
Camilla had managed to get herself a little job in the muggle village working in a small cafe. It was often fairly quiet and the customers frequently consisted of regulars of which lived in the village. She had managed to learn what the hell a Cappuccino and a Latte was and didn't mind working there. The only thing was that it was a good thirty minutes walk and it wasn't like she could just fly there on her broom.

Arthur had suggested a muggle bicycle and she had spent some of her off days attempting to learn how to ride a bike. She wondered why the wizarding world didn't have the equivalent of a bike but then she supposed that was what a broom supposedly did.

Camilla had invited Lily over to stay for a couple of days. It was sort of a tradition now for the two girls to say at each others houses during the summer holidays and they took it in turns. Last year Camilla had stayed at Lily's house in the muggle world for a couple of days of which Lilys sister, petunia, hated greatly, though lily seemed to ignore her completely. Camilla felt for lily. She couldn't imagine not having a good relationship with Molly. From what Lily had told her, it sounded as if Petunia hadn't been very accepting of Lily being a witch.

Camilla supposed the hatred for the other kind worked both ways.

Lily much preferred when it was her time to stay at Camilla's house. It was nice to be surrounded by magic again and to have someone to talk to until they fell asleep. When she was younger, that person used to be Petunia of whom she shared a room with, but since starting Hogwarts, had been replaced with Camilla, Marlene, Mary and Alice.

Although she loved petunia to the moon and back, as sisters do, and longed for their relationship to fall back into what it once was; lily saw Camilla far more of a sister than she did Petunia.

With Camilla's siblings being all grown up and moved out, her summers could get fairly lonely and was always glad to have the company of Lily.

Their days consisted of sunbathing at the beach or going for cliff top walks or helping Gavin weed his vegetable patch.

It was a slow and sunny life and neither girl wished it to be any other way.

The pair of them laid on their beach towels a-top of the golden sand and felt the sun rays beam down on their skin. Camilla could have dropped off to sleep listening to the soft lapping of the waved on the sand.

Lily pulled out a butterbeer from their shared beach bag and tossed it Camilla before cracking open one for herself.

"This place is heaven. I don't know how you ever bring yourself to go back to Hogwarts every year" Lily sighed, resting on her elbows, enjoying the view, "Going back to school is always sort of a relief for myself"

"Oh trust me, I only go for the quidditch" Camila said seriously making Lily laugh at her

"You and your quidditch" Lily smiled from behind her sunglasses, "Do you ever think about anything else?'

Camilla considered this for a moment.

Sometimes she thought about her school grades and sometimes she thought of her nephews and her family.

But most of the time, she was thinking about Quidditch.

Although recently, someone else had taken up quite a fair bit of thinking room.

"Nope, only quidditch up here" she said teasingly, tapping her head jokingly

"I dread to think of what may ensue if Potter is the one to get the captaincy" Lily faked shivered with a laugh

"Oh trust me Lily, there will probably be a murder" Camilla replied, "How do you feel about the prospect of head girl?"

Lily shrugged, "I don't know honestly. I mean... I thought I wanted it but I think for my seventh year I don't want any distractions away from my studies. I need to do well in my NEWT's to be a healer. If I was given it, I would take It, but I'm not particularly fussed about it"

Camilla thought that was fair.

Seventh year was going to be busy but luckily she wasn't too fussed about her grades.

Her dream was to play for the Ballycastle Bats.

She didn't need a 'Outstanding' in potions for that, thank goodness.

With the thoughts of Quidditch captaincy and James Potter on her mind, she turned to lily, unable to keep her secret from her best friend any longer.

"we almost kissed y'know"


"Me and Potter almost kissed"

Lily shot up and whipped her sunglasses off to look at Camilla better, checking her face for any sign that Camilla may just be pulling her leg.

"You did what?!"

"I did nothing" Camilla clarified, "It's what we almost did"

Lily stared at her with her mouth hanging slightly open.

Camilla thought she looked slightly silly doing so and laughed.

"When did that happen?!" she asked in disbelief

"That night we celebrated our exams" camilla explained, "We were in the lake and he had his arms around me and our faces were so close and we was about to kiss but then Potter pulled away because it was the full moon and he just ran off"

Lily took a few minutes to process what Camilla had just told her, bypassing the fact she had said they were in the lake.

"He ran off?" she asked curiously

Camilla nodded, "yeah. Told me he had something important to do. I think he's helping Remus with...y'know..."

The girls had dropped their voices down to a whisper even though there was no one there to hear them.

Lily nodded in understanding, thinking hard.

"At least it wasn't because he didn't want to kiss you" Lily reasoned

"see, I'm not sure" Camilla replied, "we've been acting like it didn't happen and he's not mentioned it"

"Did you want to kiss him?" Lily asked seriously, looking at Camilla intensely

Camilla considered this.

At the time she did, but if the opportunity presented itself in the present, she wasn't too sure.

"I did want to" she admitted, "But I think it was a freak one time thing"

Lily raised a perfectly pruned eyebrow at her, unconvinced, "If you say so Cam"
