and have look through together, maybe circle some things we like the sound of" he shrugged

Camilla moved her eyes from the book to look at James with a soft smile.

"yeah, that's a really good idea Potter, thank you"

James waved her off, "Don't worry about it Prewett. Fancy having a look in it this evening? We could test people at tryouts on how well they manage some of things in here"

"sounds like a plan"

Camilla had shuffled closer so James could read as well and their shoulders brushed closely, Camilla's hand holding the right side, James holding the left.

Into the night they read silently, merely content with each others presence and the entrainment of the book. At some point Camilla had rested her head on James shoulder as they read, feeling her sleepiness over come her body.

James looked to smile down at her in amusement, only to find her sleeping quietly on his shoulder.

He took this time to just study her face.

He never noticed she had small freckles littered across her nose. Maybe she covered them up.

James liked them a lot.

Deciding that it must be a very uncomfortable position to be asleep, her head at a 90° angle, James slowly moved out from under her and stood up, hooking his arm under her knees and wrapping his arm around her back to gently pick her up, worried of waking her.

James carried her gently down the corridor and placed her into her bed, pulling up the duvet to her chin.

After drawing her curtains he made his way to the door and chuckled quietly. She seemed so harmless and sweet whilst sleeping. She would probably kill him for helping her if she was awake.

James was careful to shut the door behind him as quietly as possible.
