
As James had promised, he taken taken the lead and responsibility in sorting out the new beater replacement for Sirius. Luckily, him and Camilla had been smart enough to create a reserve team back at the start of the year but Camilla had been apprehensive about using them.

She didn't know if they were still the best. She hadn't seen them fly in several months and Camilla wanted to give chance to anyone else whom may have improved a chance at the position. Plus, new people who didn't try out at the start of the year may attempt to now.

Camilla just wanted the best. 

She had asked James to open up tryouts to the whole house for the beater position and lots of students had turned up, all wanting their share of the Gryffindor glory when they won the cup.

And they were so very close to winning the cup.

"Alright! Alright!" James called out, "Settle down now!"

The babbling group of students all turned to look at the two captains expectantly.

"Right... Welcome to the Gryffindor Quidditch team tryouts for the beater position. I'm James Potter, and this my assistant is Cam Prewett..." That earned James a couple of chuckles and Camilla slapped his arm lightheartedly, "...be careful she's feisty! Anyways, as you all know there is only one spot open on the team so only one of you will be selected today. We are going to run you all through some fitness tests, and then through some drills before eventually dwindling you down to a group of five. Once we are down to this group of five, we are going to throw you into the deep end, and put each of you into the Gryffindor team training session which will take place in a couple of hours. The person who slots in best for the team will be our new beater"

He turned to Camilla, letting her have the easy part, "Just remember, there's always next year to tryout so just try your best and have some fun" she smiled

As James organised them all into their groups for the drills, Jonathon Rother, the previous reserve beater had approached her. He was a burly fifth year who could hit extremely hard.

Camilla smiled as he approached her, "Everything alright Jonathon?" she asked

"Well, not really" he said.

It wasn't aggressive. Jonathon wasn't a particularly aggressive person in contrast to what you may believe based on his appearance, but his tone was indeed not happy.

"Oh, what's up?" Camilla frowned, slightly concerned

"Well, I was talking to Riley-" Riley was the second reserve beater, "-and we both agree we don't really think this whole thing is fair..."

James had approached them with curiosity.

"... I mean, we got that reserve beater position fair and square at the start of the year and what's the point of having a reserve team when you are just going to re-do try outs. We have waited all year and when you finally need us we're made to try out"

Camilla supposed he was right. It was only fair. But then again, for the benefit of the team, it was smart to try out everyone to find the best. She felt awful.

It was a decision between fairness and the team as a collective, and she struggled with it.

Fortunately, James had swooped in.

He slapped a hand on Jonathon's shoulder in a friendly manner, the way lads would do, to show some manly warmth.

"Look Mate, we understand where you're coming from, it must be pretty frustrating but you've gotta understand we have got to put the team first. We're so close to winning the cup so we've got to get the best of the best. And obviously, Prewett and I are considering you and Riley closely, we know you can do it, you're in our top five already. Don't worry about it mate" he reassured

Jonathon seemed to accept this and thanked them both before joining his group.

He was a nice lad and it wasn't within his natural to cause an issue when it could be avoided.

"Thanks for that" Camilla said gratefully, happy to not have to make a decision to upset anyone

"Its no worries cam" James smiled, "I told you that I'd sort it all"

He squeezed her hand affectionately before flashing her one last grin and jogging off to kick start the trials.

The warm of the sun had started to become more powerful as the year drew closer to the end and Camilla was far too excited. As she inspected the candidates, hitting their bludgers across the pitch, she hovered on her broom feeling the sun beat down on her face.

James' attention had been drawn away from the students trying out and he watched Camilla from a distance with a soft subconscious smile.

She hovered on her broom a way away and she looked so free and careless. She had discarded her jumper and slung it over the back of her broom revealing her small t-shirt underneath and the sun which beat down on her hair made it almost blinding.

James thought she somewhat looked like an angel.

They had managed to dwindle down the large group into the group of five, and had slotted them into their position alongside Rachel, as beater, for the Gryffindor team.

It had been the first time Camilla had seen Rachel since James had informed her that he did not want to carry things on with her and Rachel wore a face like thunder.

It was quite obvious she was indeed not happy with James' decision and every so often Camilla would catch her sending him disgruntled looks whenever he wasn't watching.

James' complete oblivion amused her greatly. He had always been so perception whenever it came to anyone else, specifically his friends. But when it came to James being self-aware, it was something he was horrible at.

He had always been that way.

Practise had come to an end and pair of them would have to pick a beater that evening.

"Fancy taking a bottle of fire whiskey outside by the lake this evening as we decide?" James asked as they began to clean up the store cupboard, "It's nice outside, may as well take advantage of the weather"

"That sounds like heaven"
