
So far camilla had made excellent progress in Potions. Her extra study sessions with lily had seemed to be paying off. On the last potion assignment she had managed to get a high E which she was pretty proud of. Though her happiness had fallen flat when Steve had asked her if they wanted to go on their date the next day.

Currently Camilla was getting ready in her dorm. It was cold outside and a layer of snow still covered the floor. She wanted to dress warm whilst simultaneously looking nice. She wasn't too fussed, it was only Steve Laughalot. He wasn't particularly a looker himself. She put on her new red corduroy skirt, in which her parents had gotten her for Christmas, and paired it with some tights and a cream soft jumper. She put in the dangly silver earrings Mary had gotten her for Christmas and slipped her coat over her shoulders. Camilla hadn't decided to do much makeup or much with her hair and stuck to gently waving it, leaving it down to fall over her shoulders. She'd decided that Steve wasn't worth it. She picked up her hat and considered wearing it. Her ears would be cold if not.

James was right, it was a terrible hat.

She thought against the idea and left it on her bed.

The rest of the girls had already gone down to the carriages and into Hogsmeade but Lily had remained and walked Camilla to the front doors of the castle. She was off to meet with Remus for the afternoon. The marauders had been banned from going to Hogsmede some time ago and Lily had claimed it far too cold to venture outside.

"have fun Cam" she smiled giving Camilla's hand a squeeze

Camilla sighed, "I will at-least try"

lily laughed and waved her goodbye as camilla ventured out into the courtyard and the snow.

It was a lot colder than she thought it was and wished she put on some more layers. She was just glad her fluffy socks she had put on under her boots were keeping her feet warm. Towards the gates of the castle she heard some familiar laughter.

James and Sirius were in-front of her, throwing snow balls at each other violently.

Camilla walked hurriedly over and braced herself for the likely chance of being hit by a snowball. She was lucky as both boys ceased fire.

"Potter, just the person I was looking for" she said

James looked over her carefully. Camilla was wearing a nice red skirt and wasn't wearing her orange hat. She always wore her hat. She hated the cold.

Camilla must have been on her way to her date.

If James was forced to admit it, he would say she looked pretty.

"are you off on your date then Cam?" Sirius asked, seemingly also noticing her cleaned up appearance

She nodded in confirmation and James wasn't able to tell what she felt about it all.

"James, can I borrow your quidditch notebook?" she asked hopefully, "It'll only be for a few hours and I'll get it back to you safe and sound"

James considered it for a mew moments. He had no idea why Camilla would want to take his notebook full of their quidditch plans with her on her date with the Slytherin quidditch captain, but he trusted her.

He gave her a strange look, "Sure, but what for?"

"secret" she whispered with a small mischievous smile

James and Sirius looked to each other in confusion and James just shrugged and handed it over.

"Thank you so much Potter, I owe you" she said happily, slipping it into her coat pocket

"No worries Prewett" he said with a smile, "where's your hat?" he teased, pointing to her bare head.

Camilla smiled sheepishly, "I didn't think Steve would like it" she admitted

"That's for the best" Sirius laughed , "That thing is bloody awful"

"Oi!" camilla exclaimed, shooting the boy a glare

James thought that was strange. Although he poked fun at her hat every single time she wore it, he always thought it was quite charming. He couldn't understand why it would put Steve off. He remembered when Camilla wore it when they went to Hogsmede. He didn't think it looked bad.

"Anyway, I better be off" Camilla said turning around with a wave, "Steve is waiting for me, see you boys in the common room later!"

James and Sirius waved goodbye and watched her walk away.

"Hey Prewett!" James called after her

Camilla turned around to face him expectedly, letting the snow fall in her hair.

James' words were suddenly caught in his throat and he was unable to say what he was about to come out with.

"Just... have fun on your date"

Camilla tilted her head and smiled in amusement at him, "Thanks Potter"

She waved and walked away once again, out of sight beyond the castle walls.

Sirius eyed James with amusement, "What in merlins name was that?"

"what was what?" James asked stuffing his hands into his jeans pockets

"Have fun on your date!" Sirius mocked with a laugh

"Shut up" James scoffed, nudging him slightly, "What's wrong with that?"

Sirius shook his head, unable to believe James and camilla couldn't see it plainly themselves.

"Nothing mate" he sighed with dismay, "nothing at all"

Camilla had stopped to scribble a couple of things down in James' notebook and hurried off to find Steve. They didn't want to miss the carriages. She had finally spotted him waiting nearby one of the last carriages and he kept checking his watch.

camilla approached him quickly and apologised

"I'm so sorry I'm late Steve" she explained, "I bumped into a couple of people on the way over"

Steves face turned from a scowl to a smile and he offered her his arm, "No worries, shall we get a carriage before we both get frozen in our places?"

"yes, please" Camilla laughed, taking his arm and heading to the nearest carriage.

Once in Hogsmeade the pair of then took refuge in the three broom sticks. They sipped their Butterbeer and looked at each-other over their glasses. Camilla was weighing him up.

"So" she smiled, "how's the training for the upcoming match going?"

Steve looked at her suspiciously.

"relax" camilla laughed, "I'm not a spy. I'm not going to use anything against you"

Steve wasn't sure. He didn't think Camilla Prewett was particularly the type of person to try wiggle out information out of him. But still, that didn't mean that he wouldn't keep his cards close to his chest.

"Training is going well, i'm sorry to say that you won't stand a chance" Steve said leaning back on his chair smugly

"We will see about that Laughalot" Camilla laughed, "we've got killer tactics. All done, ready, and planned out. You don't know what's going to hit you" she said, patting her coat pocket which was hung on her chair, with the notebook inside, gesturing that the notebook containing the quidditch plan was in her pocket.

"well, let's hope for your teams sake that it's as good as you say, aye?" Steve replied

"Oh it is"

Camilla rested her head on her hands gazing at him.

"I'm really enjoying myself" she said unexpectedly

"You are?" Steve asked, himself slightly shocked

"yeah" Camilla nodded, "You're not at all what you've made yourself out to be"

"I hope that's a good thing" Steve smiled

"It is" Camilla answered sweetly.

"Im glad. I'm enjoying myself too"

Camilla smiled in appreciation before standing up out of her seat, "Excuse me, I'm just popping to the bathroom"

"No worries" Steve smiled, watching her get up and leave out of sight.

Checking camilla was well and truly gone, his eyes fell onto camilla's coat pocket.

Whilst Camilla walked away and headed towards the toilets a smug smile played on her lips.

The rest of Camilla and Steves date had been uneventful. They went inside spitwitches quidditch supplies, honeydukes and zonkos. Neither of them had bought anything and they had cut their time short, taking a carriage back to the castle.

"thank you for such a nice time today Steve" Camilla said with a sweet smile which she forced onto her face, thumbing the notebook in her pocket," I really enjoyed myself"

Steve similarly pasted a smile on his face. It was unnatural and it always creeped Camilla out to see him smile. He was far too serious and angry all the time. It didn't suit it like it did someone like James Potter.

"Me too" Steve replied

'No hard feelings when we absolutely crush you during the match?" Camilla asked teasingly

"Oh Prewett, I can practically guarantee you, that will not happen" Steve said confidently, a sneer on his face

"We will have to wait and see"

Camilla knew her plan had worked.

Entering into the common room she found James, Sirius, Remus, Peter and Lily. She flopped down in-between them with a pleased smile.

"It seemed your date went well" Lily said, raising an eyebrow

"It was amazing" camilla beamed

The other gryffindors could hardy believe what they were hearing. Surely they had heard wrong.

"You had an 'amazing' time?" James asked appalled, "but... how?"

He couldn't believe it.

Cam, Camilla Prewett, had gone out with Steve Laughalot, Slytherin captain...and enjoyed her date!

James had never felt an anger like it.

"Oh Potter!" she said taking his notebook out of her pocket, "here you go. Safe and sound"

James took the notebook out of her cold fingers.

He couldn't have cared less about the notebook in that moment of time.

The only thing he cared about was what the hell had made their date so good?

And why did he not like the way it made him feel.
