
At team training the next day Camilla had been in a horrible mood.

She had headed down to the pitch earlier in order to have some time to herself before the rest of the team showed up. Seeing James similarly down there wasn't unusual, but seeing Rachel also there was something she had not expected.

It had made her feel irritable and when Camilla felt any sort of emotion whatsoever, she could never hold it within herself and would make herself burn it off by flying. She had worked the team incredibly hard and even James was shocked about how hard she had pushed them.

"I want twenty laps to start" she said firmly, mounting her own broom and taking off into the sky.

Marlene and James glanced to each other in confusion.

"what the hell is wrong with her?" James asked watching Camilla almost complete her first lap as the rest of the team had only just started to ascend into the air.

"She was fine this morning" Marlene said with a shrug, mounting her own broom,  "Though I have a couple of ideas about what's bothered her"

Marlene glanced to Rachel and back to James momentarily and then back to Camilla.

James didn't seem to understand and Marlene just wanted to bang their heads together.

Whilst at the end of training Camilla felt perfectly fine, the rest of the team hobbled up towards the castle, their muscles achingly horribly and quite out of breath.

Camilla had basically thrown all the equipment into the cupboard frustratedly, leaving James to tidy it all up, and settled down in the common room with Sirius.

"Fucking hell Cam" he sighed and winced as his body ached to move, "You didn't have to push us that far. The Ravenclaw match isn't for ages"

"Oh stop wining Sirius. It'll do you good to get some proper exercise" she joked from the side of him on the sofa.

Sirius arched an eyebrow at her, "Some proper exercise?" he questioned, "does this body look like the kind of body that doesn't have proper exercise?" he asked, gesturing to himself smugly.

Camilla opened her mouth to reply and Sirius held his hand up to stop her.

"Y'Know what, don't answer that"

As the pair of them laughed together James had walked through the portrait door, complete with sorting out all the quidditch equipment, to find Sirius and Camilla looking extremely cosy.

Sirius and Camilla were some of the people James cared the most for, whether he admitted it or not, but yet he couldn't find it in himself to wish that they'd be good for each other. For a moment, all James could see was the image of the pair of them; wrapped in each others arms, lips connecting warmly and passionately in the middle of the common room that night after their first quidditch win.

Before he knew it he was stood in-front of them as Sirius and Camilla stopped laughing together and looked up at him.

"Alright mate?" Sirius asked breezily, unaware to James tension which was creeping up his neck

"Padfoot, a word?"

Camilla had no idea what James had wanted to talk to Sirius about and so was left to ponder it while James dragged Sirius off and into their dorm.

"What's up prongs?" Sirius asked, flopping down onto Peter's bed casually

"Are you and Prewett a thing?" James asked bluntly, still standing up and looking down at Sirius with his arms crossed

Sirius pulled a face at him and rolled his eyes. "A thing? If you mean if we're friends... then yes, were friends James" he replied

James shrugged, "I mean you both looked pretty cosy is all"

"We're just friends James" Sirius said with a slight smirk, knowing full well where this was all coming from, "The same way you and Cam are"

That irritated James.

Sirius and camilla wasn't the same as Camilla and himself.

James had known of Camilla since he was born for merlins sake. They'd been on the same team since they were twelves. Their mothers were best friends in school!

Could Sirius really say that he was better friends with her than James was?

He personally didn't think so.

"well, I wouldn't say your and cam's relationship is the same as mine and hers" James reasoned off handedly

"And why's that?" Sirius asked hopefully, praying to the gods above that James would come to his senses.

"Dunno, it's just not"

Sirius blinked a couple of times as if he couldn't believe this conversation was actually happening.

"Whatever mate" he said shaking his head in dismay, "If It really bothers you, go and speak to her. She's alone in the common room right now"

Camilla had been slightly surprised when James had taken a seat beside her on the sofa.

"Hi" she said, continuing to watch the fire flicker infront of them

"Hi" James replied, similarly looking to the fireplace

"It feels like I haven't see you properly in ages" Camila said after a few moments of silence, "well, I've seen you all morning...but... you know what I mean"

James nodded, he knew exactly what she meant.

It was followed by another silence.

"How's Rachel?" She asked, returning her eyesight to anything else other than James

"Dunno" James replied, "told her it wasn't going to work out on the way back up to the pitch"

Camilla's eyes snapped to James'.

"Really? How come?"

"We didn't have a that greater time together"

"Oh, I'm sorry James" She smiled sympathetically, reaching out to her put her hand on his and giving it comforting squeeze 

"Don't be sorry!" James said, feeling the warmth of her hand on his and seeing the warmth in Camilla's deep brown eyes, "It's more of a relief really"

"how come?"

"She kept talking about the Hobgoblins" James said with disgust

"Ahh" Camilla said in understanding, "the fatal flaw. You hate their music, don't you?"

"They're a right group of ponces" James nodded and looked to camilla and the pair of them couldn't help but laugh.

Feeling her tiredness from the gruelling quidditch session overcoming her, Camilla kicked her legs up onto the sofa and rested her head on James lap. Watching the flames flicker in the fireplace she felt James run his fingers through her hair absentmindedly. Camilla knew that James didn't even know he was doing it, but it felt too nice and she wasn't going to stop him.

But she was unable to keep a puzzled expression off her face.

"What is it?" He asked in amusement, almost a whisper

"Nothing" Camilla whispered back.

She was far too busy being puzzled by the fact that James smelt exactly the same as the citrus scent in the quidditch showers.

Exactly the same as she had smelt in the amortentia.


Sorry for no update yesterday. Work has well and truly fucked me xx

Thank you for 30k !!!!!!!
