
Late into the night Camilla and James still sat in the common room, sheets of parchment scattered all over the floor and small table. They sat beside each-other, unhappily, trying to persuade the other of their choices of teammates.

While the others had seen enough a long time ago, and headed off to their dorms and their warms beds; James and camilla still bickered well into the night. Sirius had been the longest to say with them, using it as an opportunity to work his magic on Camilla.

"Come on Cam, one date" he said from his place next to James who scribbled some names down

"Sirius, I don't understand how you've not caught on yet. I wouldn't even touch you with a bloody barge pole. Do -you- understand-me?" she said slowly like Sirius had a mental deficiency and struggled to understand

"I love it when you play hard to get" He teased making James bark a laugh looking up and between the pair of them

"You make me feel nauseous, you know that. It's like a talent of yours. Every-time I am in your presence I suddenly feel terribly unwell" Camilla said seriously, giving him a deadpan look

Sirius only laughed and continued teasing her until he also had eventually got bored and made his way upstairs, heading for his bed.

So far James and camilla had decided on the one remaining chaser, the two beaters and the keeper but could not, for the life of them, agree on the position of the Seeker.

Camilla had suggested McLaggen, she didn't particularly like the boy but she knew he could do it. He was a fairly decent seeker, or at least had been last year. James preferred pick was Matthew Brown. He had never been picked before but did show some promise at tryouts.

"Potter" Camilla said frustratedly, "We know McLaggen can do it! We won't have to change tactics, stick to what we know! He may be a git but you've got to admit, he's good enough"

"If we stick to what we know then we're never going to win the cup!" James snapped back, "That's the whole point, we need to try something new. Don't you think that its a good idea to choose people we see potential in?" he asked irritated

"Why choose people we think could be good when we already have one whom is perfectly capable. Why take risks when we don't have to?!"

Truth be told James had been convinced on McLaggen quite a while ago by Camilla, but he was having too much of a enjoyable time winding her up.

He thought it was awfully funny to see her eyebrows shoot up in pure horror when he made a suggestion, or her ears turn red with anger as he cut her off or shut down her ideas immediately.

James could see why Sirius enjoyed tormenting Camilla so much. It was almost as fun as tormenting Lily.

He wondered why he had never done it before.

He and Camilla had been acquainted with each-other since their first year. Even before then their families had been friendly. They were the same kind of Wizarding family. Purebloods but missing the typical pureblood mania in which others, such as the Black's or Malfoy's possessed.

Since their second year they had been somewhat friends, friends was a loose term. They were teammates and classmates. If they didn't have some mutual connections, such as Lily, Sirius and Remus, they probably would not have spoken outside quidditch practise. James' mother Euphemia, had been friends with camilla's mother, Doris, during their times in Hogwarts and always spoke very fondly of each other.

Camilla knew of this fact, but she couldn't quite say she felt the same about James at this current period of time.

Camilla looked to James as if he had grown two heads, "You think putting Sirius as Seeker could be an option?"

James shrugged with a smirk, he had zero intention of doing so, knowing full well Sirius would be a terrible Seeker. He just said it for a reaction, and he got one.

"Sirius can't see when someone's not interested him, when its quite literally being spelt out and spoken straight to his face. And you think he would be able to spot the snitch from five hundred yards away whilst people are flying around him on brooms and bludgers are being smacked at him?"

Camilla gazed at James in absolute disbelief in what she was hearing.

James tried to fight the smirk off his face but failed miserably.

Camilla scoffed and rolled her eyes, only just realising that James had been winding her up for the past hour.

"You're such a twat you know that" she said tossing her quill down onto the small Woden table in-front of them, leaving a small blob of ink onto their parchment and standing up to leave, "This may be a joke to you Potter but it's not to me. I take this seriously"

James sighed, "Prewett wait! Im only pulling your leg" he said grabbing her arm softly to stop her leaving "I agree with you on McLaggen" he admitted making Camilla sighed and turn around again

"Thank you, can we settle on this team then?" She asked, gesturing to the parchment scattered all over the table

James nodded in confirmation

"Finally, I can go to bed" camilla smiled to herself, imagining the comfort she was about to feel as she slipped into her soft bed

"Bed?" James asked like he had never heard of either a bed or sleep, 'We haven't even started deciding on the reserve team. We promised it would be out on the notice board tomorrow"

Camilla ran a hand down her face and groaned.

James was right... for once.

Defeated she flopped down back onto the sofa, her head resting on the arm her legs up and her feet resting on James' knees.

James looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "Comfy there Prewett?"

"Yes actually Potter, how very nice of you to ask" She quipped back sarcastically

"Must be nice for some"

James spoke to camilla about his ideas for the reserve team and he watched her nodded or shake her head every so often in response to his ideas, her eyes closed with fatigue.

He got Sirius.

Well, he got Sirius in many ways, they were practically brothers. But he got why he was infatuated with Camilla.

Her blonde hair fanned over the arm of the sofa and in the soft firelight it had sort of a reddish tint which you wouldn't normally notice if you didn't took too closely. It made sense, she was a Prewett after all. Her nose and cheeks were slightly pink as if she was too hot in the common room. James assumed it was the case, she had rolled up the sleeves of her school shirt to her elbows and had loosened her tie in the exact same way he himself did so, and at some point during the school day, she had neglected her tights and replaced then with some plain white ankle socks on her feet which now took up residence resting on James' knees.

"I can feel you looking at me Potter" She muttered out from red lips, not opening her eyes, "Creep"

James laughed, "Just admiring your moustache Prewett. It's currently glistening beautifully in the firelight" he teased, once again just trying to get some kind of a reaction, knowing full well she did not have a moustache.

Camilla opened one eye and scowled, kicking him a slightly at the side of his thigh upon the sofa earning herself an ow from James ,"You think you're so smart and funny don't you"


"Just shut up and get on with this so we can both go to sleep. And, for your information, I don't have a moustache"

"Whatever you say Prewett"



Anyone else bf swear you've got a moustache. It's not a moustache it's fluff.
