
James and Camilla had spent the evening making another of Euphemia's famous recipes for their dinner. Camilla had left it to James this time. She didn't quite fancy having to eat the stale bread, which was currently the only thing in the house, when it inevitably went horrendously wrong.

They had finalised a delicious meal of Shepards pie and had started to wash up the dishes, James washing and Camilla drying, and had were ready to settle down for the evening when something had caught James' eyes out the window.

A swirling burst of light came through the kitchen window and hovered over the kitchen table of shell kitchen. It was a mass of blue and silver wisps and sort of whispered ominously in its place.

A distant voice called out from inside it.

The ministry is falling, they are taking control.

James and Camilla jumped up and snatched their wands off the side of the kitchen counter.

It would only be a matter of time until the ministry was taken over. The minister of magic was on their knees.

The sheer amount of wizards working within the ministry affiliated with Voldemort was far too many then to distinguish or even prove so.

"We need to head to the ministry!" James said in a rush as he pulled on his coat followed by Camilla who pulled her orange hat over her head, "the rest of the order will already be there. Maybe there's still some death eaters there!"

Camilla nodded in agreement and made sure she had her wand in her pocket.

The pair of them held hands and quickly disappeared out of shell cottage kitchen in a blur with a loud crack.

As James had predicted, many members of the order of the Phoenix were already present and they had emerged from the ministry portals to face the war almost playing out before them. The order and the remaining members of the ministry, who had not joined Voldemort and his death eaters, fought as more and more black clouds appeared and formed as death eaters.

Spells were flying every which way and ricocheting off the walls and statues in the entrance to the ministry.

James and Camilla pulled their wands out instantly.

"Be careful Potter" Camilla warned as they started to branch away from each other to get involved within the action.

"Always am Prewett" James grinned, spotting Sirius duelling several death eaters at once at the far side of the hall and running over to assist him.

Camilla had watched him run off but wasn't distracted for long as a spell whizzed past her ear, making her hair blow and a ringing sound through her head.

They were completely outnumbered.

For every witch or wizard on the side of the order, there was atleast four to five death eaters.

Camilla stood near Emmeline Vance who similarly seemed to be fighting several death eaters at once.

The whizzing and blurring of the coloured spells firing towards her, and from her own wand flashed across the reflection of her eyes and another spell narrowly missed her head once again. Camilla swallowed thickly and took a deep breath to regain her composure.

With the help of Emmeline, the two women had managed to fight their way out of the corner they were being backed into and from the side of Camilla's eyes she had spotted James fighting alongside Sirius, Remus and Peter, as he always did.

Camilla always had a knack for finding James Potter in a crowded room.

She ran over to fight beside them.

"there you are!" James exclaimed as he flicked his wand expectedly, firing spell after spell as Camilla joined him at his side, "I couldn't see you anywhere, I was getting worried"

"You shouldn't be looking for me" Camilla panted as another death eater materialised in front of them, "Expulso!... you should be focusing on what you're doing"

"Oh don't be stupid Cam" James shook his head as he similarly fired spell after spell

"This is sweet and all" Sirius called in, "But can we save it for later please!" he exclaimed dodging a spell narrowly

"Sorry!" They called back in synch

Camilla's limbs had stared to ache and she could hear her blood in her ears pulsing as the group of them ran through the corridors to meet up with Alastor Moody and Kingsley Shacklebolt in the previous ministers office. The numbers of death eaters hadn't dwindled and they had quickly come to notice there was not much they could do to help. It was quickly becoming a suicide mission. The order had been instructed to head back to the office where a portkey back to a safe house would be provided.

As their feet pounded against the cold stone tiles on the floor of the ministry halls on the way to the office, Camilla caught the sight of one death eater in particular.

His mask was cracked revealing one half of his face and Camilla recognised him instantly.

It was Antonin Dolohov.

The man who had murdered her brothers.

Killed them in cold blood and left them to bleed out on the cold damp streets.

Their eyes had met and Camilla could feel her own rage bubbling inside her veins as Dolohov simply sneered at her knowingly. It was as if he was teasing her.

He knew exactly where Camilla's mind had gone, and he was proud of it.

Killing the Prewett twins had been one of his personal highlights and he wanted Camilla to know it.

Before Camilla even knew what she was doing, she was running after him, diverting from the rest of the order, and disappeared down the dark endless corridor.

"Camilla!" James had shouted after her as he attempted to run off after her, "Camilla!"

But he had reacted too late and could no longer see either shadow of their bodies down the vast spanning corridor.
