
Training was excruciating. Everyday for the past week Camila and James had called the team up for both a morning and evening practise. Even if the pitch was booked up they would wait until stupid hours to have a free pitch.

The team knew better than to complain about it all.

Both James and Camilla were being equally unforgiving and cruel.

James had always been the more authoritative one when it came to day to day training, often calling the team out if it wasn't their best practise or telling them that they could have done better. Camilla often took the back seat, silently agreeing but not wanting to particularly be the bad cop. She balanced James out and it made practice enjoyable for the most part.

It was obvious that they worked together well.

They complimented each-other.

However, at the minute the Gryffindor team was less than fortunate. Camilla had turned on her perfectionist mode and she was arguably worse than James at the minute.

The team didn't really mind that much. It was revenge that drove them. The Slytherin team had made a fool of them last year and their determination was at an all time high.

The anticipation of the match had seemed to flow from the quidditch pitch and into the hallways of the castle. James and Sirius had nearly found themselves in a number for tussles with numerous Slytherin players within the castle and James had to keep reminding himself that he had responsibilities now. He couldn't just simply hex them anymore.

Camilla couldn't help but be excited for the match.

Although James was confident in their team, camilla had seemed adamant that they would be fine. He didn't quite know how she was so sure of the fact.

'they're going to be a mess', she would say

'trust me potter, it's going to be a piece of cake', she would say

James quite frankly had no idea what she was going on about, but he sincerely hoped she was right.

His anxiousness about Steve Laughalot had seemed to decrease as he hadn't seen camilla with him for quite some time.

It made him feel quite a bit better about the whole thing.

The pair of them had been spending quiet a lot of time together, planning practices and discussing their plans for the match. Consequently, they had grown close and Camilla considered James Potter as one of her closest friends. But no body could torture that information out of her.

James similarly saw Camilla as one of his closest friends.

He enjoyed her conversation and the laughter they shared together. Sure, they still had moments of heated discussion and butted heads on certain quidditch aspects, but their anger with each other never last more than an hour or so. However, it did take Camilla around an hour longer to come around than James.

James had always considered himself a stubborn person but in the past year had discovered that he was hardly stubborn compared to Camilla Prewett.

The girl would argue with a wall.

It was always James who seemed to cave first and end up going along with Camilla's ideas.

He didn't mind, she was usually right.

But if James was ever forced to admit to Camilla that he thought she was right, he'd probably combust.

"Get down from there before you hurt yourself, Prewett!" James called up from the pitch to Camilla who had flown up to the quidditch posts and sat in the ring, looking out to the Hogwarts grounds

"Oh don't be wound so tight Potter, It's fine. Come on! look at the view!"

"You're going to fall" James warned, his arms crossed over his chest watching her smile down at him

"Since when did the James Potter get so boring?" Camilla asked with small tilt of her head, a smirk on her lips, "come join me!"

James rolled his eyes and flew up.

"Are you happy now Prewett?" he asked, getting off his broom and taking a seat beside her on the inner underside of the circular post.

"Quite" she nodded in confirmation

James looked down below him, it was a big fall.

"Don't look down, look up" Camilla said, lifting his chin with her finger looking to the beautiful views of the castle and the grounds.

James was slightly mesmerised, it was one hell of a view.

"It's better in the morning" camilla said, "when the sun comes up and peeks over the mountains, it paints the sky orange"

"It's pretty beautiful now" James said, watching the Black Lake shimmer, reflecting the evening lowering sun and watching the moon start to appear slowly.

"yeah, it is" camilla nodded in agreement

The pair of them sat in silence comfortably and James was taken by surprise as Camilla rested her head on his shoulder. Her eyes remained trained on the disappearing sun and she seemed content just being sat in silence, her head resting on him. It made James feel all warm inside and an overwhelming feeling of protectiveness came over him.

They didn't have to speak to enjoy spending time together and that was why James valued her so much.

James Potter was chaotic. He was always doing something and always on the go.

It was a nice feeling to find someone he was content to do absolutely nothing with.

Camilla made him feel like his whirl wind of a life had just slowed down, just a little bit.

Sort of like he could hear clearly and breathe properly.

He knew it was stupid and he would probably die if Camilla ever knew he felt that way but he was glad he had found a friend like that.

Camilla's hair blew in the gentle cold wind and it tickled James' cheek slightly but he didn't want her to move.

"hey James" she said quietly making James look down to her.

Her head was still resting on his shoulder as she looked up to him.


"Im glad professor McGonagall made us co-captains" she said with a meek smile

James smiled sincerely back at her.

"Me too cam"
